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TOPIC | Gift an Undiscovered Familiar!
c @Commander Sending: [item=Acid Ant][item=Aurelian Porcupine][item=Flying Fawn]
c @Commander

Acid Ant Aurelian Porcupine Flying Fawn
- J lAvpyOQ.png ||| Wishlist ||| Free Undiscovered Familiars
@JFoxden [item=corven scribe][item=tarpit cockatrice][item=ridgespine streak] [url=]undiscovered bestiary link[/url]
Corven Scribe Tarpit Cockatrice Ridgespine Streak

undiscovered bestiary link
Book of Eldritch Horror W
@MaliceMizer [item=Sentient Alloy][item=Narwin Harvester][item=Scarlet Serpenta] --- [url=]My undiscovered bestiary :D[/url]

Sentient Alloy Narwin Harvester Scarlet Serpenta

My undiscovered bestiary :D
That Tired Halfling: I'm short and I'm tired
Love is stored in bank donations: Moshi Moshi
@TTH Sent: [item=Abyss Wanderer][item=Abyssal Bard][item=Bonebeetle][item=Trench Siren][item=Fossil Hunter] [rule] [url=]Undiscovered Bestiary


Abyss Wanderer Abyssal Bard Bonebeetle Trench Siren Fossil Hunter

Undiscovered Bestiary
@Zanni Sent: [item=Cockatrice] [url=]Undiscovered Bestiary[/url]


Undiscovered Bestiary

sending a few your way!

sending a few your way!
Denmark, FR +9
@Skovged Some creatures of the Boneyard are coming your way! [emoji=deer skull size=1] [item=boneblade knight] [item=corvid convergence] [item=boneyard omen] ----- [url=][emoji=bestiary size=1] My Bestiary[/url]

Some creatures of the Boneyard are coming your way!

Boneblade Knight Corvid Convergence Boneyard Omen

My Bestiary
animated pixel anchor by bluedragonxxx Fishes
she/her | +3 FR time
wishlist | avatar
@Fishes Sent: [item=Blushing Tangle][item=Hippalectryon][item=Roving Jelly Jewel] [rule] [url=]Undiscovered Bestiary


Blushing Tangle Hippalectryon Roving Jelly Jewel

Undiscovered Bestiary
C @Zanni Sending: [item=Valorous Cape][item=Aurora Pangolin][item=Condorwing Champion]
C @Zanni

Valorous Cape Aurora Pangolin Condorwing Champion
- J lAvpyOQ.png ||| Wishlist ||| Free Undiscovered Familiars

Sent a lot. xD

Bestiary here

Sent a lot. xD

Bestiary here