
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
[center][url=]Rules & Pinglists[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Hatchling Prizes[/url] | [url=]Badges & F.A.Q.[/url] | [url=]Sunday[/url] | [url=]Monday[/url] | [url=]Tuesday[/url] | [url=]Wednesday[/url] | [url=]Thursday[/url] | [url=]Friday[/url] | [url=]Saturday[/url][/center] [center][img alt="Badges"][/img] [color=green][b][u]Retired Badges[/u][/b][/center] [color=green]The first event like this, "Welcome The Wood Dragons" for Year of the Wood Dragon, was [url=]this thread[/url] [color=green][u]Ways to get Retired Badges[/u] - [img][/img] Send 15g or 15k each by [url=]PM to NerdMom[/url] and say it's for badges instead of a colors entry. Need the full Daily set? Discount 70g or 70k. This goes 100% to Nature Dom donation. Comes with raffle tickets 15 for 15g, 70 for 70g and so on. [columns][img alt="A Nature egg with a pale pink sprouting top sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a red background."][/img][nextcol][color=#363A32]One egg... Unlucky wegged? No, THE one! This sole egg hopes to bring you good fortune that THE one color combo you've been chasing will appear.[/columns] [code][columns][img alt="A Nature egg with a pale pink sprouting top sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a red background."][/img][nextcol][color=#363A32]One egg... Unlucky wegged? No, THE one! This sole egg hopes to bring you good fortune that THE one color combo you've been chasing will appear.[/columns][/code] [columns][img alt="Two Nature eggs with pale blue sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a teal background."][/img][nextcol][color=#363A32]Two eggs... Not the best... Except when it IS! This duo of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune completing a pairing, whether you are looking for male or female.[/columns] [code][columns][img alt="Two Nature eggs with pale blue sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a teal background."][/img][nextcol][color=#363A32]Two eggs... Not the best... Except when it IS! This duo of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune completing a pairing, whether you are looking for male or female.[/columns][/code] [columns][url=][img alt="Three Nature eggs with pale yellow sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Three eggs... Decent as far as fertility... And even more decent when the three genes are to your liking, that the pesky one hides or the desired one comes out! This trio of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in your three-gene outcomes.[/columns] [code][columns][url=][img alt="Three Nature eggs with pale yellow sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Three eggs... Decent as far as fertility... And even more decent when the three genes are to your liking, that the pesky one hides or the desired one comes out! This trio of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in your three-gene outcomes.[/columns][/code] [columns][url=][img alt="Four Nature eggs with pale green sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Four eggs... A boon for your clan. This quartet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune gaining many new additions whether they rush off to other lairs or stay to grow.[/columns] [code][columns][url=][img alt="Four Nature eggs with pale green sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Four eggs... A boon for your clan. This quartet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune gaining many new additions whether they rush off to other lairs or stay to grow.[/columns][/code] [columns][url=][img alt="Five Nature eggs with pale tan sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a brown background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Five eggs... The ultimate in special nesting outcomes... But what is more valuable, the lucrative quantity or the feeling of excitement and belief that this is special? This quintet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in finding joy in something every day, rain or shine, rare or common.[/columns] [code][columns][url=][img alt="Five Nature eggs with pale tan sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a brown background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Five eggs... The ultimate in special nesting outcomes... But what is more valuable, the lucrative quantity or the feeling of excitement and belief that this is special? This quintet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in finding joy in something every day, rain or shine, rare or common.[/columns][/code] [columns][url=][img alt="A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]The hatchling has revealed itself! This hatchling wishes to bring you good fortune whenever offspring of your own should ever seek new clans.[/columns] [code][columns][url=][img alt="A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]The hatchling has revealed itself! This hatchling wishes to bring you good fortune whenever offspring of your own should ever seek new clans.[/columns][/code] [columns][url=][img alt="A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]The hatchling has revealed itself, not only that but one of many! This hatchling and its kin wish to bring you good fortune that your pairs are known far and wide, that clans all across Sornieth seek your offspring.[/columns] [code][columns][url=][img alt="A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]The hatchling has revealed itself, not only that but one of many! This hatchling and its kin wish to bring you good fortune that your pairs are known far and wide, that clans all across Sornieth seek your offspring.[/columns][/code] [color=#363A32][i]Firecrackers complete with tempting pull tassels. Keep as mementos or set them off immediately. Decisions, decisions...