
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | What if you wanted to play FR
honestly i hate dst with so much passion no one will ever get. the only good thing my country ever did is getting rid of the stupid dst 1.5 decades ago

during not-winter it's 10 am at my place when the rollover hits and it's fine because i'm usually busy with something, or i enjoy my breakfast, or i have a nice sleep on my day off, but when the dst kicks in the rollover is at 11 am and it just ruins my routine :(( it's more time in the morning to do the dailies i didn't i guess, but overall it's just inconvenient in ways i struggle to explain
honestly i hate dst with so much passion no one will ever get. the only good thing my country ever did is getting rid of the stupid dst 1.5 decades ago

during not-winter it's 10 am at my place when the rollover hits and it's fine because i'm usually busy with something, or i enjoy my breakfast, or i have a nice sleep on my day off, but when the dst kicks in the rollover is at 11 am and it just ruins my routine :(( it's more time in the morning to do the dailies i didn't i guess, but overall it's just inconvenient in ways i struggle to explain
Candy Stars hey there, i'm pi
frt+10 / utc+3
astrophysics major
pms and pings are welcome!
Stardust Sap Lamp already screwed up
2026 gonna be my year tho
2:59 is a special time of day that empowers East Coast players who forgot their dailies to move at superhuman speeds.
2:59 is a special time of day that empowers East Coast players who forgot their dailies to move at superhuman speeds.
A gentle soul who likes to help new players. Also called Mawk.

It's at 10(am) for me, except during the bits of the year where dst difference puts it at 9 or 11.
It's at 10(am) for me, except during the bits of the year where dst difference puts it at 9 or 11.
2 am for me, which is the time I'm supposed to go to bed anyway, so it's a good reminder to stop browsing and go to bed lol
2 am for me, which is the time I'm supposed to go to bed anyway, so it's a good reminder to stop browsing and go to bed lol
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Moonrise, Inc. (Fodderlocke)
East coast gang! Yeah, it used to annoy me so much. But honestly due to my irl responsibilities, I now am always sleeping at 3am (and if I’m not I’m about to have a BAD day) lol

On the plus side, that means that fests and events will end at 9:00am for me. Assuming I wake up in time (lol I like to sleep in on the weekends) I can get some last minute dailies/grinding in!
East coast gang! Yeah, it used to annoy me so much. But honestly due to my irl responsibilities, I now am always sleeping at 3am (and if I’m not I’m about to have a BAD day) lol

On the plus side, that means that fests and events will end at 9:00am for me. Assuming I wake up in time (lol I like to sleep in on the weekends) I can get some last minute dailies/grinding in!

She / Her
FR + 3
Coli Log
Art Dump
For me it varies from 7pm - 9pm depending on daylight savings shenanigans lol. Which is fine, because that's usually when I'm playing other games with my online friends anyway.
For me it varies from 7pm - 9pm depending on daylight savings shenanigans lol. Which is fine, because that's usually when I'm playing other games with my online friends anyway.
I'd play FR anyway lol
I'd play FR anyway lol
Silver Pocketwatch Copper Pocketwatch
Which timezone is that in? When its 2am for me I can still play FR. :''D
Which timezone is that in? When its 2am for me I can still play FR. :''D
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Rollover being at 3 am is perfect for me because it ends up being a "damn, go to bed" moment.
Rollover being at 3 am is perfect for me because it ends up being a "damn, go to bed" moment.
i forgot rollover downtime happens
i forgot rollover downtime happens
Pale Pink Rose
+2 hours, she/her :)
there is no 'r' in my user!
accent shop
ISO aug 26 2023 hatches