
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | [T]Skin and Accent Problems
why hello there.
yeah thats my handwriting
yeah thats my handwriting
confirming the collab post!
confirming the collab post!
yc5gmUQ.png Zi7pp4c.pngGNdJbNa.png
confirming above :)
confirming above :)

- +8 fr time
confirming above!
confirming above!

she/her | fr+3.|.skins

@Foneu The images have been updated.

@Terrorform Yes, you can PM me the copies and I'll replace them with the original ones.

@philocaly The image has been updated.

@Kairo Please resubmit these designs as is and PM me with the order numbers.

@Anduins @DragonsMythos @Kudu @Kuroda @lizzytiki @batmorgue @rndzvs @boothill @Ezevic @videogame @weevil @incant Thanks for letting us know!
@Foneu The images have been updated.

@Terrorform Yes, you can PM me the copies and I'll replace them with the original ones.

@philocaly The image has been updated.

@Kairo Please resubmit these designs as is and PM me with the order numbers.

@Anduins @DragonsMythos @Kudu @Kuroda @lizzytiki @batmorgue @rndzvs @boothill @Ezevic @videogame @weevil @incant Thanks for letting us know!
I forgot to take pictures but I similarly have problems with the coverage checker often marking tiny bits of overflow for basically nothing. Even though I even masked the skin to the base after resizing, not before. I don't know if it's a difference in art program that's causing this or what (I eventually got the submission through, but it took many tries).

Perhaps the coverage checker could be expanded to give a 2-3 pixel grace margin outside the base? It's not too much that would disrupt the dragon's silhouette but would make the submitting process less painful.
I forgot to take pictures but I similarly have problems with the coverage checker often marking tiny bits of overflow for basically nothing. Even though I even masked the skin to the base after resizing, not before. I don't know if it's a difference in art program that's causing this or what (I eventually got the submission through, but it took many tries).

Perhaps the coverage checker could be expanded to give a 2-3 pixel grace margin outside the base? It's not too much that would disrupt the dragon's silhouette but would make the submitting process less painful.
i got a skin approved but the shading exported incorrectly and it just looks really wonky now, i made a thread about it here and a lot of awesome people helped walk me through what i did wrong. i now have a revised skin that shouldn't come out so weird looking, so i was wondering if i could get my skin resubmitted so the transparency isn't broken. thank you for your time!
i got a skin approved but the shading exported incorrectly and it just looks really wonky now, i made a thread about it here and a lot of awesome people helped walk me through what i did wrong. i now have a revised skin that shouldn't come out so weird looking, so i was wondering if i could get my skin resubmitted so the transparency isn't broken. thank you for your time!
hello! I think I accidentally submitted the wrong image to an order and it was approved. the skin is order #2313 emberveil [item=skin: emberveil] and I'd like for the order to be re-evaluated/image replaced with this one: [img][/img] for the existing copies with the wrong image, should those be sent back to a mod or can they be left as is?
hello! I think I accidentally submitted the wrong image to an order and it was approved. the skin is order #2313 emberveil Skin: emberveil and I'd like for the order to be re-evaluated/image replaced with this one:
for the existing copies with the wrong image, should those be sent back to a mod or can they be left as is?
why hello there.