[/i][/color] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring an Imperial dragon design."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring an Imperial dragon design."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a gingko leaf design."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a gingko leaf design."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Flight Rising treasure coin."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Flight Rising treasure coin."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Nature flight emblem."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Nature flight emblem."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring clouds."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring clouds."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a vines design."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a vines design."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Chinese character 'Fu' for luck."][/img][nextcol][code][img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Chinese character 'Fu' for luck."][/img][/code][/columns] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center][img alt="Information"][/img] [color=red]Not necessary to play unless you want to know full rules info.[/color][/center] [img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada."][/img] [columns][center][color=green][b][u]Guessing Game[/u][/b][/center] [color=green][img][/img] Guess hatchling colors from the ranges provided. [img][/img] Entries cost 10g or 10k by [url=]PM to NerdMom[/url] [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] 50% Nature Dom donation, 50% gets added to prizes [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] comes with 10 raffle tickets, plus see Wins below [img][/img] Daily featured pair gets double-entries [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] but all pairs are open from nesting to hatching [center][color=green][b][u]Wins[/u][/b][/center] [color=green][u]1-match[/u] gets: [img][/img] 1 prize badge per hit [img][/img] can get multiple hits per entry [u]2-match and 3-match[/u] get: [img][/img] 2-3 prize badges per hit (see Badges post) [img][/img] in-game raffle tickets according to combo odds [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] Example, hit a combo with 4 x 5 = 20 possibilities -> 20 tickets [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] Example, hit a combo with 2 x 10 x 15 = 300 possibilities -> 300 tickets [img][/img] can get multiple hits per entry [u]TOP MATCH in each nest[/u] gets: [img][/img] same as above, plus [img][/img] [emoji=treasure size=1][emoji=gem size=1] prize pot of 50% fees [img][/img] Ties get settled with tiebreaker questions, otherwise randomizer [nextcol][img alt="A flying Behemoth cicada."][/img][/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada."][/img][/center] [columns][img alt="A flying Northern Glass cicada."][/img][nextcol] [center][color=green][b][u]Donations / Extra Raffle Tickets[/u][/b][/center] [color=green][img][/img] Donating to Nature Dom or interested in extra tickets without a guess entry? [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] 1g or 1k = 1 [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] 10g or 10k sets = 20 (+100% rate) [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] This goes 100% to Nature Dom donation which is a huge help, so sure double tickets compared to other purchases [color=transparent]••••[/color][img][/img] [url=]PM to NerdMom[/url] and say it’s for donation/tickets [nextcol][img alt="A flying Northern Glass cicada."][/img][/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada."][/img][/center] [columns][img alt="A flying Northern Glass cicada."][/img][nextcol] [center][color=green][b][u]Prize Badges[/u][/b][/color][/center] [color=green][img][/img] They’re given out at the end of event, BUT relax - [img][/img] They’re randomized but NO duplicates, so getting enough 1-matches to cover the goal guarantees a perfect set. [img][/img] Odds are provided and generous, average 70% success per EGG not just per nest. [img][/img] Your progress gets updated and notified each time nest results come in [pinglist=28891] [color=green][img][/img] The last day (Saturday) has flat rate 1 payout per single-entry and 2 per double-entry. This means one last backup plan guaranteed to fill up to goal. [img][/img] It’s the thrill of RNG gambling but the safety net of a backup guarantee.[nextcol][img alt="A flying Northern Glass cicada."][/img][/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada."][/img][/center] [columns][color=green][img alt="A dark green Behemoth cidada with yellow accents sitting on a vine."][/img][nextcol][center][color=green][b][u]Question of the Day[/u][/b][/center] [color=green][img][/img] QOTD is free. [img][/img] You can catch up anytime until [s]closing Saturday night rollover[/s] Sunday morning grace period. [img][/img] QOTD gets that day’s badge (self-service) and 5 tickets to the in-game raffles.[nextcol][img alt="A flying Behemoth cicada."][/img][/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada."][/img][/center] [columns][img alt="A flying Behemoth cicada."][/img][nextcol][center][color=red][b][u]Hatchling Prizes[/u][/b][/color][/center] [color=green][img][/img] Hatchlings/dragon prizes get a separate drawing than the other prizes. [img][/img] I’m doing my best to get them rehomed quickly so new owners can enjoy the hatchling phase longer, so [color=red]if interested in any of them, enter [b]Saturday the 25th’s adoption form[/b], so winners AND new owners can be decided Sunday.[/color][nextcol][img alt="A dark green Behemoth cidada with yellow accents sitting on a vine."][/img][/columns]

