
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Did it just switch?
I was doing my dailies. Switched from gathering to the Trading Post and I swear, right around doing Pinkerton's, it switched from Green to Yellow.
Which is sad. I could have submitted the last item.
I was doing my dailies. Switched from gathering to the Trading Post and I swear, right around doing Pinkerton's, it switched from Green to Yellow.
Which is sad. I could have submitted the last item.
Once there was a dragon...

Profile dragon:
I feel you; I got super close and hopped out to quickly bond with some familiars and I tapped on the green icon only to be met with the orange, haha. Such is life, congrats to whoever got it!! :) I can’t wait to find out what this means!
I feel you; I got super close and hopped out to quickly bond with some familiars and I tapped on the green icon only to be met with the orange, haha. Such is life, congrats to whoever got it!! :) I can’t wait to find out what this means!
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@guyfromloathing and @eveningemeral, you can still turn in items for the reward.
@guyfromloathing and @eveningemeral, you can still turn in items for the reward.
I know I can, I already did. I've turned in for all stages. They blow by fast, it feels a bit unbalanced. Surely the stages should last longer, right?
Anyhow, what do with my remaining things? Keep as trinkets?
I know I can, I already did. I've turned in for all stages. They blow by fast, it feels a bit unbalanced. Surely the stages should last longer, right?
Anyhow, what do with my remaining things? Keep as trinkets?
Once there was a dragon...

Profile dragon:
@BirdeeBee Yep, all my items have already been turned in and the reward has been claimed, but I appreciate the thought.

@GuyFromLoathing Keeping them as trinkets is what I’ll be doing! ^^ And it didn’t feel too unbalanced to me (it ran at about the same pace as Dustcarve Dig, albeit one cycle shorter so a few less days!) but I see where you’re coming from! I think a big part of its pacing is just the player base excited for the next part, haha
@BirdeeBee Yep, all my items have already been turned in and the reward has been claimed, but I appreciate the thought.

@GuyFromLoathing Keeping them as trinkets is what I’ll be doing! ^^ And it didn’t feel too unbalanced to me (it ran at about the same pace as Dustcarve Dig, albeit one cycle shorter so a few less days!) but I see where you’re coming from! I think a big part of its pacing is just the player base excited for the next part, haha
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