@pinglist-8843 Two new moth-babies to the gradient!
Tarnish, F
Vermillion, F[/center]
Last vermillion we had was male with wish, so this pleases me.
@pinglist-25368 And three more willow babies!
[center] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/99651285][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/996513/99651285_350.png[/img][/url]
Buttercup, F
Garnet, M
Maize, M[/center]
If you'd like any for 5g/5kt fodder pricing, let me know, otherwise they'll go for AH sale tomorrow.
@Rainbow Mothballs Two new moth-babies to the gradient!
Tarnish, F
Vermillion, F
Last vermillion we had was male with wish, so this pleases me.
@Rainbow Willow Forest And three more willow babies!
Buttercup, F
Garnet, M
Maize, M
If you'd like any for 5g/5kt fodder pricing, let me know, otherwise they'll go for AH sale tomorrow.
@pinglist-25368 Can't believe they made a 5-nester! All new colours to the gradient.
[center] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/100229427][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/1002295/100229427_350.png[/img][/url]
Royal, M
Green, M
Plum, F
Denim, M
Phthalo, M[/center]
If you'd like any for 5g/5kt fodder pricing, let me know, otherwise they'll go for AH sale tomorrow.
@Rainbow Willow Forest Can't believe they made a 5-nester! All new colours to the gradient.
Royal, M
Green, M
Plum, F
Denim, M
Phthalo, M
If you'd like any for 5g/5kt fodder pricing, let me know, otherwise they'll go for AH sale tomorrow.
@pinglist-8843 Just got wegged for this pairing, one little guy. But a new colour at least.
Terracotta, M[/center]
If you'd like him for 5g/5kt fodder pricing, let me know, otherwise they'll go for AH sale tomorrow.
@Rainbow Mothballs Just got wegged for this pairing, one little guy. But a new colour at least.
Terracotta, M
If you'd like him for 5g/5kt fodder pricing, let me know, otherwise they'll go for AH sale tomorrow.
id love to scoop the little terracotta guy! for treasure if that's alright :] he'll be a great starter for my grub aethers
id love to scoop the little terracotta guy! for treasure if that's alright :] he'll be a great starter for my grub aethers