
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Gwenfair's Giveaway- 24 Prizes (500g)
There's no summer in my country but I went to China during the june holidays!
There's no summer in my country but I went to China during the june holidays!
Hmm... Favorite moment of the summer...?
Well it's not exactly one moment, but spending time with my kitten and seeing him come out of his shell! He was skittish when we adopted him way back in January, but he's really bloomed and bonded with us over the summer especially <3

Thank you for the chance, hope you're having a great summer too!
Hmm... Favorite moment of the summer...?
Well it's not exactly one moment, but spending time with my kitten and seeing him come out of his shell! He was skittish when we adopted him way back in January, but he's really bloomed and bonded with us over the summer especially <3

Thank you for the chance, hope you're having a great summer too!

- NOAH -

I guess my favorite part of my summer so far has been graduating high school! I’m also currently at my brothers graduation as of writing this, so that too!

I hope everyone reading this is having a good summer so far!! And good luck to everyone as well ^^
I guess my favorite part of my summer so far has been graduating high school! I’m also currently at my brothers graduation as of writing this, so that too!

I hope everyone reading this is having a good summer so far!! And good luck to everyone as well ^^
Here from you Newbie Package! My favourite part of my summer has honestly just been shopping gifts for my friends and meeting up with them ^^
Here from you Newbie Package! My favourite part of my summer has honestly just been shopping gifts for my friends and meeting up with them ^^
My favorite part is going fishing with my family and my cousin’s family!
It was like a lakey area and there were lots of baby fish. No one caught anything except me(a turtle, lol).
My favorite part is going fishing with my family and my cousin’s family!
It was like a lakey area and there were lots of baby fish. No one caught anything except me(a turtle, lol).
i guess my favourite part of summer would be... this week, if it counts? i'm just enjoying my time lately due to [i]so[/i] many cool things that are happening that i'm [i]very[/i] excited for! Thundercrack Carnivale is one of those things, not just because it's my flight's festival; it's my first time experiencing it [emoji=coatl laughing size=1]
i guess my favourite part of summer would be... this week, if it counts? i'm just enjoying my time lately due to so many cool things that are happening that i'm very excited for! Thundercrack Carnivale is one of those things, not just because it's my flight's festival; it's my first time experiencing it
My favorite moment of summer was working on my campus and working with some great high school students for our free summer internship!
My favorite moment of summer was working on my campus and working with some great high school students for our free summer internship!
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One of my favourite moments this summer was doing a photo booth thing with my roommate/best friend. They're not big on pictures but they're great at being goofy and its nice to have a tangible record of a memory.
One of my favourite moments this summer was doing a photo booth thing with my roommate/best friend. They're not big on pictures but they're great at being goofy and its nice to have a tangible record of a memory.
Looking for some dragons!futYkXZ.pngw8o0xW1.png
My favorite all-time moment from the summer season has got to be when I went skydiving for my 19th birthday. It was my brother’s gift to me that year (he, along with his fiancé, our cousin and myself all went) and it was the most terrifying and amazing experience I have ever felt. Words cannot express the exact thrill or feeling of weightlessness and falling. If I ever have the opportunity to do it bet I’m jumping on that bandwagon! ????
My favorite all-time moment from the summer season has got to be when I went skydiving for my 19th birthday. It was my brother’s gift to me that year (he, along with his fiancé, our cousin and myself all went) and it was the most terrifying and amazing experience I have ever felt. Words cannot express the exact thrill or feeling of weightlessness and falling. If I ever have the opportunity to do it bet I’m jumping on that bandwagon! ????
“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” – Robin Williams
There's no moment in particular that stands out, but lately I've had a couple of my friends start playing one of my favorite multiplayer games. It's been really nice because they live far away and it's an excuse for us to hang out in a call and just chill together :3
There's no moment in particular that stands out, but lately I've had a couple of my friends start playing one of my favorite multiplayer games. It's been really nice because they live far away and it's an excuse for us to hang out in a call and just chill together :3