The Banning Game
RatGodBP's Clan
Clan Info
This clan brings encouragement and bravery, while also making people feel better about THEMSELVES. KNOW YOU ARE LOVED, AND DON BE ME (you don wanna know)!!! ALLLLSSOOOOOOO, if you have any dragons you don't want or are about to exalt, you may send them to me so they can live a happy life in a happy clan. <3 h̶e̶l̶p̶ m̶e̶.
Join my raffle! (It will most likely be in my recent forum posts)
Join my raffle! (It will most likely be in my recent forum posts)
Recent Comments
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This user is currently idle.
They are a beautiful dragon
You can also get the breed change in Baldwin's Brew.
Hope this helps! :)