[center][font=calibri][b][u][size=6][color=red][emoji=rainbow size=1]P[color=orange]R[color=yellow]I[color=green]D[color=blue]E[emoji=rainbow size=1][color=purple]dragon YCH! [/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color](Your Character Here)
[size=4]Up to any two flags. Base examples below.
[b]*NEW!* Coatl added!![/b][/size]
[size=4]Currently available breed bases include:[b] Bogsneak, Wildclaw, Skydancer, Banescale, Mirror, Spiral, Coatl[/size]
[size=4][u][emoji=rainbow star 2 size=1]DETAILS[emoji=rainbow star 2 size=1][/u]
[b]- [u]$6 ea[/u][/b] flat for any breed/genes
[b]- [u]+$1[/b] for simple apparel (jewelry, scarves, flowers, ect)
[b]- [u]+$3[/b][/u] for complex (large headpieces, multicolor silks)[/b]
Price per apparel piece.
If you want other add-ons or changes, just ask! I’m flexible :)
[i][sub]*Currently [u]USD[/u] is proritized/cheaper than the equivalent treasure/gem cost to help your local queer get their art career off the ground <3 Thanks for understanding[/i][/sub]
[size=3][b]8 breed bases available[/b], I will continue to release them as I make them. Comment [u]what breed you would buy [/u]if you don't see yours![/size]I plan on slowly adding them all, but showing interest prioritizes them![/center]
[b]TO ORDER:[/b]
[*]Flags (flag+bg, bg can be solid color if desired)
[*]With/without apparel (please provide dressing room link with only the apparel you want drawn!)
[*]An image of your dragon* (naked)
[right][sub]*Note: you can also send a morphology of a
dragon whether or not it's one you actually own![/sub][/right]
I'll PM you with details!
[list=1][*]@/foggypines (Nocturnes/Coatls)
[*]@/SuibianBichen (Veils, general)
[*]@/HerbalMoon (Imps)
[*]@/darkblayd (general)[/list]
[i] [b] I take commissions![/b] [/i] more of my art can be found on instagram [i][u][url]http://instagram.com/beastsbelow[/url]
dragon YCH! (Your Character Here)
Up to any two flags. Base examples below.
*NEW!* Coatl added!!
Currently available breed bases include: Bogsneak, Wildclaw, Skydancer, Banescale, Mirror, Spiral, Coatl
- $6 ea flat for any breed/genes
- +$1 for simple apparel (jewelry, scarves, flowers, ect)
- +$3 for complex (large headpieces, multicolor silks)
Price per apparel piece.
If you want other add-ons or changes, just ask! I’m flexible :)
*Currently USD is proritized/cheaper than the equivalent treasure/gem cost to help your local queer get their art career off the ground <3 Thanks for understanding
8 breed bases available, I will continue to release them as I make them. Comment what breed you would buy if you don't see yours!I plan on slowly adding them all, but showing interest prioritizes them!
- Breed
- Flags (flag+bg, bg can be solid color if desired)
- With/without apparel (please provide dressing room link with only the apparel you want drawn!)
- An image of your dragon* (naked)
*Note: you can also send a morphology of a
dragon whether or not it's one you actually own!
I'll PM you with details!
- @/foggypines (Nocturnes/Coatls)
- @/SuibianBichen (Veils, general)
- @/HerbalMoon (Imps)
- @/darkblayd (general)
I take commissions! more of my art can be found on instagram
[center]------[size=5]Completed Icons![/size]------
[size=5][u]Old Bases:
Current Bases:[/size][/u]
[size=4]Thank you to everyone who commissions! <3
Completed Icons!
Old Bases:

Current Bases:
Thank you to everyone who commissions! <3
herbalmoon it stands for “your character here”! Basically I just color the template so it matches the dragon of your choosing :)
herbalmoon it stands for “your character here”! Basically I just color the template so it matches the dragon of your choosing :)
Dimetrodork Oh, cool.
Can I be pinged for spirals and imps, please?
Dimetrodork Oh, cool.
Can I be pinged for spirals and imps, please?
HerbalMoon absolutely! If you’re interested in getting some, I could start right away on their template. Do you have one you want more than the other?
HerbalMoon absolutely! If you’re interested in getting some, I could start right away on their template. Do you have one you want more than the other?
herbalmoon I just added a spiral template!
@Dimetrodork EEEEE, IT'S CUTE! <333
1. Spiral
2. Demi (ace)
3. No apparel
Thank you!
Dimetrodork EEEEE, IT'S CUTE! <333
1. Spiral
2. Demi (ace)
3. No apparel
Thank you!
@HerbalMoon Here ya go! :) thanks for commissioning
HerbalMoon Here ya go! :) thanks for commissioning