[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_3390956]Rules[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246057]Available Pulls[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246058]Order[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246068]Freebies[/url][/center]
[center][img alt="Familiar Pixel Pick Up"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/pixel-shop-header.png[/img][/center]
You find yourself wandering the side streets leading to the outskirts of a busy marketplace. In the corner of your eye you spy a wooden stall with one wheel missing, propped haphazardly up by a large rock that was clearly dragged there. What caught your eye were toys– dolls and figures in a variety of styles and colors in the shape of beasts all too familiar to you. A dragon suddenly pops out from under one of the plush piles, sending some flying and hitting her antlers on the top of the stall.
[quote="Garn"][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/77575460][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/775755/77575460p.png[/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4]"Aha! A customer! You like these display familiars, yes? I see it in your eyes. They can be yours, my friend. Ehm, but the thing is… my inventory is a bit… what I’m trying to say is… I don’t like taking orders. Finding specifics in all this is too much work. You can buy some, but only whatever’s at the top of the pile."[/columns][/quote]
Here you can buy pixel familiars. You can choose which of the available familiar types you'd like, but the varient(s) you get are left up to chance. If your eye's on a certain one, may the odds be ever in your favor.
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/buttersnake-div.png[/img]
Will be open later in March after a small break [emoji=gaoler sleepy size=1][/center]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunnydiv.png[/img]
[*]Please do not use any familiars that you haven’t earned.
[*]Familiars cannot be resold or traded. You can purchase pulls as gifts for other users.
[*]You can display the familiars you own anywhere you’d like on Flight Rising.
[*]You are free to make edits for display purposes such as cropping to a different image size for better layouts, adding multiple familiars into the same image file, etc. However, please do not edit the art itself.
[*]You aren’t required to link back to this thread when you display the familiars, but it is appreciated.
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/eye-divider.png[/img]
If you want to be pinged for openings and updates, you can join the pinglist below.
You find yourself wandering the side streets leading to the outskirts of a busy marketplace. In the corner of your eye you spy a wooden stall with one wheel missing, propped haphazardly up by a large rock that was clearly dragged there. What caught your eye were toys– dolls and figures in a variety of styles and colors in the shape of beasts all too familiar to you. A dragon suddenly pops out from under one of the plush piles, sending some flying and hitting her antlers on the top of the stall.
Garn wrote:
"Aha! A customer! You like these display familiars, yes? I see it in your eyes. They can be yours, my friend. Ehm, but the thing is… my inventory is a bit… what I’m trying to say is… I don’t like taking orders. Finding specifics in all this is too much work. You can buy some, but only whatever’s at the top of the pile."
Here you can buy pixel familiars. You can choose which of the available familiar types you'd like, but the varient(s) you get are left up to chance. If your eye's on a certain one, may the odds be ever in your favor.
Will be open later in March after a small break
- Please do not use any familiars that you haven’t earned.
- Familiars cannot be resold or traded. You can purchase pulls as gifts for other users.
- You can display the familiars you own anywhere you’d like on Flight Rising.
- You are free to make edits for display purposes such as cropping to a different image size for better layouts, adding multiple familiars into the same image file, etc. However, please do not edit the art itself.
- You aren’t required to link back to this thread when you display the familiars, but it is appreciated.
If you want to be pinged for openings and updates, you can join the pinglist below.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_3390956]Rules[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246057]Available Pulls[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246058]Order[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246068]Freebies[/url][/center]
[quote="Garn"][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/77575460][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/775755/77575460p.png[/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4]"So you do want to know about my wares! R-Really, you're seriously considering buying some? Ehm, let me explain what's available..."[/columns][/quote]
[columns][img alt="Marbled Jester"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunny/marbledjester.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Common[/b] familiars have coloring and characteristics of canon Flight Rising familiars. Some details may be simplified/removed due to sizing but they will be close to how Flight Rising represents them.[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Glittery Bunny"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunny/glittery.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Uncommon[/b] familiars have a variety of coloring and features that are available across all familiars types. Currently, there are 6 different uncommon patterns.[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Bunny with Astonishing Sweater"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunny/astonishingsweater.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Rare[/b] familiars have different coloring or features that are unique to that familiar type. Typically, these reference other Flight Rising things.[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Bucktooth Magician"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunny/bucktoothmagician.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Epic[/b] familiars have unique aspects, added items, or reference things outside of Flight Rising. Just like the rare tier, these are unique to each familiar type.[/size][/columns]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/mammertee-div.png[/img]
[center][b][size=6]Available Familiar Types[/size][/b][/center]
You can visit [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/77575460]Garn's Bio[/url] or the [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMU2E223kmE7qi3pCqTa0lDYR677TTKfw48MULq0rZY/edit?usp=sharing]Visual Guide Spreadsheet[/url] to view a list of all familiar variants currently available within each rarity tier.
