
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Gwenfair's Giveaway- 24 Prizes (500g)
My favorite moment so far this summer has been being able to play in the first session of a TTRPG that we'd been planning for awhile :3

It was very fun seeing how the characters me & my friends had made got to interact with each other having only just met!
My favorite moment so far this summer has been being able to play in the first session of a TTRPG that we'd been planning for awhile :3

It was very fun seeing how the characters me & my friends had made got to interact with each other having only just met!
~local curious system
My favorite moment during my summer was finally attending the AURORA Concert in Sky: CotL! There were so many people and I met a really sweet person. The concert was also amazing and I nearly cried-
My favorite moment during my summer was finally attending the AURORA Concert in Sky: CotL! There were so many people and I met a really sweet person. The concert was also amazing and I nearly cried-
My favorite moment during my summer is Certainly that I met my current boyfriend. We're a good match because we both like quiet evenings with video games, board games or horror movies!
My favorite moment during my summer is Certainly that I met my current boyfriend. We're a good match because we both like quiet evenings with video games, board games or horror movies!
Female (Pastel pink)
joining the handful of us in the southern hemisphere who are technically having our holidays in winter right now, i've been enjoying the rain the last few days! and some family came over to visit earlier in the holidays which was nice :D

been having a lot of fun on flight rising too of course, and with art fight! if i have to narrow it down to a moment, it'd probably be seeing people's comments on the art i made for them there.

already half way through the season,, hope the rest is wonderful for everyone!
joining the handful of us in the southern hemisphere who are technically having our holidays in winter right now, i've been enjoying the rain the last few days! and some family came over to visit earlier in the holidays which was nice :D

been having a lot of fun on flight rising too of course, and with art fight! if i have to narrow it down to a moment, it'd probably be seeing people's comments on the art i made for them there.

already half way through the season,, hope the rest is wonderful for everyone!
de5tKw1.png evIwcId.png will put art here soon i think! for now hi :D
Hello! My favorite moment of summer this year was my extra long 4 day weekend for the fourth of july! I had a blast visiting my parents, playing with my nieces, and stuffing my face all weekend long!
Hello! My favorite moment of summer this year was my extra long 4 day weekend for the fourth of july! I had a blast visiting my parents, playing with my nieces, and stuffing my face all weekend long!
My favourite moment this summer was spending time with my friends, getting another tattoo, but most importantly not having to go to class!

Thank you so much for hosting this, I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
My favourite moment this summer was spending time with my friends, getting another tattoo, but most importantly not having to go to class!

Thank you so much for hosting this, I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
  • she/her
  • +3 FRT
My favorite part has to be finally moving out of this place im in to move in with my brother! I also have plans on going to the beach with my uncle! I cant wait,
My favorite part has to be finally moving out of this place im in to move in with my brother! I also have plans on going to the beach with my uncle! I cant wait,
My favorite thing over the summer was going to go visit my grandparents over holiday! I moved to the opposite end of the country so getting to see them was very special!
My favorite thing over the summer was going to go visit my grandparents over holiday! I moved to the opposite end of the country so getting to see them was very special!
My favorite part of summer was returning home from vacation and lazing around while recovering from jetlag.
My favorite part of summer was returning home from vacation and lazing around while recovering from jetlag.
My favorite part of this summer has been getting married!! ^^
My favorite part of this summer has been getting married!! ^^