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TOPIC | first time drawing spirals!
To start, this is my first forum post, apologies for any missed etiquette or poor formatting- so a friend of mine started playing again, and as it goes that kick started my own account back into activity. This time though i find myself actually getting real into it and attached to my dragons, so its about time I finally drew some! [img][/img] [img][/img][center](without background)[/center] my dragons aren't decked out in accents and apparel but i think that saved me a whole lot more extra trouble lol, this is Deus and Al! Deus, a spiral born deep within the Tangled Wood with Al, another spiral who once studied within the Arcanist’s libraries before his fateful meeting with the shadow dragon. Al has always held an insatiable curiosity that, combined with a touch of naivety, led to one very fateful meeting with the shadow dragon. ...or that's how i find myself daydreaming about it so far ^,^ it fits in with my apparent flight change i don't remember doing at some point in this accounts life, i used to be arcane i realize! back to subject though, i don't often draw a lot of creatures, (maybe except for a WOF moment in middle school) so it was really fun analyzing and figuring out their anatomy (so many wings?!?) after all is done i found my sketching process interesting enough to share [img][/img] [center](layout stage)[/center] i had a vision in my mind, but no idea how to tackle the knotted ball that is the spirals anatomy, so i focused on the layout and most basic shapes of the thin windy bodies and tacking on wings and limbs after i figured that first part out. Once getting everything down how i liked it i realized how i gotta draw it properly in proportion which was a very very humbling process [img][/img] [center](solid sketch stage)[/center] though a harrowing experience figuring out how their tiny limbs look and how all those wings connect to them and where their underbelly is at any time, ugh, i got it down! there was a lot more to it too, even more preliminary sketching before the screenshots ive sent, and lining and coloring is always a treat no matter what the subject, but i'm sure i've drabbled enough. thank you for reading if you have so far and spending a moment on my art :3 to see you off i'll leave a couple silly doodles i made while figuring out their faces [img][/img]
To start, this is my first forum post, apologies for any missed etiquette or poor formatting-
so a friend of mine started playing again, and as it goes that kick started my own account back into activity. This time though i find myself actually getting real into it and attached to my dragons, so its about time I finally drew some!
(without background)
my dragons aren't decked out in accents and apparel but i think that saved me a whole lot more extra trouble lol, this is Deus and Al!
Deus, a spiral born deep within the Tangled Wood with Al, another spiral who once studied within the Arcanist’s libraries before his fateful meeting with the shadow dragon. Al has always held an insatiable curiosity that, combined with a touch of naivety, led to one very fateful meeting with the shadow dragon.

...or that's how i find myself daydreaming about it so far ^,^ it fits in with my apparent flight change i don't remember doing at some point in this accounts life, i used to be arcane i realize! back to subject though, i don't often draw a lot of creatures, (maybe except for a WOF moment in middle school) so it was really fun analyzing and figuring out their anatomy (so many wings?!?) after all is done i found my sketching process interesting enough to share

(layout stage)
i had a vision in my mind, but no idea how to tackle the knotted ball that is the spirals anatomy, so i focused on the layout and most basic shapes of the thin windy bodies and tacking on wings and limbs after i figured that first part out. Once getting everything down how i liked it i realized how i gotta draw it properly in proportion which was a very very humbling process

(solid sketch stage)
though a harrowing experience figuring out how their tiny limbs look and how all those wings connect to them and where their underbelly is at any time, ugh, i got it down! there was a lot more to it too, even more preliminary sketching before the screenshots ive sent, and lining and coloring is always a treat no matter what the subject, but i'm sure i've drabbled enough. thank you for reading if you have so far and spending a moment on my art :3 to see you off i'll leave a couple silly doodles i made while figuring out their faces

omg they look so good!!! spirals are So hard to draw and u totally nailed it ^^ i love their poses and the composition, super cool seeing your process too!
omg they look so good!!! spirals are So hard to draw and u totally nailed it ^^ i love their poses and the composition, super cool seeing your process too!
FY88vH7.png A2n6lGl.png DlO6vXs.gif
@wyrmflwer thank you so much!!! the composition is the part i'm probably the most happy with so it means a lot <3 I'm glad the process pics were interesting to you as well ^,^ !!
@wyrmflwer thank you so much!!! the composition is the part i'm probably the most happy with so it means a lot <3 I'm glad the process pics were interesting to you as well ^,^ !!
OMG this is so stunning!! two of them... the composition really came out so awesome, the work you put into it really shows c: absolutely love how they're so intertangled and the love between the two really shines through!! this is everything spirals are about tbh and i love seeing it C: peak noodles...
OMG this is so stunning!! two of them... the composition really came out so awesome, the work you put into it really shows c: absolutely love how they're so intertangled and the love between the two really shines through!! this is everything spirals are about tbh and i love seeing it C: peak noodles...
Woah I really love the drawing!!! It's so cool how they are both really tangled with each other! :0 Their attachment is so beautiful to look at, and the poses are just absolutely gorgeous!!
Oh and I also like the silly doodles you made! Hehe that front view is pretty funny
Woah I really love the drawing!!! It's so cool how they are both really tangled with each other! :0 Their attachment is so beautiful to look at, and the poses are just absolutely gorgeous!!
Oh and I also like the silly doodles you made! Hehe that front view is pretty funny
windanim3.gif ll0CfnD.png
588ddc34fec92a5326ef7f76a05f030db0362f45.png FObX7rS.png
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@pheelthemoment Thank you so much!!! i'm glad all the energy conveys, really peak noodle time!!!
@pheelthemoment Thank you so much!!! i'm glad all the energy conveys, really peak noodle time!!!
@DistressdDonut thank you very much!! being so intertwined its almost claustrophobic was the kind of feel i was going for certainly, Al cant pull away from Deus' magnetism! also with the front views ikr?? slim streamlined skull types always look a bit silly from the front ^,^
@DistressdDonut thank you very much!! being so intertwined its almost claustrophobic was the kind of feel i was going for certainly, Al cant pull away from Deus' magnetism! also with the front views ikr?? slim streamlined skull types always look a bit silly from the front ^,^
aaaah what a beautiful and fun illustration <3 I adore those silly doodles you've made of their faces! Also, I loved how you did a breakdown of your thought process for the illustration, I think that was super neat!

I'd love to follow your journey or if you ever do more art do you have a pinglist or account to follow you? :3

Have a lovely day!
aaaah what a beautiful and fun illustration <3 I adore those silly doodles you've made of their faces! Also, I loved how you did a breakdown of your thought process for the illustration, I think that was super neat!

I'd love to follow your journey or if you ever do more art do you have a pinglist or account to follow you? :3

Have a lovely day!
@MangoPanda Wahhh thank you so much !!! I do post art online elsewhere but they're kinda inactive at the moment for time being due to social media anxiety :,) I could set up a pinglist maybe, I might make some spiral studies to share here as well!!
@MangoPanda Wahhh thank you so much !!! I do post art online elsewhere but they're kinda inactive at the moment for time being due to social media anxiety :,) I could set up a pinglist maybe, I might make some spiral studies to share here as well!!