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TOPIC | Prim's g4 Naomi Auction
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[center] Finally the time for the first public nest of Primrose, the Goddess of Roses and Thorns, has arrived. Prim, as she is called to those close to her, ended her many years of wandering all over Sornieth, by discovering an expansive withered garden in the middle of a grassland. The garden was calling to her, tugging her into the center. This was there she would call home - this garden being her long sought after destination. It would take her a lengthy amount of time to revitalize each of the four sections, yet, surprises would always happen - one coming in the form of a Light-Touched being, adopting the form of a large imposing Imperial - one who she would later call Soraka. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [u][i][b]Rules:[/b][/i][/u] * The auction will end at 23:59 on May 23. * As always, please ping those you are outbidding along with the dragon’s name. If you mess up, do not edit your post, please post again to correct the mistake. For SBs only, please ping me. [b]* To make everything fair for all users, you may win/purchase 1 kid per nest.[/b] * Minimum increase is set at 500g. Please do not retract a bid after posting. * Holds will be available for the winners of each kid. For SB, we can hold up to a month. For any bids reaching above 15kg, we can hold up to two months. * There will be a 1 hour recurring snipe guard. * If you’d like to have a proxy, please let me know who that person will be and have them post here. * If you have any questions, feel free to either ping me or message me. Below is Prim’s pinglist and the LDP auction pinglist [pinglist=22883] [pinglist=28881] ----- [u][i][b]Small FAQ:[/b][/i][/u] [i]Why is the starting bid set at 10,500g?[/i] This is because we need an even split between the profits for all three owners, which are myself (Kaveh), Xeiana and 00Riku00. This is also why our min increase is also 500g. [i]Will all Prim’s hatchlings be auction based?[/i] No. The only kids that will be auctioned are those from Soraka, Prim’s forgotten mate, due to the major lore points that are developed with each nest. Those nests will be rare, happening only a couple of times. Otherwise, the rest of the hatchlings will be sold at a flat sale price of 10,500g. All kids, either way, will have lore attached to their bio that can be expanded on. [i]Why are the first three kids not considered the first nest?[/i] For lore purposes, the first three kids, Azalea, Belladonna and Nettle, are meant to be the Guardians of the Gardens, one in the North, East, and West section. Thus the technical first nest for public sales is considered to be Gympie and his siblings.[/center]

Finally the time for the first public nest of Primrose, the Goddess of Roses and Thorns, has arrived. Prim, as she is called to those close to her, ended her many years of wandering all over Sornieth, by discovering an expansive withered garden in the middle of a grassland. The garden was calling to her, tugging her into the center. This was there she would call home - this garden being her long sought after destination. It would take her a lengthy amount of time to revitalize each of the four sections, yet, surprises would always happen - one coming in the form of a Light-Touched being, adopting the form of a large imposing Imperial - one who she would later call Soraka.

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* The auction will end at 23:59 on May 23.
* As always, please ping those you are outbidding along with the dragon’s name. If you mess up, do not edit your post, please post again to correct the mistake. For SBs only, please ping me.
* To make everything fair for all users, you may win/purchase 1 kid per nest.
* Minimum increase is set at 500g.
Please do not retract a bid after posting.
* Holds will be available for the winners of each kid. For SB, we can hold up to a month. For any bids reaching above 15kg, we can hold up to two months.
* There will be a 1 hour recurring snipe guard.
* If you’d like to have a proxy, please let me know who that person will be and have them post here.
* If you have any questions, feel free to either ping me or message me.

Below is Prim’s pinglist and the LDP auction pinglist

Small FAQ:
Why is the starting bid set at 10,500g?
This is because we need an even split between the profits for all three owners, which are myself (Kaveh), Xeiana and 00Riku00. This is also why our min increase is also 500g.
Will all Prim’s hatchlings be auction based?
No. The only kids that will be auctioned are those from Soraka, Prim’s forgotten mate, due to the major lore points that are developed with each nest. Those nests will be rare, happening only a couple of times. Otherwise, the rest of the hatchlings will be sold at a flat sale price of 10,500g. All kids, either way, will have lore attached to their bio that can be expanded on.
Why are the first three kids not considered the first nest?
For lore purposes, the first three kids, Azalea, Belladonna and Nettle, are meant to be the Guardians of the Gardens, one in the North, East, and West section. Thus the technical first nest for public sales is considered to be Gympie and his siblings.
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][size=2][url=][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][br]Gympie[br]ID# - 94539408[br][emoji=lightning rune size=1] Uncommon Eyes[br][img][/img][br][br]Mulberry | Pharoah[br]Thistle | Constellation[br]Obsidian | Runes[/center][br][quote][b]SB:[/b] 10,500g[br][b]CB:[/b] Sb by ChesireCLAM[br][b]MI:[/b] 500g[/quote][center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][size=2][url=][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][br]Atropa[br]ID# - 94539409[br][emoji=lightning rune size=1] Common Eyes[br][img][/img][br][br]Shadow | Pharoah[br]Thistle | Constellation[br]White | Runes[/center][br][quote][b]SB:[/b] 10,500g[br][b]CB:[/b] Sb by Fountain[br][b]MI:[/b] 500g[/quote][center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][size=2][url=][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][br]Oleander[br]ID# - 94539410[br][emoji=lightning rune size=1] Common Eyes[br][img][/img][br][br]Plum | Pharoah[br]Purple | Constellation[br]Smoke | Glimmer[/center][br][quote][b]SB:[/b] 10,500g[br][b]CB:[/b] Sb by Azhdaha[br][b]MI:[/b] 500g[/quote][center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][size=2][url=][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][br]Foxglove[br]ID# - 94539411[br][emoji=lightning rune size=1] Uncommon Eyes[br][img][/img][br][br]Midnight | Pharoah[br]Lavender | Bee[br]White | Runes[/center][br][quote][b]SB:[/b] 10,500g[br][b]CB:[/b] 11,500g by Alyxsandre[br][b]MI:[/b] 500g[/quote][center][/columns]
Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator
ID# - 94539408
Uncommon Eyes

