

Create auction-style bid-to-buy sales here.
TOPIC | Ended!
Okay now that I have more of a bearing on how this game works again (I last logged in back in 2015) Auctioning off one low ID dragon! Might sell more depending on how well this goes. [center]______________________________ [url=][img][/img][/url] Reath: Male | Plague | #40996 Jun 16, 2013 1st Gen Denim | Seafoam | Goldenrod Basic | Basic | Basic ______________________________ [/center] [b]Starting Bid:[/b] 10k gems [b]Current Bid:[/b] [url=]26k Gems[/url] [b]Minimum Bid Increase:[/b] 500 gems [b]Auto-Buy:[/b] 40k gems [b]End date:[/b] October 20th @ [s]10am[/s] 11am sitetime - snipe guard active! [b]Snipe Guard:[/b] 2 hours [b]Rules:[/b] [LIST] [*]Please ping the person you're outbidding [*]Pay in Gems - it's just easier [*]Please don't edit your post [*]No private bids [/LIST] [b]LDP List:[/b] Catfeather, Asgore, Hag, AlexiaSilver, Havic, Chrisondra, Arinys, Caseius, Aurora23, Mogaar, BreadyLoaf, Rahkali
Okay now that I have more of a bearing on how this game works again (I last logged in back in 2015)
Auctioning off one low ID dragon! Might sell more depending on how well this goes.

Male | Plague | #40996
Jun 16, 2013
1st Gen
Denim | Seafoam | Goldenrod
Basic | Basic | Basic

Starting Bid: 10k gems
Current Bid: 26k Gems
Minimum Bid Increase: 500 gems
Auto-Buy: 40k gems
End date: October 20th @ 10am 11am sitetime - snipe guard active!
Snipe Guard: 2 hours

  • Please ping the person you're outbidding
  • Pay in Gems - it's just easier
  • Please don't edit your post
  • No private bids

