@Zytaria Ello! Could I buy
This beauty and
This beauty?
Since I am shadow flight and is bulk buy it’s 15% off :D
And could I buy in treasure??
Zytaria Ello! Could I buy

This beauty and

This beauty?
Since I am shadow flight and is bulk buy it’s 15% off :D
And could I buy in treasure??
ImRllyHungry Hello! Yes absolutely I will set that up for you! The discount wouldn't be quite 15% because one discount is applied and then the other, just like when shopping at a store. So the total is 34,200! Otherwise people could add up discounts to get 100% off ;)
ImRllyHungry Hello! Yes absolutely I will set that up for you! The discount wouldn't be quite 15% because one discount is applied and then the other, just like when shopping at a store. So the total is 34,200! Otherwise people could add up discounts to get 100% off ;)
OOOOH I see. Eh not rn because I have mastered glimmer and gloom earlier today and I can max oh fairgrounds everyday :D
OOOOH I see. Eh not rn because I have mastered glimmer and gloom earlier today and I can max oh fairgrounds everyday :D
ImRllyHungry okidokie! ^_^ Sounds good!
Now Bane has his sibling [emoji=banescale tongue size=2]
Now Bane has his sibling
[emoji=shockswitch red size=1][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3316453/1#post_3316453][b]Glitching Batlings Hatchery Bump[/b][/url][emoji=shockswitch red size=1]
@Zytaria me again (couldnt help myself) can I just get this baby?
Zytaria me again (couldnt help myself) can I just get this baby?
ImRllyHungry of course! I will set up a cr!