Mulberry | Pharoah
Thistle | Constellation
Obsidian | Runes

SB: 10,500g
CB: Sb by ChesireCLAM
MI: 500g
Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator
ID# - 94539409
Common Eyes

Shadow | Pharoah
Thistle | Constellation
White | Runes

SB: 10,500g
CB: Sb by Fountain
MI: 500g
Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator
ID# - 94539410
Common Eyes

Plum | Pharoah
Purple | Constellation
Smoke | Glimmer

SB: 10,500g
CB: Sb by Azhdaha
MI: 500g
Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator
ID# - 94539411
Uncommon Eyes

Midnight | Pharoah
Lavender | Bee
White | Runes

SB: 10,500g
CB: 11,500g by Alyxsandre
MI: 500g
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
Nest Lore

“Careful little ones, don’t hurt yourselves. And mind the nest.” Primrose chuckled, watching their first three hatchlings stumble around her as she made her way to the nest. The sound of delighted giggles and pretend roars filled the air as they only sent a glance her way with a “Yes, mom!” before going back to their little game of tag. The three were her firstborns, Azalea, Belladonna, and Nettles, ones who would eventually be given the task of guarding each portion of her garden. They were bouncing balls of energy, eager to explore the expanse of the gardens, at least the parts that she had been bringing back to life.

The southern portion, where she originally had come across it in the beginning, was nearly complete. The repaired arcane runestone flooded the air with magic and vitality, plants of all colors blooming around them. Cherry blossoms and wisteria trees littered the landscape, allowing soft petals to dance in the wind.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good start. Primrose was coming back from the Eastern Garden where she was working on the tricky bioluminescent fauna there. The Northern and Western portions were also growing with their own fauna. With the help of the elemental runestones she discovered, the magic helped her bring more of the plant life to its original form. A few songlike notes greeted her as she approached her nest. Soraka, her mate, rose his head with a gentle smile. Primrose knew this as him greeting her, and did her best to imitate it back. She always failed, but never stopped trying.

“You nearly got the first three notes right this time.” Soraka murmured, nuzzling her before he sat up. Primrose lowered her head to nudge each of the four eggs. Soon… Soon they would hatch, she knew it. Until then, Soraka was keeping close to the nest like the doting father he was. The three hatchlings began to crawl up their massive father and he let them, knowing they would not fall.

“… What is that?” Soraka asked. His glowing eyes shown behind his cloth veil, locked onto something on her leg. Confused, Primrose looked down, finding a small tendril of what looked like shadowy mist. Strange… What was it and how did it get there? She tried to shake it off, but it was latched on tightly to her. Her necklace began to hum, electricity sparking between her claws, and with one swipe, it was slashed into tiny ribbons. But it didn’t vanish, instead, it began to crawl away like worms towards the southernmost point of the garden. She went to slash again but they vanished too quickly.

“I didn’t like the look of that. Something about it felt wrong.” Primrose said, worry flooding her eyes. She didn’t wish to worry their children yet… She couldn’t stop staring in that direction. Her mate went to comfort her and they settled down around the nest, waiting for the sunset.

Here Primrose wished she had done something different. If she had stayed vigilant, went to investigate what it was, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. Her mate and eggs would have been at her side, away from danger.

Instead, it came. In the last rays of the sunset, the darkness came, a billowing cloud that clawed at the landscape. It consumed all it touched, everything withering and dying in an instant as if the life was snuffed out. Soraka noticed it first, his Light-Touched heritage screaming at him that there was danger. He ordered Primrose to take the hatchlings and flee, wings flaring out as he turned to face the cloud. Lances of light appeared out of nowhere, piercing the darkness and pinning it in place. But it kept coming, no matter how hard Soraka fought. There was no winning, not when he knew nothing about this enemy. Turning tail, he went to grab their eggs, but one of them had rolled out of the nest, a large crack in it.

