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TOPIC | [B] Searing Armbands
[center][item=searing armband][/center] Hello! I'd like to buy [b]3 Searing Armbands at 700g each[/b], since that's how much I paid for one a few months ago. Feel free to just set up a CR if interested or ping/PM me with any questions. Thank you for your time! :)
Searing Armband

Hello! I'd like to buy 3 Searing Armbands at 700g each, since that's how much I paid for one a few months ago. Feel free to just set up a CR if interested or ping/PM me with any questions. Thank you for your time! :)
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.
[center][item=searing armband][/center]
Searing Armband
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.
[center][item=searing armband][/center]
Searing Armband
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.