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TOPIC | Characters you headcanon as autistic?
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While Tech is basically canon and I can absolutely see it with Echo (I have not seen most of Clone Wars yet, but the first thing Echo does in that series is getting excited over having time to read a manual. He's so not neurotypical.), I'd argue the entire squad has it to some degree.

Hunter has his heightened senses and hyperawareness of his surroundings, which is not uncommon for autistic people. The hyperawareness also seems to extent to him being able to read people rather well, despite him not being all that social on his own (at least to people who aren't his closest family). This could actually mirror how some autistic memorise and strongly focus on suble social cues to mask better in public (not that it always helps. What even are people?).
Side note, I would've loved to see get sensory overload at some point, but that didn't happen. Might be partially because the writers sometimes seem to 'forget' about his mutation whenever it's plot-convienient.

Wrecker also is a fun case. First off, I like that they make the big guy who likes destroying stuff actually intelligent. Sure, he's very straightforeward, unsuble and direct, but he is very clever when it comes to his area of expertise. I mean, it takes brains to rewire a tank cannon in the heat of battle to turn it into a handheld weapon. Weapons and explosives definitely seem to be a hyperfiyation of his. Damn, he's even occasionally seen crying tears of joy when he gets told to indulge in doing what he loves.

Crosshair... is Crosshair. Okay, he might not be autistic, but he clearly has something going on.

Omega seems the lightest on the neurodivergency front here, but is definitely still a maybe. She looks up to Hunter to the point that she mimics him, but she's also usually the first to rebel when he gives an order that doesn't make sense to her, and never really accepts an 'do this because I told you so/because it's done that way'. Now, that might be linked to her not having any formal military training, but then again she clearly does accept him as the leader. Questioning 'senseless' directions is very common in autistic people. Granted, it's not like the rest don't do that too occasionally, but she's the most prominent at that.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now, I'd probably catch more if I actively look for it. I love all these guys. Favourite Star Wars characters right here.

While Tech is basically canon and I can absolutely see it with Echo (I have not seen most of Clone Wars yet, but the first thing Echo does in that series is getting excited over having time to read a manual. He's so not neurotypical.), I'd argue the entire squad has it to some degree.

Hunter has his heightened senses and hyperawareness of his surroundings, which is not uncommon for autistic people. The hyperawareness also seems to extent to him being able to read people rather well, despite him not being all that social on his own (at least to people who aren't his closest family). This could actually mirror how some autistic memorise and strongly focus on suble social cues to mask better in public (not that it always helps. What even are people?).
Side note, I would've loved to see get sensory overload at some point, but that didn't happen. Might be partially because the writers sometimes seem to 'forget' about his mutation whenever it's plot-convienient.

Wrecker also is a fun case. First off, I like that they make the big guy who likes destroying stuff actually intelligent. Sure, he's very straightforeward, unsuble and direct, but he is very clever when it comes to his area of expertise. I mean, it takes brains to rewire a tank cannon in the heat of battle to turn it into a handheld weapon. Weapons and explosives definitely seem to be a hyperfiyation of his. Damn, he's even occasionally seen crying tears of joy when he gets told to indulge in doing what he loves.

Crosshair... is Crosshair. Okay, he might not be autistic, but he clearly has something going on.

Omega seems the lightest on the neurodivergency front here, but is definitely still a maybe. She looks up to Hunter to the point that she mimics him, but she's also usually the first to rebel when he gives an order that doesn't make sense to her, and never really accepts an 'do this because I told you so/because it's done that way'. Now, that might be linked to her not having any formal military training, but then again she clearly does accept him as the leader. Questioning 'senseless' directions is very common in autistic people. Granted, it's not like the rest don't do that too occasionally, but she's the most prominent at that.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now, I'd probably catch more if I actively look for it. I love all these guys. Favourite Star Wars characters right here.
@Xionahri yeah Hunter absolutely should be able to get sensory overload very easily, it was a missed opportunity that they didn't show that. I love the Bad Batch so much <3
Also does Hunter have ampullae of Lorenzini? cuz he's supposed to be able to sense electromagnetic waves from large computers and such, kind of like how sharks can sense their prey's neural impulses (however with sharks it only works over very short distances). Sharks also DEFINITELY get sensory overload if you stick a large magnet in front of them, they swim away fast when that happens. So Hunter not having that reaction makes no sense.

One of my hyperfixations is marine biology (it's also my major) so I like to ask how biologically things work in media. And then I find that the show writers did not think that hard about it and it honestly makes no sense. Like why, as you said, Hunter's abilities get forgotten at random points in the show...
@Xionahri yeah Hunter absolutely should be able to get sensory overload very easily, it was a missed opportunity that they didn't show that. I love the Bad Batch so much <3
Also does Hunter have ampullae of Lorenzini? cuz he's supposed to be able to sense electromagnetic waves from large computers and such, kind of like how sharks can sense their prey's neural impulses (however with sharks it only works over very short distances). Sharks also DEFINITELY get sensory overload if you stick a large magnet in front of them, they swim away fast when that happens. So Hunter not having that reaction makes no sense.