[columns][img alt="Mammertee"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/mammertee/mammertee.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Mammertee[/b]
14 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 4 Rare, 2 Epic[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="All-Seeing Eye"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/eye/allseeingeye.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]All-Seeing Eye[/b]
21 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 11 Rare, 2 Epic[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Bucktooth Digger"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunny/bucktoothdigger.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Marva Bunny[/b]
20 Variants - 3 Common, 6 Uncommon, 8 Rare, 3 Epic[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Colorburst Buttersnake"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/snake/colorburst.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Buttersnake[/b]
24 Variants - 6 Common, 6 Uncommon, 11 Rare, 1 Epic[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Seastar"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/seastar/seastar.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Seastar[/b]
22 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 12 Rare, 2 Epic[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Rosy Peryton"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/peryton/rosyperyton.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Peryton[/b]
17 Variants - 4 Common, 6 Uncommon, 6 Rare, 1 Epic[/size][/columns]
[columns][img alt="Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/ferberus.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent],,,,,[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Ferberus[/b]
14 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 4 Rare, 2 Epic[/size][/columns]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/seastar-div.png[/img]
[center][b][size=6]Special Releases[/size][/b][/center]
On occasion, I will release a familiar variant that can be purchased for 10kT, no RNG required. After the purchase window, they will be cycled into the Epic rarity pool.
There is currently no special release to purchase.
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/buttersnake-div.png[/img]
If you would like to see which familiars you or someone else currently owns, you can visit the [url=https://sites.google.com/view/pixel-familiar-ownership/home]Ownership Checker[/url] site that I've put together. It will give you a visual rundown and updates automatically based on spreadsheet data. If you want to just look at the data directly, you can also manually search for user IDs in the [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rxDxADq53p8WIuOQkV0_OyZoxmY9_EP26fqSz8DTk94/edit?usp=sharing]Ownership Tracker Spreadsheet[/url].
Garn wrote:
"So you do want to know about my wares! R-Really, you're seriously considering buying some? Ehm, let me explain what's available..."
Common familiars have coloring and characteristics of canon Flight Rising familiars. Some details may be simplified/removed due to sizing but they will be close to how Flight Rising represents them.
Uncommon familiars have a variety of coloring and features that are available across all familiars types. Currently, there are 6 different uncommon patterns.
Rare familiars have different coloring or features that are unique to that familiar type. Typically, these reference other Flight Rising things.
Epic familiars have unique aspects, added items, or reference things outside of Flight Rising. Just like the rare tier, these are unique to each familiar type.
Available Familiar Types
You can visit
Garn's Bio or the
Visual Guide Spreadsheet to view a list of all familiar variants currently available within each rarity tier.
14 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 4 Rare, 2 Epic
All-Seeing Eye
21 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 11 Rare, 2 Epic
Marva Bunny
20 Variants - 3 Common, 6 Uncommon, 8 Rare, 3 Epic
24 Variants - 6 Common, 6 Uncommon, 11 Rare, 1 Epic
22 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 12 Rare, 2 Epic
17 Variants - 4 Common, 6 Uncommon, 6 Rare, 1 Epic
14 Variants - 2 Common, 6 Uncommon, 4 Rare, 2 Epic
Special Releases
On occasion, I will release a familiar variant that can be purchased for 10kT, no RNG required. After the purchase window, they will be cycled into the Epic rarity pool.
There is currently no special release to purchase.
If you would like to see which familiars you or someone else currently owns, you can visit the
Ownership Checker site that I've put together. It will give you a visual rundown and updates automatically based on spreadsheet data. If you want to just look at the data directly, you can also manually search for user IDs in the
Ownership Tracker Spreadsheet.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_3390956]Rules[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246057]Available Pulls[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246058]Order[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246068]Freebies[/url][/center]
[center][b][size=6]Order Information[/size][/b][/center]
[*]Each random pull for a familiar costs 5kT/g. You can purchase up to 5 pulls per day for yourself and 5 pulls as a gift to another user.
[*]You cannot pull duplicates. If a familiar has 14 variations and you’ve purchased 14 pulls for that familiar type, you are guaranteed to get the full set. This also means your chances of pulling a higher rarity increases as you earn the more common options.
[*]Orders should be made via Private Message.
[*]I do my best to respond to orders as quickly as I can, but I do have work and other obligations. Your order should be responded to within 24 hours.
