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TOPIC | Object Shows
[quote name="charwal" date="2023-11-25 18:44:49" ] whoops I gained a new hyperfixation an hour ago hey so totally unrelated but does anyone wanna talk about the object show burner? /j but in all seriousness guys you should watch burner if you haven’t please the first episode is [url=]here[/url] you don’t even have to search it up pls maybe I should give like a more serious reason to watch it uhm I think it has like some of the best characters ever. it has a very small cast compared to some other object shows so that gives the characters more screentime and that’s very cool. there also isn’t a single character that I find bland which is a VERY rare thing. like I actually love all of the characters, usually I hate at least one character in every object show, but in this show while I do have a least favourite I don’t hate the character at all also here’s some other reasons that I couldn’t write a full paragraph about. uhmmm I think it’s very funny and sillies. I also think the animation style is pretty unique and in a good way, like very good way I love the animation anyway if this post I wrote while I was tired and feeling a little insane convinced you to watch burner please do tell me what you think of it, I like hearing about what people think of shows I enjoy. also if you’ve already watched it maybe tell me your thoughts as well :] anyways bye now [img][/img] [/quote] i love burner,,.,,,... yeah i have a fan dragon of one of the characters too that i don't feel like linking you guys should check it out it's super cool like char said
charwal wrote on 2023-11-25 18:44:49:
whoops I gained a new hyperfixation an hour ago

hey so totally unrelated but does anyone wanna talk about the object show burner? /j

but in all seriousness guys you should watch burner if you haven’t please the first episode is here you don’t even have to search it up pls

maybe I should give like a more serious reason to watch it uhm

I think it has like some of the best characters ever. it has a very small cast compared to some other object shows so that gives the characters more screentime and that’s very cool. there also isn’t a single character that I find bland which is a VERY rare thing. like I actually love all of the characters, usually I hate at least one character in every object show, but in this show while I do have a least favourite I don’t hate the character at all

also here’s some other reasons that I couldn’t write a full paragraph about. uhmmm I think it’s very funny and sillies. I also think the animation style is pretty unique and in a good way, like very good way I love the animation

anyway if this post I wrote while I was tired and feeling a little insane convinced you to watch burner please do tell me what you think of it, I like hearing about what people think of shows I enjoy. also if you’ve already watched it maybe tell me your thoughts as well :]

anyways bye now

i love burner,,.,,,...

yeah i have a fan dragon of one of the characters too that i don't feel like linking

you guys should check it out it's super cool like char said
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hey people what are your thoughts on inanimate insanity invitational 17? personally I really liked it, one of my favourites definitely. I wasn’t expecting like… anything that happened in it and I was going “WAIT WHAT” every 2 minutes. I was caught really off guard by a lotta scenes also little bit of a spoiler, but is it just me who [spoiler]would watch a full season of ms paint inanimate insanity?[/spoiler] also also this is an image that isn’t leaving my brain anytime soon [img][/img]
hey people what are your thoughts on inanimate insanity invitational 17?

personally I really liked it, one of my favourites definitely. I wasn’t expecting like… anything that happened in it and I was going “WAIT WHAT” every 2 minutes. I was caught really off guard by a lotta scenes

also little bit of a spoiler, but is it just me who
would watch a full season of ms paint inanimate insanity?

also also this is an image that isn’t leaving my brain anytime soon

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inanimate insanity invitational 18 is out!!!!!!! I've already watched the episode twice and that number will definitely go up within the next week. I'm super excited for episode 19 now, this is gonna be an interesting finale for sure :]
inanimate insanity invitational 18 is out!!!!!!! I've already watched the episode twice and that number will definitely go up within the next week. I'm super excited for episode 19 now, this is gonna be an interesting finale for sure :]
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idk how to feel about it tbh. i really liked all the references in the episode tho
idk how to feel about it tbh. i really liked all the references in the episode tho
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III 18 is now one of the only 3 episodes I’ve watched purely for mephone getting muted. I wonder how much they had to alter that scene to get it approved considering some people… or if they even thought much about it at all.
III 18 is now one of the only 3 episodes I’ve watched purely for mephone getting muted. I wonder how much they had to alter that scene to get it approved considering some people… or if they even thought much about it at all.
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Hi welcome to chillis
where has this thread been all my life?
My most fave rn is LOTS but i am literally making my own object comic anthology. I love comics i will eat them up. Please read efar it is literally my biggest inspiration
where has this thread been all my life?
My most fave rn is LOTS but i am literally making my own object comic anthology. I love comics i will eat them up. Please read efar it is literally my biggest inspiration
My chibi art shop!
hmm it appears I’m reviving an old thread
is anyone else like
crazy excited for inanimate insanity season 2 to be coming back??
like I’m really glad I started watching ii only a couple weeks after episode 14 came out but IT’S BEEN SO LONG AAAAAAA
why does this always happen to me where
I start watching a show right after a highly anticipated episode comes out but I have to wait insanely long for the next one (ok it only happened twice but still)
hmm it appears I’m reviving an old thread
is anyone else like
crazy excited for inanimate insanity season 2 to be coming back??
like I’m really glad I started watching ii only a couple weeks after episode 14 came out but IT’S BEEN SO LONG AAAAAAA
why does this always happen to me where
I start watching a show right after a highly anticipated episode comes out but I have to wait insanely long for the next one (ok it only happened twice but still)
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I haven’t quite been hyperfixating on object shows recently but a new ii episode just might bring it back lol


I haven’t quite been hyperfixating on object shows recently but a new ii episode just might bring it back lol
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What did y’all think about TPOT 12? Challenge wise, it was one of the least interesting, But there were a lot of surprises, like the teams and One. Not the biggest fan of the new teams but I suppose it was intentional to make them have little synergy. It was overall a good episode and I really can’t wait for TPOT 13.
What did y’all think about TPOT 12? Challenge wise, it was one of the least interesting, But there were a lot of surprises, like the teams and One. Not the biggest fan of the new teams but I suppose it was intentional to make them have little synergy. It was overall a good episode and I really can’t wait for TPOT 13.
@JadeJester22 I thought it was pretty cool!! TPOT and BFDI and that whole section aren’t my favorite object shows (The humor is a little too random=funny for me and I prefer serious object shows like TNM and HFJONE, and when I do watch BFB it’s almost always for Four content) but the stuff with One looks SUPER interesting and I’m excited to see it
@JadeJester22 I thought it was pretty cool!! TPOT and BFDI and that whole section aren’t my favorite object shows (The humor is a little too random=funny for me and I prefer serious object shows like TNM and HFJONE, and when I do watch BFB it’s almost always for Four content) but the stuff with One looks SUPER interesting and I’m excited to see it
Fiend | All pronouns but she

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