Retired Badges
The first event like this, "Welcome The Wood Dragons" for Year of the Wood Dragon, was this thread

Ways to get Retired Badges -

Tu6GWS8.png Send 15g or 15k each by PM to NerdMom and say it's for badges instead of a colors entry. Need the full Daily set? Discount 70g or 70k. This goes 100% to Nature Dom donation. Comes with raffle tickets 15 for 15g, 70 for 70g and so on.

A Nature egg with a pale pink sprouting top sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a red background. One egg... Unlucky wegged? No, THE one! This sole egg hopes to bring you good fortune that THE one color combo you've been chasing will appear.
[columns][img alt="A Nature egg with a pale pink sprouting top sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a red background."][/img][nextcol][color=#363A32]One egg... Unlucky wegged? No, THE one! This sole egg hopes to bring you good fortune that THE one color combo you've been chasing will appear.[/columns]
Two Nature eggs with pale blue sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a teal background. Two eggs... Not the best... Except when it IS! This duo of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune completing a pairing, whether you are looking for male or female.
[columns][img alt="Two Nature eggs with pale blue sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a teal background."][/img][nextcol][color=#363A32]Two eggs... Not the best... Except when it IS! This duo of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune completing a pairing, whether you are looking for male or female.[/columns]
Three Nature eggs with pale yellow sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background. Three eggs... Decent as far as fertility... And even more decent when the three genes are to your liking, that the pesky one hides or the desired one comes out! This trio of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in your three-gene outcomes.
[columns][url=][img alt="Three Nature eggs with pale yellow sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Three eggs... Decent as far as fertility... And even more decent when the three genes are to your liking, that the pesky one hides or the desired one comes out! This trio of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in your three-gene outcomes.[/columns]
Four Nature eggs with pale green sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background. Four eggs... A boon for your clan. This quartet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune gaining many new additions whether they rush off to other lairs or stay to grow.
[columns][url=][img alt="Four Nature eggs with pale green sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Four eggs... A boon for your clan. This quartet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune gaining many new additions whether they rush off to other lairs or stay to grow.[/columns]
Five Nature eggs with pale tan sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a brown background. Five eggs... The ultimate in special nesting outcomes... But what is more valuable, the lucrative quantity or the feeling of excitement and belief that this is special? This quintet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in finding joy in something every day, rain or shine, rare or common.
[columns][url=][img alt="Five Nature eggs with pale tan sprouting tops sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a brown background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]Five eggs... The ultimate in special nesting outcomes... But what is more valuable, the lucrative quantity or the feeling of excitement and belief that this is special? This quintet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune in finding joy in something every day, rain or shine, rare or common.[/columns]
A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background. The hatchling has revealed itself! This hatchling wishes to bring you good fortune whenever offspring of your own should ever seek new clans.
[columns][url=][img alt="A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]The hatchling has revealed itself! This hatchling wishes to bring you good fortune whenever offspring of your own should ever seek new clans.[/columns]
A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background. The hatchling has revealed itself, not only that but one of many! This hatchling and its kin wish to bring you good fortune that your pairs are known far and wide, that clans all across Sornieth seek your offspring.
[columns][url=][img alt="A red hatchling emerges from a blooming Nature egg sitting on a gold-lined leaf bed against a green background."][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#363A32]The hatchling has revealed itself, not only that but one of many! This hatchling and its kin wish to bring you good fortune that your pairs are known far and wide, that clans all across Sornieth seek your offspring.[/columns]

Firecrackers complete with tempting pull tassels. Keep as mementos or set them off immediately. Decisions, decisions...
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring an Imperial dragon design.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring an Imperial dragon design."][/img]
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a gingko leaf design.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a gingko leaf design."][/img]
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Flight Rising treasure coin.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Flight Rising treasure coin."][/img]
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Nature flight emblem.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Nature flight emblem."][/img]
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring clouds.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring clouds."][/img]
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a vines design.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring a vines design."][/img]
A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Chinese character 'Fu' for luck.
[img alt="A red firecracker with a green tassel and gold decoration featuring the Chinese character 'Fu' for luck."][/img]
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.

Not necessary to play unless you want to know full rules info.
Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada.
Guessing Game
e1UgWPl.png Guess hatchling colors from the ranges provided.
e1UgWPl.png Entries cost 10g or 10k by PM to NerdMom
••••Tu6GWS8.png 50% Nature Dom donation, 50% gets added to prizes
••••Tu6GWS8.png comes with 10 raffle tickets, plus see Wins below
e1UgWPl.png Daily featured pair gets double-entries
••••Tu6GWS8.png but all pairs are open from nesting to hatching


1-match gets:
Tu6GWS8.png 1 prize badge per hit
Tu6GWS8.png can get multiple hits per entry