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunnydiv.png[/img]
[center][b][size=6]Order Form[/size][/b][/center]
Please send the following order form and payment to me via PM. [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=UnknownConcept&subject=Pixel%20Familiar%20Purchase]Here is a quick link to my inbox[/url].
Flight Rising Username:
Flight Rising ID:
Familiar Type: (Can list multiple)
How Many Pulls: (If multiple familiar types, specify for each)
If purchasing as a gift, please fill below.
Username and ID of Giftee:
Do You Want to be Anonymous?:
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/eye-divider.png[/img]
[b]Q:[/b] Is this related to any dominance or other program?
[b]A:[/b] Not currently. This is just something I’m hosting for fun because I like doing the pixels. HOWEVER I do have [b]Fire Sales[/b] any time Fire is profit or conquest pushing. Prices are cheaper during push weeks and I will donate all proceeds from that week to the dom bank.
[b]Q:[/b] If there are no dupes, why make it RNG instead of just a badge buy?
[b]A:[/b] I just think the gamified aspect is fun. I think the amount of things in each rarity tier as it currently stands are way out of balance and would be unfair to the purchaser if duplicates were possible. I don’t want to limit my ideas around trying to balance the ratio so I’d rather balance it by making it guaranteed you’ll get everything if you purchase enough instead.
Order Information
- Each random pull for a familiar costs 5kT/g. You can purchase up to 5 pulls per day for yourself and 5 pulls as a gift to another user.
- You cannot pull duplicates. If a familiar has 14 variations and you’ve purchased 14 pulls for that familiar type, you are guaranteed to get the full set. This also means your chances of pulling a higher rarity increases as you earn the more common options.
- Orders should be made via Private Message.
- I do my best to respond to orders as quickly as I can, but I do have work and other obligations. Your order should be responded to within 24 hours.
Order Form
Please send the following order form and payment to me via PM.
Here is a quick link to my inbox.
Flight Rising Username:
Flight Rising ID:
Familiar Type: (Can list multiple)
How Many Pulls: (If multiple familiar types, specify for each)
If purchasing as a gift, please fill below.
Username and ID of Giftee:
Do You Want to be Anonymous?:
Q: Is this related to any dominance or other program?
A: Not currently. This is just something I’m hosting for fun because I like doing the pixels. HOWEVER I do have
Fire Sales any time Fire is profit or conquest pushing. Prices are cheaper during push weeks and I will donate all proceeds from that week to the dom bank.
Q: If there are no dupes, why make it RNG instead of just a badge buy?
A: I just think the gamified aspect is fun. I think the amount of things in each rarity tier as it currently stands are way out of balance and would be unfair to the purchaser if duplicates were possible. I don’t want to limit my ideas around trying to balance the ratio so I’d rather balance it by making it guaranteed you’ll get everything if you purchase enough instead.
Future Plans
This is a list of things I'd like to do, but nothing is set in stone. It's just stuff I think would be neat. I'm also open to any suggestions/ideas, feel free to post them in this thread!
- Future familiar types: Eggull, Ferberus, Driftwood Baron, Curious Caldron, Warblade Owlcat
- Future Uncommon patterns: Calico
- Add the Ultimate Buttersnake. Flamecaller give me strength to fight that battle.
- Add more divider variety even though I believe in Mammertee supremacy.
Credit and Links
Future Plans
This is a list of things I'd like to do, but nothing is set in stone. It's just stuff I think would be neat. I'm also open to any suggestions/ideas, feel free to post them in this thread!
- Future familiar types: Eggull, Ferberus, Driftwood Baron, Curious Caldron, Warblade Owlcat
- Future Uncommon patterns: Calico
- Add the Ultimate Buttersnake. Flamecaller give me strength to fight that battle.
- Add more divider variety even though I believe in Mammertee supremacy.
Credit and Links
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_3390956]Rules[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246057]Available Pulls[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246058]Order[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246068]Freebies[/url][/center]
Feel free to use anything in this section however you'd like, no payment necessary.
[b]Mammertee and Kelp Tender Divider[/b]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/mammertee-div.png[/img]
[b]All-Seeing Eye and Portal Watcher Divider[/b]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/eye-divider.png[/img]
[b]Marva Bunny Divider[/b]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/bunnydiv.png[/img]
[b]Buttersnake Divider[/b]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/buttersnake-div.png[/img]
[b]Seastar Divider[/b]
[img alt="Divider"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/seastar-div.png[/img]
Feel free to use anything in this section however you'd like, no payment necessary.