LDP List:
Catfeather, Asgore, Hag, AlexiaSilver, Havic, Chrisondra, Arinys, Caseius, Aurora23, Mogaar, BreadyLoaf, Rahkali
@2thousand @A13 @Abbess @Aberration @AbyssalRuins @Accal1a @acorncap @acorns @act @AdmiralFox @Adrenaline @aelith @Aku @Alanon @AlexRobins @alixander @Alixe @Allysun @Altariel @Altassar @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Aradan @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @artemystica @Asgore @Askesis @Astraya @Auries @Aurora23 @auroshen @AutumnNiche @Avariea @azemn @B1ue @Balaeniceps @Banescale @Bash @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @benalene @BenjiBenge @betwixted @big @billbezos @BirdsDontTalk @Booleano @BoulderEnder @Brindlefur @Brokenwing @BuildingBridges @Cadash @Caleb @cantripping @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @ceravanne @Cerion @Chants @Chrestomanci @christina @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @cloudydawn @Coelacanis @collude @ColorfulLava @Colourful @comicsans @Cormanthor @Croissants @croix @Cunea @cytotoxic @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @DarkNiiinja @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @dems @deviantdoge @dirology @Dragonglimmer @dragonpsyche @DragonSquid @dreamlogic @edgerunner @Emakaru @Emmie @EmotionalTree @Empyreal @encryptidd @EnglishRose @Facets @Feathery57 @Felwinter @felynn @Fenix @Fever @file @final @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @Gaze @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @Gladium @Glisselda @Goerbars @gorou @Grovey @Hag @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @hapro @Hausdaddy @Havic @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hydde @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Hydrocity @Icthys @ili @IndigoCat @Ink @innerspeaker @Isaria @Isyrii @Ithika @Jaigalaar @Jawiro @Jaypaw @Jhortanas @JovaniSkye @Joxter @junu @Kael @Kageshi @Kaial @KaichouKai @Kairoku @Kardi @Kasalin @KenmilltoSky @Khayr @Kilwin @kitsune56 @Kkarma @klee @Krinharth @Lackofa @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @lome @LucidDreams @Maebirb @MaeDae @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @Martine @Marysia2005 @Mate @MathematicalMind @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Metallics @Meyoline @Mida @miles3140 @Mindrop @Mitchy @MLPMDog @Moami @Monocrow @MonoMagpie @Mookzilla @mousieamelia @mus @Myst1c @nahum @Narikine @Necramancy @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Noel1 @Norion @Odile @OFF @Olliver @opus @Orgetzu @Oriel @Owari26 @oxeye @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Phaedra @phoeniixfire @planttkid @poetik @Poi @pulchritudinous @Pulse @Qazzie9 @RabbitSpirit @Radiance @Raestrao @Raikaris @RaptorQueen @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @remuslupn @Rib @Riivorn @RIPPLEY @Roam @Rogue @Rohana @Roheryn @Rookie @RoseMagic @Rosewing @RosieHawk @RottingFlesh @Runarite @Russia @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @sbslink @Scamper @seen @Shadowdancer @Shihana @ShinyHunter47 @Shumana @SilverLately @SilverQuark @Skogur @Sky @Skyeline @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @Somnorium @SouthFarthing @Spark @SSakuras @StoriesInTheWind @Stormflight @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synchros @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @teddy2008 @Texere @TheClassCalico @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Thorne @Tinyfarm @Titor @Toska @Trickilicky @Tropickle @Tryenne @Tserin @UndefinedBeing @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Valemora @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanaheimr @Vaze @Velifer @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Voltalis @vousrein @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @wittykitsune @WolfandCrow @WolfTrickster @Woodchip @Wych @Xanarcah @Xeiana @XxCalypsoxX @Xythnia @Yae @YellowFlower @You @Zac @Zebrask @zerys @ZhuZhuJun @Ascend @karoushi @Mogaar @Turquai @Essynkardi @CasualTea96 @Mintypool @SariStar @Zeruel @rufusdrumknott @awaicu @WildFlora [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][center][b]I used the 5 Digit Gen 1 Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists![/b]
@2thousand @A13 @Abbess @Aberration @AbyssalRuins @Accal1a @acorncap @acorns @act @AdmiralFox @Adrenaline @aelith @Aku @Alanon @AlexRobins @alixander @Alixe @Allysun @Altariel @Altassar @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Aradan @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @artemystica @Asgore @Askesis @Astraya @Auries @Aurora23 @auroshen @AutumnNiche @Avariea @azemn @B1ue @Balaeniceps @Banescale @Bash @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @benalene @BenjiBenge @betwixted @big @billbezos @BirdsDontTalk @Booleano @BoulderEnder @Brindlefur @Brokenwing @BuildingBridges @Cadash @Caleb @cantripping @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @ceravanne @Cerion @Chants @Chrestomanci @christina @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @cloudydawn @Coelacanis @collude @ColorfulLava @Colourful @comicsans @Cormanthor @Croissants @croix @Cunea @cytotoxic @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @DarkNiiinja @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @dems @deviantdoge @dirology @Dragonglimmer @dragonpsyche @DragonSquid @dreamlogic @edgerunner @Emakaru @Emmie @EmotionalTree @Empyreal @encryptidd @EnglishRose @Facets @Feathery57 @Felwinter @felynn @Fenix @Fever @file @final @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @Gaze @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @Gladium @Glisselda @Goerbars @gorou @Grovey @Hag @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @hapro @Hausdaddy @Havic @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hydde @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Hydrocity @Icthys @ili @IndigoCat @Ink @innerspeaker @Isaria @Isyrii @Ithika @Jaigalaar @Jawiro @Jaypaw @Jhortanas @JovaniSkye @Joxter @junu @Kael @Kageshi @Kaial @KaichouKai @Kairoku @Kardi @Kasalin @KenmilltoSky @Khayr @Kilwin @kitsune56 @Kkarma @klee @Krinharth @Lackofa @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @lome @LucidDreams @Maebirb @MaeDae @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @Martine @Marysia2005 @Mate @MathematicalMind @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Metallics @Meyoline @Mida @miles3140 @Mindrop @Mitchy @MLPMDog @Moami @Monocrow @MonoMagpie @Mookzilla @mousieamelia @mus @Myst1c @nahum @Narikine @Necramancy @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Noel1 @Norion @Odile @OFF @Olliver @opus @Orgetzu @Oriel @Owari26 @oxeye @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Phaedra @phoeniixfire @planttkid @poetik @Poi @pulchritudinous @Pulse @Qazzie9 @RabbitSpirit @Radiance @Raestrao @Raikaris @RaptorQueen @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @remuslupn @Rib @Riivorn @RIPPLEY @Roam @Rogue @Rohana @Roheryn @Rookie @RoseMagic @Rosewing @RosieHawk @RottingFlesh @Runarite @Russia @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @sbslink @Scamper @seen @Shadowdancer @Shihana @ShinyHunter47 @Shumana @SilverLately @SilverQuark @Skogur @Sky @Skyeline @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @Somnorium @SouthFarthing @Spark @SSakuras @StoriesInTheWind @Stormflight @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synchros @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @teddy2008 @Texere @TheClassCalico @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Thorne @Tinyfarm @Titor @Toska @Trickilicky @Tropickle @Tryenne @Tserin @UndefinedBeing @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Valemora @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanaheimr @Vaze @Velifer @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Voltalis @vousrein @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @wittykitsune @WolfandCrow @WolfTrickster @Woodchip @Wych @Xanarcah @Xeiana @XxCalypsoxX @Xythnia @Yae @YellowFlower @You @Zac @Zebrask @zerys @ZhuZhuJun @Ascend @karoushi @Mogaar @Turquai @Essynkardi @CasualTea96 @Mintypool @SariStar @Zeruel @rufusdrumknott @awaicu @WildFlora
I used the 5 Digit Gen 1 Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists!
Sb and ldp please!
Sb and ldp please!
Catfeather Loop fbwG7W5.png

please see shop front for specific pinglists
ldp please
ldp please
Updated! ^^
Updated! ^^
i would love a LDP!
i would love a LDP!


Ldp too pls


Ldp too pls
Updated! Thanks for the interest, everyone c:
Updated! Thanks for the interest, everyone c:
LDP, please! Thanks!
LDP, please! Thanks!
> Havic
> He/they/it
> Current avatar dragon
LDP Please and thank you!
LDP Please and thank you!