So was messing around in the dressing room with some scrys when I decided to preview some outfits on some of my different dragons.
Well it spiraled from there to a outfit swap.
Notable ones like this
So the game is this
Find your best dressed dragons and swap their outfit with the best dressed dragon in the lair above you.
then rinse and repeat on and on to the next person
So was messing around in the dressing room with some scrys when I decided to preview some outfits on some of my different dragons.
Well it spiraled from there to a outfit swap.
Notable ones like this
So the game is this
Find your best dressed dragons and swap their outfit with the best dressed dragon in the lair above you.
then rinse and repeat on and on to the next person
I'll start
@Nocturn02 love this thread idea!! i swapped your sindi and my mica :] they suit each other's styles really well!
Nocturn02 love this thread idea!! i swapped your sindi and my mica :] they suit each other's styles really well!
@Zosonils The originals:
My Geiger
Your Autumn
The switcheroo:
Yeah, I think the originals are better. All your dragons are so fun :3
Zosonils The originals:
My Geiger
Your Autumn
The switcheroo:
Yeah, I think the originals are better. All your dragons are so fun :3
Ozymis has my favorite outfit in your lair :]
Now; we stole Coals outfit for a bit of an.. Experiment!
Switched up!
... Coal, I don't think you look in blue.
[center] - Spectir, probably.
TNP; Please pick from dragons with completed outfits. If they don't have a "STILL NEEDS" in their bio, it's free game :]
Ozymis has my favorite outfit in your lair :]
Now; we stole Coals outfit for a bit of an.. Experiment!
Switched up!
... Coal, I don't think you look in blue.
- Spectir, probably.
TNP; Please pick from dragons with completed outfits. If they don't have a "STILL NEEDS" in their bio, it's free game :]
[center]fell in love w Lunauri and her apparel, but couldn't decide which of my two dragons' outfits she looked better in...
OG outfits
Swapped with Ode
Swapped with Melodrama
fell in love w Lunauri and her apparel, but couldn't decide which of my two dragons' outfits she looked better in...
OG outfits
Forgotten & Fake
Miss Lady
This won't last
Swapped with Ode
Swapped with Melodrama