
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [Closed] Wind OOF Boarding
@DatBearTho i will be around from about 6frt, for much of the day, so anytime after that i can get them quite quicklyE
@DatBearTho i will be around from about 6frt, for much of the day, so anytime after that i can get them quite quicklyE
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@beehaw 1t PAs work best for me! i will be on around 6frt and hanging in dragon town most of the day thereafter.

also idr if i mentioned but i love your username :)
@beehaw 1t PAs work best for me! i will be on around 6frt and hanging in dragon town most of the day thereafter.

also idr if i mentioned but i love your username :)
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@Saranova awesome, ty! and ty for holding them for us until we can toss them through the aergate into the yeetener :D
@Saranova awesome, ty! and ty for holding them for us until we can toss them through the aergate into the yeetener :D
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@Skylily awesome ty! i will pick up ASAP tomorrow!
@Skylily awesome ty! i will pick up ASAP tomorrow!
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[quote name="tarshaan" date="2024-10-12 10:04:53" ] @beehaw 1t PAs work best for me! i will be on around 6frt and hanging in dragon town most of the day thereafter. also idr if i mentioned but i love your username :) [/quote] Thank you so much!!! Love bees [emoji=coatl love size=1]
tarshaan wrote on 2024-10-12 10:04:53:
@beehaw 1t PAs work best for me! i will be on around 6frt and hanging in dragon town most of the day thereafter.

also idr if i mentioned but i love your username :)
Thank you so much!!! Love bees
@ all of the folks I'm dorming for: I have limited lair space so I will be doing my best to get everyone's dragons queued up to return to them ASAP using the space I have, based on your best availability. <3

@Eleventh @Mirna @oneluckyduck Thanks for the pings letting me know your availability! I will get your dragons sent in PA's during the times you shared as being the best ones for you.

@Humboldt @tarshaan Hello! Please can you let me know what time(s) you'll be available to receive your dragons back so I can hopefully keep a stream of dragons going out of my lair?

@sassypants Thanks for posting the reminder! I saw as I was scrolling down the thead to write this that you'll be around from rollover so know your best availability already but it felt weird to acknowledge the others I was dorming for and not say anything to you!
@ all of the folks I'm dorming for: I have limited lair space so I will be doing my best to get everyone's dragons queued up to return to them ASAP using the space I have, based on your best availability. <3

@Eleventh @Mirna @oneluckyduck Thanks for the pings letting me know your availability! I will get your dragons sent in PA's during the times you shared as being the best ones for you.

@Humboldt @tarshaan Hello! Please can you let me know what time(s) you'll be available to receive your dragons back so I can hopefully keep a stream of dragons going out of my lair?

@sassypants Thanks for posting the reminder! I saw as I was scrolling down the thead to write this that you'll be around from rollover so know your best availability already but it felt weird to acknowledge the others I was dorming for and not say anything to you!
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
The Pirate Trials button, linking to the thread: a pink pearl with subtle gold sparkles, with 'The Pirate Trials' handwritten in front; the P is an eye patch with a skull on it House Starseeker Emblem: a navy hexagon with a magenta outline containing bright pink crystals and yellow sparkles
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


@Lundlaeva hello! thank you so much!

I'm fr+9 and should be around right after rollover and on until 13:00-ish fr time :D
@Lundlaeva hello! thank you so much!

I'm fr+9 and should be around right after rollover and on until 13:00-ish fr time :D
wind dom dork
full of bees
[center]@Qumack ; @WanderingTurtle ; @elytra ; @greenishechoes ; @Hikumi [emoji=light rune size=1][/center] [center][font=papyrus] Sorry for the inconvenience of pinging you, but I want to make sure when you would like to pick up your fodder tomorrow! (for eg. between 1frt-4frt) For context, I will be online between the hours 0:30 FRT and 12:30 FRT. Also, quick note- your dragons will be sent thru 1t PAs. Please let me know if you would like me to send them through CRs instead! Thank you for your time, and good luck![/font][emoji=pearlcatcher star size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1] [/center]
Sorry for the inconvenience of pinging you, but I want to make sure when you would like to pick up your fodder tomorrow! (for eg. between 1frt-4frt) For context, I will be online between the hours 0:30 FRT and 12:30 FRT.
Also, quick note- your dragons will be sent thru 1t PAs. Please let me know if you would like me to send them through CRs instead!
Thank you for your time, and good luck!
Links ~ Wishlist

Hi! Very friendly, pretty shy and always up to BOMB you with glitter! >:D
@Humboldt - Heyo! I won't be around at rollover, but I did manage to wrangle everything you sent me out of the hibden at once, so I'm just gonna start setting up 1t PA's now ahead of time.

My only other boarder won't be around until Monday anyway, so feel free to pick up your dragons whenever it's most convenient for you; I don't need to free up space, you can take your time.
@Humboldt - Heyo! I won't be around at rollover, but I did manage to wrangle everything you sent me out of the hibden at once, so I'm just gonna start setting up 1t PA's now ahead of time.

My only other boarder won't be around until Monday anyway, so feel free to pick up your dragons whenever it's most convenient for you; I don't need to free up space, you can take your time.

I'm completely lair-locked at the moment, but I have prioritized yours to be picked up first thing when I am able. It may not be rollover (I am old and need sleep lol), but first thing on the 13th

I'm completely lair-locked at the moment, but I have prioritized yours to be picked up first thing when I am able. It may not be rollover (I am old and need sleep lol), but first thing on the 13th

FR time+0
Silly Code Nerd