2-match and 3-match get:
Tu6GWS8.png 2-3 prize badges per hit (see Badges post)
Tu6GWS8.png in-game raffle tickets according to combo odds
••••Tu6GWS8.png Example, hit a combo with 4 x 5 = 20 possibilities -> 20 tickets
••••Tu6GWS8.png Example, hit a combo with 2 x 10 x 15 = 300 possibilities -> 300 tickets
Tu6GWS8.png can get multiple hits per entry

TOP MATCH in each nest gets:
Tu6GWS8.png same as above, plus
Tu6GWS8.png prize pot of 50% fees
Tu6GWS8.png Ties get settled with tiebreaker questions, otherwise randomizer

A flying Behemoth cicada.
Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada.
A flying Northern Glass cicada.
Donations / Extra Raffle Tickets
Tu6GWS8.png Donating to Nature Dom or interested in extra tickets without a guess entry?
••••Tu6GWS8.png 1g or 1k = 1
••••Tu6GWS8.png 10g or 10k sets = 20 (+100% rate)
••••Tu6GWS8.png This goes 100% to Nature Dom donation which is a huge help, so sure double tickets compared to other purchases
••••Tu6GWS8.png PM to NerdMom and say it’s for donation/tickets
A flying Northern Glass cicada.
Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada.
A flying Northern Glass cicada.
Prize Badges

Tu6GWS8.png They’re given out at the end of event, BUT relax -
Tu6GWS8.png They’re randomized but NO duplicates, so getting enough 1-matches to cover the goal guarantees a perfect set.
Tu6GWS8.png Odds are provided and generous, average 70% success per EGG not just per nest.
Tu6GWS8.png Your progress gets updated and notified each time nest results come in

Tu6GWS8.png The last day (Saturday) has flat rate 1 payout per single-entry and 2 per double-entry. This means one last backup plan guaranteed to fill up to goal.
Tu6GWS8.png It’s the thrill of RNG gambling but the safety net of a backup guarantee.
A flying Northern Glass cicada.
Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada.
A dark green Behemoth cidada with yellow accents sitting on a vine.
Question of the Day
Tu6GWS8.png QOTD is free.
Tu6GWS8.png You can catch up anytime until closing Saturday night rollover Sunday morning grace period.
Tu6GWS8.png QOTD gets that day’s badge (self-service) and 5 tickets to the in-game raffles.
A flying Behemoth cicada.
Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada.
A flying Behemoth cicada.
Hatchling Prizes
Tu6GWS8.png Hatchlings/dragon prizes get a separate drawing than the other prizes.
Tu6GWS8.png I’m doing my best to get them rehomed quickly so new owners can enjoy the hatchling phase longer, so if interested in any of them, enter Saturday the 25th’s adoption form, so winners AND new owners can be decided Sunday.
A dark green Behemoth cidada with yellow accents sitting on a vine.
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
Hi, all! I hope you remember me mailing you out of the blue to ask about nesting a certain pair on a certain week. It starts this weekend! Please confirm are you still up for it?? This thread needs more construction but check out the front page spotlights. ^.^ That’s basically how your 1-day spotlight posts in the thread will look too. We’re at the period where rotating a new nest everyday has no conflict, but grouped nests could block nesting on the right start date. I especially have to watch out because I normally use up all 5 of mine at once and it would be bad if I didn’t save one. ^_^’ ____________________ @hexenwerk (Lovebugs) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] (confirmed by mail) Still okay to nest your pair? Hoping for THIS Thursday/Friday/Saturday before event May 16/17/18 so that they’re visible on Saturday night opening. ____________________ @Misumena (Silkspun) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] @ElysiumSanctum (Estuary) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] @VibinFrogFolk (Xenopus Frogs) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Still okay to nest your pairs? Nest dates: can be [s]Friday(good but need at least one of you to make it past Wednesday)[/s], Saturday(best) or Sunday(good) May [s]17[/s] / 18 / 19 and hatch on [s]Wednesday[/s], Thursday or Friday May [s]22[/s] / 23 / 24 ____________________ @Ackie (Mourning Flowers) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Still playing a bit, buddy? I’m REALLY trusting you to be featured on Thursday near the end of the week, which means not nesting until Sunday(best) or Monday(nervous) May 19 / 20 to hatch Friday or Saturday, May 24 / 25. ____________________ @NerdMom (Duck Duck Goose) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] I have to nest exactly on Monday the 20th, feature all day Friday, then I hatch on Saturday the 25th and do pre-closing. ____________________ @RailwayDecay (Pearl Cerdae) [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Still okay to nest your pair? Your 100% guaranteed Antique serves a special purpose on the last day :) Can I trust you to nest exactly on Tuesday the 21st and hatch on Sunday the 26th? ________________________________________ [x] Thread WRITTEN!!! [x] Thread DECORATED!!!!!!! [x] QOTD and daily posts text written in advance for precaution. [x] first pair already nested (confirmed 4, great start!), with entry form and spreadsheet tab AND links to post, so could open the first day now haha [x] entry forms made [X] code the other 5 spreadsheet tabs to detect matches [x] link entry form and spreadsheet view to each pair non-urgent [_] switch out the prize badges and alt text for official links / [_] write delivery code into spreadsheet [_] include delivery dragon widget and message
Hi, all! I hope you remember me mailing you out of the blue to ask about nesting a certain pair on a certain week. It starts this weekend! Please confirm are you still up for it??

