
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [P] Fyre's Coli Challenge
[url=][img alt="Divider (Shoreline Serenity scene)"] [/img][/url] [center]Come one, come all, and feast your eyes upon--[/center] [center][size=6][b]Fyre's Coliseum Challenge[/b][/size][/center] Let me just get this out in the open real quick: I am not a coli person. In fact, I usually do my best to [i]avoid[/i] the coliseum, just because I do not have the time to sit there and grind. BUT, I feel like changing that, so the obvious choice is for me to do the most frustrating coli challenge ever (to me). What is that coli challenge, you may be asking? Well it's mostly the Long Drop Challenge which I believe I've attempted many years ago, but with an additional... let's say sidequest to it. [b]Not only will I be collecting 99 of a chosen item, I will also be collecting one of each familiar in every venue[/b] That includes boss familiars too. Pray for me. [center][size=6][b]End Goal[/b][/size][/center] Now, why am I doing such a quest? Well, I've been on hiatus for a few years now and before I went on hiatus, I made the regretful decision to sell my old fest apparel (yes, [i]I know[/i], big regrets were had upon my return), and I want it back. So I intend to use the coli as a means to gain the funds necessary to murder my bank account! I will make a note in another post of what I have and what I still need to keep track, and well, if anyone wishes to donate any, you are certainly welcome to. You would have my undying love. [center][b]WITHOUT FURTHER ADO[/b][/center] [center][size=6][b]Meet the Team[/b][/size][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Artemis[/b] Artemis is the leader of the troup, and also the healer (apparently), so I expect he'll keep me from wanting to rip my hair out so much as we venture deeper into the venues. I think it's fitting for him to be on the team considering he's my most expensive dragon and this challenge is helping me to accomplish expensive things.[/columns] [columns][b]Saerde[/b] This girl here, I bought upon coming off hiatus because I was missing a third dragon for my coli team (I'd exalted most of my dragons before vanishing) and she was the only one I liked for a reasonable price, so here she is. She's my little good luck charm, as I run into fewer problems with her, but we shall see![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Chaos[/b] Chaos is... well, he's Chaos. It ain't a challenge if he ain't involved.[/columns] [center][size=6][b]Links[/b][/size][/center] [b][url=]luminafaith's spreadsheet[/url][/b] : I tried making my own spreadsheet; it didn't go well, so I shall be using a copy of Lumina's spreadsheet to keep track of progress! [b][url=]Tracker for Tracking[/url][/b] : See my progress in real time! [b][url=]Coliseum themed Forum Decor[/url][/b] : Gotta make posts pretty after all~ [b][url=]Badges[/url][/b] : Badges! Yay! [url=][img alt="Divider (Shoreline Serenity scene)"] [/img][/url]
Divider (Shoreline Serenity scene)
Come one, come all, and feast your eyes upon--
Fyre's Coliseum Challenge

Let me just get this out in the open real quick: I am not a coli person. In fact, I usually do my best to avoid the coliseum, just because I do not have the time to sit there and grind. BUT, I feel like changing that, so the obvious choice is for me to do the most frustrating coli challenge ever (to me).

What is that coli challenge, you may be asking? Well it's mostly the Long Drop Challenge which I believe I've attempted many years ago, but with an additional... let's say sidequest to it.

Not only will I be collecting 99 of a chosen item, I will also be collecting one of each familiar in every venue

That includes boss familiars too.

Pray for me.
End Goal

Now, why am I doing such a quest? Well, I've been on hiatus for a few years now and before I went on hiatus, I made the regretful decision to sell my old fest apparel (yes, I know, big regrets were had upon my return), and I want it back. So I intend to use the coli as a means to gain the funds necessary to murder my bank account!

I will make a note in another post of what I have and what I still need to keep track, and well, if anyone wishes to donate any, you are certainly welcome to. You would have my undying love.
Meet the Team
38958.png Artemis
Artemis is the leader of the troup, and also the healer (apparently), so I expect he'll keep me from wanting to rip my hair out so much as we venture deeper into the venues. I think it's fitting for him to be on the team considering he's my most expensive dragon and this challenge is helping me to accomplish expensive things.
This girl here, I bought upon coming off hiatus because I was missing a third dragon for my coli team (I'd exalted most of my dragons before vanishing) and she was the only one I liked for a reasonable price, so here she is. She's my little good luck charm, as I run into fewer problems with her, but we shall see!
65201072.png Chaos
Chaos is... well, he's Chaos. It ain't a challenge if he ain't involved.
luminafaith's spreadsheet : I tried making my own spreadsheet; it didn't go well, so I shall be using a copy of Lumina's spreadsheet to keep track of progress!

Tracker for Tracking : See my progress in real time!

Coliseum themed Forum Decor : Gotta make posts pretty after all~

Badges : Badges! Yay!

Divider (Shoreline Serenity scene)
You can never have enough apparel. I will not stop until my hoard is dripping with it.
[img][/img] [center][size=6][b][u]TRAINING FIELDS[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center][item=ire tweet][/center] [center][b]0/99[/b][/center] [center]Start Date: 26/01/25 Finish Date:[/center] [center][size=5][b][u]End Haul[/u][/b][/size][/center] [img][/img]

Ire Tweet
Start Date: 26/01/25
Finish Date:

End Haul
You can never have enough apparel. I will not stop until my hoard is dripping with it.