“No!” Not here, they couldn’t hatch yet! Soraka extended one forelimb, wrapping his claws around the egg and pulling it close to his chest. He went to reach for the nest, to take their unborn children and fly to safety after his mate, but the darkness exploded forward, propelled by the lifeforce of the garden it consumed and enveloped both him and the eggs.

In the aftermath, no one heard Primrose’s agonizing wail, nor the three hatchlings in her arms.
Nest Lore

“Careful little ones, don’t hurt yourselves. And mind the nest.” Primrose chuckled, watching their first three hatchlings stumble around her as she made her way to the nest. The sound of delighted giggles and pretend roars filled the air as they only sent a glance her way with a “Yes, mom!” before going back to their little game of tag. The three were her firstborns, Azalea, Belladonna, and Nettles, ones who would eventually be given the task of guarding each portion of her garden. They were bouncing balls of energy, eager to explore the expanse of the gardens, at least the parts that she had been bringing back to life.

The southern portion, where she originally had come across it in the beginning, was nearly complete. The repaired arcane runestone flooded the air with magic and vitality, plants of all colors blooming around them. Cherry blossoms and wisteria trees littered the landscape, allowing soft petals to dance in the wind.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good start. Primrose was coming back from the Eastern Garden where she was working on the tricky bioluminescent fauna there. The Northern and Western portions were also growing with their own fauna. With the help of the elemental runestones she discovered, the magic helped her bring more of the plant life to its original form. A few songlike notes greeted her as she approached her nest. Soraka, her mate, rose his head with a gentle smile. Primrose knew this as him greeting her, and did her best to imitate it back. She always failed, but never stopped trying.

“You nearly got the first three notes right this time.” Soraka murmured, nuzzling her before he sat up. Primrose lowered her head to nudge each of the four eggs. Soon… Soon they would hatch, she knew it. Until then, Soraka was keeping close to the nest like the doting father he was. The three hatchlings began to crawl up their massive father and he let them, knowing they would not fall.

“… What is that?” Soraka asked. His glowing eyes shown behind his cloth veil, locked onto something on her leg. Confused, Primrose looked down, finding a small tendril of what looked like shadowy mist. Strange… What was it and how did it get there? She tried to shake it off, but it was latched on tightly to her. Her necklace began to hum, electricity sparking between her claws, and with one swipe, it was slashed into tiny ribbons. But it didn’t vanish, instead, it began to crawl away like worms towards the southernmost point of the garden. She went to slash again but they vanished too quickly.

“I didn’t like the look of that. Something about it felt wrong.” Primrose said, worry flooding her eyes. She didn’t wish to worry their children yet… She couldn’t stop staring in that direction. Her mate went to comfort her and they settled down around the nest, waiting for the sunset.

Here Primrose wished she had done something different. If she had stayed vigilant, went to investigate what it was, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. Her mate and eggs would have been at her side, away from danger.

Instead, it came. In the last rays of the sunset, the darkness came, a billowing cloud that clawed at the landscape. It consumed all it touched, everything withering and dying in an instant as if the life was snuffed out. Soraka noticed it first, his Light-Touched heritage screaming at him that there was danger. He ordered Primrose to take the hatchlings and flee, wings flaring out as he turned to face the cloud. Lances of light appeared out of nowhere, piercing the darkness and pinning it in place. But it kept coming, no matter how hard Soraka fought. There was no winning, not when he knew nothing about this enemy. Turning tail, he went to grab their eggs, but one of them had rolled out of the nest, a large crack in it.

“No!” Not here, they couldn’t hatch yet! Soraka extended one forelimb, wrapping his claws around the egg and pulling it close to his chest. He went to reach for the nest, to take their unborn children and fly to safety after his mate, but the darkness exploded forward, propelled by the lifeforce of the garden it consumed and enveloped both him and the eggs.

In the aftermath, no one heard Primrose’s agonizing wail, nor the three hatchlings in her arms.
Gen2/Gen3 Imps and Glitched Lineages Galore!
@Garden of Thorns Pinglist (G4 Naomi)
@Garden of Thorns Pinglist (G4 Naomi)
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
I love how you've dressed them all! Good luck!
I love how you've dressed them all! Good luck!
sb for gympie
sb for gympie
sb for Atropa
sb for Atropa
@kaveh sb for gympie oops i was so excited to post sb i forgot to read the rules first >w>;;
@kaveh sb for gympie oops i was so excited to post sb i forgot to read the rules first >w>;;
@Kaveh i'll take the sb for Atropa
@Kaveh i'll take the sb for Atropa
Thank you. ^^ I tried to match the colors for them all with the selection of skins that I had available.

Hahaha, it's good. ^^ I knew you were going to pounce on Gympie. I was just waiting for the post.

Got you added.
Thank you. ^^ I tried to match the colors for them all with the selection of skins that I had available.

Hahaha, it's good. ^^ I knew you were going to pounce on Gympie. I was just waiting for the post.

Got you added.
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
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