This thread needs more construction but check out the front page spotlights. ^.^ That’s basically how your 1-day spotlight posts in the thread will look too.

We’re at the period where rotating a new nest everyday has no conflict, but grouped nests could block nesting on the right start date. I especially have to watch out because I normally use up all 5 of mine at once and it would be bad if I didn’t save one. ^_^’
@hexenwerk (Lovebugs) (confirmed by mail)

Still okay to nest your pair? Hoping for THIS Thursday/Friday/Saturday before event May 16/17/18 so that they’re visible on Saturday night opening.
@Misumena (Silkspun)
@ElysiumSanctum (Estuary)
@VibinFrogFolk (Xenopus Frogs)

Still okay to nest your pairs?
Nest dates: can be Friday(good but need at least one of you to make it past Wednesday), Saturday(best) or Sunday(good) May 17 / 18 / 19 and hatch on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday May 22 / 23 / 24
@Ackie (Mourning Flowers)

Still playing a bit, buddy? I’m REALLY trusting you to be featured on Thursday near the end of the week, which means not nesting until Sunday(best) or Monday(nervous) May 19 / 20 to hatch Friday or Saturday, May 24 / 25.
@NerdMom (Duck Duck Goose)

I have to nest exactly on Monday the 20th, feature all day Friday, then I hatch on Saturday the 25th and do pre-closing.
@RailwayDecay (Pearl Cerdae)

Still okay to nest your pair?
Your 100% guaranteed Antique serves a special purpose on the last day :)

Can I trust you to nest exactly on Tuesday the 21st and hatch on Sunday the 26th?

[x] Thread WRITTEN!!!
[x] Thread DECORATED!!!!!!!
[x] QOTD and daily posts text written in advance for precaution.
[x] first pair already nested (confirmed 4, great start!), with entry form and spreadsheet tab AND links to post, so could open the first day now haha
[x] entry forms made
[X] code the other 5 spreadsheet tabs to detect matches
[x] link entry form and spreadsheet view to each pair

[_] switch out the prize badges and alt text for official links /
[_] write delivery code into spreadsheet
[_] include delivery dragon widget and message
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
Tyrith and Bay are prepared to breed! ^-^
Tyrith and Bay are prepared to breed! ^-^
[quote name="NerdMom" date="2024-05-13 22:13:05" ] @RailwayDecay (Pearl Cerdae) Still okay to nest your pair? Your 100% guaranteed Antique serves a special purpose on the last day :) Can I trust you to nest exactly on Tuesday the 21st and hatch on Sunday the 26th? [/quote] Yep! Thanks for the reminder, I'll be all set and send you a message when they are nested.
NerdMom wrote on 2024-05-13 22:13:05:
@RailwayDecay (Pearl Cerdae)

Still okay to nest your pair?
Your 100% guaranteed Antique serves a special purpose on the last day :)

Can I trust you to nest exactly on Tuesday the 21st and hatch on Sunday the 26th?

Yep! Thanks for the reminder, I'll be all set and send you a message when they are nested.
@NerdMom yep yep will nest them on Sunday May 19th. putting a reminder in my phone calendar now.
@NerdMom yep yep will nest them on Sunday May 19th. putting a reminder in my phone calendar now.
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' Gaoler

Thanks! You make me SO glad to know that.

Thanks! You make me SO glad to know that.
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
@NerdMom Yup! My pair is goo, I'll start their nest on the 17th!
@NerdMom Yup! My pair is goo, I'll start their nest on the 17th!


@VibinFrogFolk rock on :D
@VibinFrogFolk rock on :D
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png

Thanks for the reminder! I will nest them on Saturday the 18th if that still works best. I'll send you a message once they're on c:

Thanks for the reminder! I will nest them on Saturday the 18th if that still works best. I'll send you a message once they're on c:
@Misumena perfect! THANK YOU! :D
@Misumena perfect! THANK YOU! :D
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png