@noxdragon, I really like your skin, my only suggestion would be to clean up the triangles on the wings though? They look a little off center/kilter/whatever you'd like to call it, but other than that I really enjoy it. I would love it for my boy Kuraou!

TOPIC | Flameforger's Festival Discussion

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@noxdragon, I really like your skin, my only suggestion would be to clean up the triangles on the wings though? They look a little off center/kilter/whatever you'd like to call it, but other than that I really enjoy it. I would love it for my boy Kuraou!
Thanks for the opinion :)
Yeah, I realize that it's not really going after the traditional looks of "Fire", but I wanted to try something original. Either way, It was pretty fun to do and I'll just keep it submited!
Hmm, now that you mention it they do kind of look off, I'll fix that. Glad you like it though!
Thanks for the opinion :)
Yeah, I realize that it's not really going after the traditional looks of "Fire", but I wanted to try something original. Either way, It was pretty fun to do and I'll just keep it submited!
Hmm, now that you mention it they do kind of look off, I'll fix that. Glad you like it though!
Thanks for the opinion :)
Yeah, I realize that it's not really going after the traditional looks of "Fire", but I wanted to try something original. Either way, It was pretty fun to do and I'll just keep it submited!
Hmm, now that you mention it they do kind of look off, I'll fix that. Glad you like it though!
Thanks for the opinion :)
Yeah, I realize that it's not really going after the traditional looks of "Fire", but I wanted to try something original. Either way, It was pretty fun to do and I'll just keep it submited!
Hmm, now that you mention it they do kind of look off, I'll fix that. Glad you like it though!
I don't normally post on these forums, and I'm not even a Fire flighter, but I have to say I absolutely love some of the Snapper accents/skins I've been seeing, (there really aren't enough x3) particular shout out to
@Shrimp (I think this one goes without saying, it's absolutely gorgeous, I'll flip a table if this doesn't win ;A;)
I'm sure I missed some, but these were like, the most gorgeous things ever ! (And there were other non-snapper skins and accents that are amazing, of course, I just like snappers a lot x3).
@Shrimp (I think this one goes without saying, it's absolutely gorgeous, I'll flip a table if this doesn't win ;A;)
I'm sure I missed some, but these were like, the most gorgeous things ever ! (And there were other non-snapper skins and accents that are amazing, of course, I just like snappers a lot x3).
I don't normally post on these forums, and I'm not even a Fire flighter, but I have to say I absolutely love some of the Snapper accents/skins I've been seeing, (there really aren't enough x3) particular shout out to
@Shrimp (I think this one goes without saying, it's absolutely gorgeous, I'll flip a table if this doesn't win ;A;)
I'm sure I missed some, but these were like, the most gorgeous things ever ! (And there were other non-snapper skins and accents that are amazing, of course, I just like snappers a lot x3).
@Shrimp (I think this one goes without saying, it's absolutely gorgeous, I'll flip a table if this doesn't win ;A;)
I'm sure I missed some, but these were like, the most gorgeous things ever ! (And there were other non-snapper skins and accents that are amazing, of course, I just like snappers a lot x3).
Thank you very much @Taarnfalk :D
I hope the skin Im working on is as enjoyed as the accent seems to be XD
I hope the skin Im working on is as enjoyed as the accent seems to be XD
Thank you very much @Taarnfalk :D
I hope the skin Im working on is as enjoyed as the accent seems to be XD
I hope the skin Im working on is as enjoyed as the accent seems to be XD

@Pudi your submission is so stunning and beautifully put together, i hope it makes it!!
@Pudi your submission is so stunning and beautifully put together, i hope it makes it!!
@Paddie777 Thanks! :3
[quote name="Koopardon" date="2014-08-05 19:34:39"]Lit Inside
EDIT: Did some tweaking.
While I'm here, any critique/suggestions?
@Paddie777 Thanks! :3
While I'm here, any critique/suggestions?
Koopardon wrote on 2014-08-05 19:34:39:
Lit Inside

EDIT: Did some tweaking.

EDIT: Did some tweaking.

While I'm here, any critique/suggestions?

Thank you all for your kind words! I truly do appreciate it. It was definitely a struggle making it work to fit the skin/accent guidelines. You've all made my day!
Thank you all for your kind words! I truly do appreciate it. It was definitely a struggle making it work to fit the skin/accent guidelines. You've all made my day!
Thank you all for your kind words! I truly do appreciate it. It was definitely a struggle making it work to fit the skin/accent guidelines. You've all made my day!
Thank you all for your kind words! I truly do appreciate it. It was definitely a struggle making it work to fit the skin/accent guidelines. You've all made my day!
@nuggins @Shrimp
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! ;w; I tried really hard to make my skin the best I could make it this year and I mean... I still have a lot of room for improvement but it means a lot to see so many people liking it. ;W; There are so many other talented entries too that I'd love to see win!!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! ;w; I tried really hard to make my skin the best I could make it this year and I mean... I still have a lot of room for improvement but it means a lot to see so many people liking it. ;W; There are so many other talented entries too that I'd love to see win!!
@nuggins @Shrimp
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! ;w; I tried really hard to make my skin the best I could make it this year and I mean... I still have a lot of room for improvement but it means a lot to see so many people liking it. ;W; There are so many other talented entries too that I'd love to see win!!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! ;w; I tried really hard to make my skin the best I could make it this year and I mean... I still have a lot of room for improvement but it means a lot to see so many people liking it. ;W; There are so many other talented entries too that I'd love to see win!!

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