One of my hyperfixations is marine biology (it's also my major) so I like to ask how biologically things work in media. And then I find that the show writers did not think that hard about it and it honestly makes no sense. Like why, as you said, Hunter's abilities get forgotten at random points in the show...

I'm no expert, but would ampullae of Lorenzini work properly on a terrestrial being? I was thinking what he got worked more like whatever it is migratory birds are doing, as it's either stated or implied that he navigates via magnetic fields, which immediately made me think of pigeons.
Also, I didn't really think more about it before, just that it is odd, but now I've devolped a headcanon why he has a sense that no human should have. I can totally see the Kaminoans going 'Hey, this clone has heightened senses. What happens happens if we give him more senses?'. After all, the whole existence of the bad batch was purely experimental, so experiments happened.

But yeah, point is, he has so much going on at all time, it absolutely should be stressful for him.

I'm no expert, but would ampullae of Lorenzini work properly on a terrestrial being? I was thinking what he got worked more like whatever it is migratory birds are doing, as it's either stated or implied that he navigates via magnetic fields, which immediately made me think of pigeons.
Also, I didn't really think more about it before, just that it is odd, but now I've devolped a headcanon why he has a sense that no human should have. I can totally see the Kaminoans going 'Hey, this clone has heightened senses. What happens happens if we give him more senses?'. After all, the whole existence of the bad batch was purely experimental, so experiments happened.

But yeah, point is, he has so much going on at all time, it absolutely should be stressful for him.
@Xionahri I'm not sure... but probably it would work differently given seawater can conduct electricity and air can't lol. But there are shark people in Star Wars (in the Mon Cala arc the villain is one) so I kinda assumed the Kaminoans used those genes to give Hunter his extra senses. But yeah pigeon genes could have been used, too!
@Xionahri I'm not sure... but probably it would work differently given seawater can conduct electricity and air can't lol. But there are shark people in Star Wars (in the Mon Cala arc the villain is one) so I kinda assumed the Kaminoans used those genes to give Hunter his extra senses. But yeah pigeon genes could have been used, too!
sophie walten from the walten files... i think this one is like. semi-canon? if i remember correctly, it is intended to be alluded to, but the series' creator said he cannot confirm it outright as he does not believe he could represent it super properly . either way i agree she is definitely an Autism Haver

also streber and radford from spooky month like... nobody in the series was written to to be neurodivergent intentionally but like. idk man. as someone who's autistic myself i genuinely have no neurotypical explanation for radford, especially looking at episode 6. he's just... movies. he sees One Little Thing that could remind him of a movie somehow and hes like "ITS JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES!!!" (just like me for real im not even gonna lie) i cannot stop reading him as having a special interest in movies theres like no way. he's a relatively minor character so far so there isn't a SUPER lot of info on him, but like. almost all of the fun facts and stuff on him is related to movies, how much he likes movies and shows. he works at a movie theater. he plays video games — if they are related to a movie franchise like spiderman, but he doesn't like pokemon games because 'they aren't like the show'. literally all i can remember from the QNAs is like. almost every question answered about him feels like it came to more or less the same thing: he likes movies and tv shows! even in episode 4 where he gets like less than like.. less than 25 seconds of screentime im like 'thats the one. my autism beam can sense it". so while it isnt intentional it feels like... glaringly obvious yknow
sophie walten from the walten files... i think this one is like. semi-canon? if i remember correctly, it is intended to be alluded to, but the series' creator said he cannot confirm it outright as he does not believe he could represent it super properly . either way i agree she is definitely an Autism Haver

also streber and radford from spooky month like... nobody in the series was written to to be neurodivergent intentionally but like. idk man. as someone who's autistic myself i genuinely have no neurotypical explanation for radford, especially looking at episode 6. he's just... movies. he sees One Little Thing that could remind him of a movie somehow and hes like "ITS JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES!!!" (just like me for real im not even gonna lie) i cannot stop reading him as having a special interest in movies theres like no way. he's a relatively minor character so far so there isn't a SUPER lot of info on him, but like. almost all of the fun facts and stuff on him is related to movies, how much he likes movies and shows. he works at a movie theater. he plays video games — if they are related to a movie franchise like spiderman, but he doesn't like pokemon games because 'they aren't like the show'. literally all i can remember from the QNAs is like. almost every question answered about him feels like it came to more or less the same thing: he likes movies and tv shows! even in episode 4 where he gets like less than like.. less than 25 seconds of screentime im like 'thats the one. my autism beam can sense it". so while it isnt intentional it feels like... glaringly obvious yknow
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