Okay now that I have more of a bearing on how this game works again (I last logged in back in 2015)
Auctioning off one low ID dragon! Might sell more depending on how well this goes.
Male | Plague | #40996
Jun 16, 2013
1st Gen
Denim | Seafoam | Goldenrod
Basic | Basic | Basic
[b]Starting Bid:[/b] 10k gems
[b]Current Bid:[/b] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/auc/3370171/4#post_57729362]26k Gems[/url]
[b]Minimum Bid Increase:[/b] 500 gems
[b]Auto-Buy:[/b] 40k gems
[b]End date:[/b] October 20th @ [s]10am[/s] 11am sitetime - snipe guard active!
[b]Snipe Guard:[/b] 2 hours
[*]Please ping the person you're outbidding
[*]Pay in Gems - it's just easier
[*]Please don't edit your post
[*]No private bids
[b]LDP List:[/b]
Catfeather, Asgore, Hag, AlexiaSilver, Havic, Chrisondra, Arinys, Caseius, Aurora23, Mogaar, BreadyLoaf, Rahkali
Okay now that I have more of a bearing on how this game works again (I last logged in back in 2015)
Auctioning off one low ID dragon! Might sell more depending on how well this goes.

Male | Plague | #40996
Jun 16, 2013
1st Gen
Denim | Seafoam | Goldenrod
Basic | Basic | Basic
Starting Bid: 10k gems
Current Bid: 26k Gems
Minimum Bid Increase: 500 gems
Auto-Buy: 40k gems
End date: October 20th @
10am 11am sitetime - snipe guard active!
Snipe Guard: 2 hours
- Please ping the person you're outbidding
- Pay in Gems - it's just easier
- Please don't edit your post
- No private bids
LDP List:
Catfeather, Asgore, Hag, AlexiaSilver, Havic, Chrisondra, Arinys, Caseius, Aurora23, Mogaar, BreadyLoaf, Rahkali
@2thousand @A13 @Abbess @Aberration @AbyssalRuins @Accal1a @acorncap @acorns @act @AdmiralFox @Adrenaline @aelith @Aku @Alanon @AlexRobins @alixander @Alixe @Allysun @Altariel @Altassar @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Aradan @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @artemystica @Asgore @Askesis @Astraya @Auries @Aurora23 @auroshen @AutumnNiche @Avariea @azemn @B1ue @Balaeniceps @Banescale @Bash @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @benalene @BenjiBenge @betwixted @big @billbezos @BirdsDontTalk @Booleano @BoulderEnder @Brindlefur @Brokenwing @BuildingBridges @Cadash @Caleb @cantripping @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @ceravanne @Cerion @Chants @Chrestomanci @christina @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @cloudydawn @Coelacanis @collude @ColorfulLava @Colourful @comicsans @Cormanthor @Croissants @croix @Cunea @cytotoxic @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @DarkNiiinja @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @dems @deviantdoge @dirology @Dragonglimmer @dragonpsyche @DragonSquid @dreamlogic @edgerunner @Emakaru @Emmie @EmotionalTree @Empyreal @encryptidd @EnglishRose @Facets @Feathery57 @Felwinter @felynn @Fenix @Fever @file @final @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @Gaze @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @Gladium @Glisselda @Goerbars @gorou @Grovey @Hag @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @hapro @Hausdaddy @Havic @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hydde @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Hydrocity @Icthys @ili @IndigoCat @Ink @innerspeaker @Isaria @Isyrii @Ithika @Jaigalaar @Jawiro @Jaypaw @Jhortanas @JovaniSkye @Joxter @junu @Kael @Kageshi @Kaial @KaichouKai @Kairoku @Kardi @Kasalin @KenmilltoSky @Khayr @Kilwin @kitsune56 @Kkarma @klee @Krinharth @Lackofa @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @lome @LucidDreams @Maebirb @MaeDae @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @Martine @Marysia2005 @Mate @MathematicalMind @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Metallics @Meyoline @Mida @miles3140 @Mindrop @Mitchy @MLPMDog @Moami @Monocrow @MonoMagpie @Mookzilla @mousieamelia @mus @Myst1c @nahum @Narikine @Necramancy @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Noel1 @Norion @Odile @OFF @Olliver @opus @Orgetzu @Oriel @Owari26 @oxeye @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Phaedra @phoeniixfire @planttkid @poetik @Poi @pulchritudinous @Pulse @Qazzie9 @RabbitSpirit @Radiance @Raestrao @Raikaris @RaptorQueen @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @remuslupn @Rib @Riivorn @RIPPLEY @Roam @Rogue @Rohana @Roheryn @Rookie @RoseMagic @Rosewing @RosieHawk @RottingFlesh @Runarite @Russia @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @sbslink @Scamper @seen @Shadowdancer @Shihana @ShinyHunter47 @Shumana @SilverLately @SilverQuark @Skogur @Sky @Skyeline @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @Somnorium @SouthFarthing @Spark @SSakuras @StoriesInTheWind @Stormflight @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synchros @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @teddy2008 @Texere @TheClassCalico @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Thorne @Tinyfarm @Titor @Toska @Trickilicky @Tropickle @Tryenne @Tserin @UndefinedBeing @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Valemora @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanaheimr @Vaze @Velifer @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Voltalis @vousrein @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @wittykitsune @WolfandCrow @WolfTrickster @Woodchip @Wych @Xanarcah @Xeiana @XxCalypsoxX @Xythnia @Yae @YellowFlower @You @Zac @Zebrask @zerys @ZhuZhuJun @Ascend @karoushi @Mogaar @Turquai @Essynkardi @CasualTea96 @Mintypool @SariStar @Zeruel @rufusdrumknott @awaicu @WildFlora [center][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zIpFlJ2ONqDNAGbbs84nwk-_hbMvWNOAgAvQAx5dX5E/edit?usp=sharing][img]https://i.ibb.co/Wsgpz7r/Standard-Button.png[/img][/url][/center][center][b]I used the 5 Digit Gen 1 Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists![/b]
Updated! Thanks for the interest, everyone c:
Updated! Thanks for the interest, everyone c:
LDP Please and thank you!
LDP Please and thank you!