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TOPIC | Dressing Practice
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i really need to practice dressing dragons - so help me help you!
some examples of outfits i've made and am working on for my own dragons:

please include if applicable:
-any apparel you have that you want on the dragon / want to keep for the outfit
-any skins you have on the dragon that you want to keep for the outfit i'll make, or any you have in storage (or plan to buy) you'd like me to work with.

i have a very erratic schedule so you might receive them at a strange time, but i'll do my best to ensure that i do them quickly. i'll give my very best attempt.
i really need to practice dressing dragons - so help me help you!
some examples of outfits i've made and am working on for my own dragons:

please include if applicable:
-any apparel you have that you want on the dragon / want to keep for the outfit
-any skins you have on the dragon that you want to keep for the outfit i'll make, or any you have in storage (or plan to buy) you'd like me to work with.

i have a very erratic schedule so you might receive them at a strange time, but i'll do my best to ensure that i do them quickly. i'll give my very best attempt.
if you're still open for this, I would love to see an outfit for this sweetie I just bought !!! I can offer 20kt for the trouble, too :-) [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm open to anything somewhat match-y, and feel free to use site-made-skins if you'd so please ! thank you for the opportunity!
if you're still open for this, I would love to see an outfit for this sweetie I just bought !!! I can offer 20kt for the trouble, too :-)


I'm open to anything somewhat match-y, and feel free to use site-made-skins if you'd so please ! thank you for the opportunity!

i like bugs & biology & creatures !!!
any pronouns | sporadically active
i am terrible with tone over text, please be patient with my overuse of emoticons / punctuation :-)
[size=4] @MAGGOTEATER here's my best shot! colors were very difficult on this one, but i think the green balances the blue on the wings. no price is ever necessary, but if you DO end up liking the outfit, tips are always welcome! [img],25022,52285,37393,58060&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=2621009][skin=30580]
@MAGGOTEATER here's my best shot! colors were very difficult on this one, but i think the green balances the blue on the wings. no price is ever necessary, but if you DO end up liking the outfit, tips are always welcome!
he's only a scry at the moment so i've put him into the dressing room for you <3

if you want to add a skin to him feel free, but otherwise i'm open to nearly anything that matches his colours! i am a sucker for the silk and flowerfalls aesthetic though... feel free to look at my lair and hibden for inspo if needed!! also feel free to use as many slots as you'd like!!

he's only a scry at the moment so i've put him into the dressing room for you <3

if you want to add a skin to him feel free, but otherwise i'm open to nearly anything that matches his colours! i am a sucker for the silk and flowerfalls aesthetic though... feel free to look at my lair and hibden for inspo if needed!! also feel free to use as many slots as you'd like!!

officer, i drop kicked that child in self defense
fr +17 • she / her
OHHH SHE LOOKS SO COOL thank you so much !!! very hard colors to work with I'm aware haha :-) your outfits are very lovely !
OHHH SHE LOOKS SO COOL thank you so much !!! very hard colors to work with I'm aware haha :-) your outfits are very lovely !

i like bugs & biology & creatures !!!
any pronouns | sporadically active
i am terrible with tone over text, please be patient with my overuse of emoticons / punctuation :-)
[size=4] @SeaCat here he is! i tried my best with the silks, using the vintage starsilk set, but it just wasn't agreeing with me. i hope some golden silk suffices! :) [img],3698,47439,22833,22830,47410,14438,3632&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=2622111][skin=50671]
@SeaCat here he is! i tried my best with the silks, using the vintage starsilk set, but it just wasn't agreeing with me. i hope some golden silk suffices! :)
oooooo i like it!! thank you!!
oooooo i like it!! thank you!!
officer, i drop kicked that child in self defense
fr +17 • she / her
[font=candara]@reflektor Hello! Can you help me with my beloved Citypop? :D Please keep her flowerfall~ [url=][img][/img][/url]
@reflektor Hello! Can you help me with my beloved Citypop? :D Please keep her flowerfall~

84d669668790b279a1734f4a81a8e75e9ae50900.png fLdYOuE.png
Some current special interests: Hololive, Ironmouse, magical girls, danmei... more here!
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[left]I would absolutely LOVE some dress suggestions for this girl because she's been driving me insane OTL[/left] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [left]She's a desert oasis nature goddess, so I'm looking for something along those lines. Desert-y and nature-y at the same time? I would also appreciate the rattlesnake being kept! I think it really suits the vibes I'm trying to go for[/left]
I would absolutely LOVE some dress suggestions for this girl because she's been driving me insane OTL
She's a desert oasis nature goddess, so I'm looking for something along those lines. Desert-y and nature-y at the same time? I would also appreciate the rattlesnake being kept! I think it really suits the vibes I'm trying to go for
output-onlinegiftools-1.gif rin | he/she/they | gr/eng | fr + 10

» I said to the almond tree, 'Sister, speak to me of god.' And the almond tree blossomed.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Please help me dress her if you're still doing this, I'd like something that keeps her spots still somewhat visible. I think grey or black would look nice on her and compliment the cheetah look
Please help me dress her if you're still doing this, I'd like something that keeps her spots still somewhat visible. I think grey or black would look nice on her and compliment the cheetah look
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