
Forum Games

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TOPIC | The Banning Game
@ExoticButters171 Banned for having no forum vista
@ExoticButters171 Banned for having no forum vista
@ankh banned because I have less than a one percent chance of winning the raffle. I did the math and it's less then one percent, it's like, 0.0989(and a whole bunch of other numbers)
@ankh banned because I have less than a one percent chance of winning the raffle. I did the math and it's less then one percent, it's like, 0.0989(and a whole bunch of other numbers)
! she/they ⛤ pan ⛤ pls call me ash ⛤ demisexual !
@RatGodBP banned because that's how raffles work. You did good math. Well done. Here, have a pizza (giving pizza)
@RatGodBP banned because that's how raffles work. You did good math. Well done. Here, have a pizza (giving pizza)
@FriendlyNoodle Banned ClaratheBlaziken trying not to forget about the Banning Game challenge [img][/img]
@FriendlyNoodle Banned

ClaratheBlaziken trying not to forget about the Banning Game challenge
Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much

Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much

Banned cause Latin is cool

Banned cause Latin is cool
@banned because Billie>>>>
@banned because Billie>>>>
! she/they ⛤ pan ⛤ pls call me ash ⛤ demisexual !
@PeanutButter57 banned because it is but I haven't touched it in at least two years lol

@RatGodBP Banned for ninja

@PeanutButter57 banned because it is but I haven't touched it in at least two years lol

@RatGodBP Banned for ninja

Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much

Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much
@ClaratheBlaziken banned because you were just too slow
@ClaratheBlaziken banned because you were just too slow
! she/they ⛤ pan ⛤ pls call me ash ⛤ demisexual !
@RatGodBP banned because you were too fast for me
@RatGodBP banned because you were too fast for me
Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much

Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much
@ClaratheBlaziken banned because get better
@ClaratheBlaziken banned because get better
! she/they ⛤ pan ⛤ pls call me ash ⛤ demisexual !