Mammertee and Kelp Tender Divider
All-Seeing Eye and Portal Watcher Divider
Marva Bunny Divider
Buttersnake Divider
Seastar Divider
[emoji=cat 1 size=1] [emoji=special eyes size=1]
Aaaand we are open from now until January 26. This week is a Fire Sale as well as the grand opening, woo!
ping was here
Aaaand we are open from now until January 26. This week is a Fire Sale as well as the grand opening, woo!
ping was here
No update ping since these changes don't affect much in terms of the shop itself but still some exciting updates nonetheless.
This thread has gotten a slight name change to something I think is a bit catchier and, along with it, some much needed decoration.
If you think the divider I made is cute, so cute in fact that you must use it on your own dragons or profiles then I'm happy to report that Garn's stock is so disorganized that I've added a Freebies section where it and other small things will be available to anyone that wants them. She won't even notice!
No update ping since these changes don't affect much in terms of the shop itself but still some exciting updates nonetheless.
This thread has gotten a slight name change to something I think is a bit catchier and, along with it, some much needed decoration.
If you think the divider I made is cute, so cute in fact that you must use it on your own dragons or profiles then I'm happy to report that Garn's stock is so disorganized that I've added a Freebies section where it and other small things will be available to anyone that wants them. She won't even notice!
Hello good people of Flight Rising. The Familiar Pixel Pickup is now open from today until [b]March 1[/b]!
Fire is having a casual in-flight event this week so it is also a [b]Fire Sale[/b] until the end of Sat. Feb 15 if you're looking for a bargain.
Also, here are a couple quick updates:
[b]Next Familiar Set Progress[/b]
I wanted to get a new set out by today but I will not confirm nor deny that a Stardew Valley multiplayer playthrough has eaten a lot of the time I would have otherwise spent working on the art.
That said, I do have a sneak preview. A tidbit of what's in progress.
Cats. Multiple cats at once. I love them so much. I'm hoping to have the Ferberus set available before my next closing date.
[b]New Freebies Have Been Added[/b]
New freebie dividers have been added! Check them out:
Anyone is free to use them and you can snag the code in this thread's [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/3390956#post_58246068]Freebies Section[/url]. Next on the docket is a divider using the Peryton familiars.
The dividers don't necessarily need to match the familiars available in this thread. If you have a familiar set you like and want to see a divider, feel free to make a suggestion!
Hello good people of Flight Rising. The Familiar Pixel Pickup is now open from today until
March 1!
Fire is having a casual in-flight event this week so it is also a
Fire Sale until the end of Sat. Feb 15 if you're looking for a bargain.
Also, here are a couple quick updates:
Next Familiar Set Progress
I wanted to get a new set out by today but I will not confirm nor deny that a Stardew Valley multiplayer playthrough has eaten a lot of the time I would have otherwise spent working on the art.
That said, I do have a sneak preview. A tidbit of what's in progress.
Cats. Multiple cats at once. I love them so much. I'm hoping to have the Ferberus set available before my next closing date.
New Freebies Have Been Added
New freebie dividers have been added! Check them out:
Anyone is free to use them and you can snag the code in this thread's
Freebies Section. Next on the docket is a divider using the Peryton familiars.
The dividers don't necessarily need to match the familiars available in this thread. If you have a familiar set you like and want to see a divider, feel free to make a suggestion!
@Familiar Pixel Pick Up Updates
[emoji=cat 1 size=1][emoji=cat 2 size=1][emoji=cat 3 size=1] Ferberus have officially been added as a new familiar option to pull from, woo! I want to add more to the pools in the future since cats have such a fun variety of colors but I think this is a good first set.
[img alt="Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/ferberus.png[/img] [img alt="Calico Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/calico-ferb.png[/img]
[img alt="Glittery Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/glittery.png[/img] [img alt="Bioluminescent Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/bioluminescent.png[/img] [img alt="Albino Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/albino.png[/img] [img alt="Purple Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/purble.png[/img] [img alt="Bee Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/bee.png[/img] [img alt="Topiary Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/topiary.png[/img]
[img alt="Golem Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/golem.png[/img] [img alt="Foo Tiger Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/foo.png[/img] [img alt="Sphinx Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/sphinx.png[/img] [img alt="Luminax Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/lumicats.png[/img]
[img alt="Scottish Fold Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/scottish.png[/img] [img alt="Siamese Ferberus"]https://unknownimages.b-cdn.net/ferberus/siamese.png[/img]
Despite being a toy, the Lumicats have a risk of biting. Play with caution.

Ferberus have officially been added as a new familiar option to pull from, woo! I want to add more to the pools in the future since cats have such a fun variety of colors but I think this is a good first set.
Despite being a toy, the Lumicats have a risk of biting. Play with caution.
@Familiar Pixel Pick Up Updates