
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [Ends: 6/3] 10th Anniversary Giveaway!
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[columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center][size=7][font=Garamond][b]Via's 10th Anniversary Giveaway![/b][/font][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] Hello everyone! I joined FR on June 3rd, 2014. In honor of my 10th anniversary on Flight Rising, I thought I'd host a giveaway and talk about what FR means to me after all these years. [u][b]RULES:[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]Giveaway ends on [b]June 3rd, 2024[/b] at [b]10:00 server time[/b]! [*]One entry per user [*]Please fill out [color=blue][u][url=]this Google form[/url][/u][/color] with your information! [*](Optional) Give this thread a bump so more people can see it! I'd love it if you told a story of a fun memory you had because of/on FR! [/LIST] [u][b]PRIZES:[/b][/u] [LIST=1] [*]1000g (1 winner) [*]500g (1 winner) [*]250g (2 winners) [*]Nocturne Egg (2 winners) [*][color=blue]Diver Armband[/color] [*][color=blue]Celebration Sage Apparel Set[/color] [*][color=blue]Skin: Jollyfisher (Coatl M)[/color] [/LIST] Winners will be drawn randomly. Winners may do [u]whatever they wish to do[/u] with their prizes! I'll update this post with the winners when the giveaway is complete! [color=blue]UPDATE 4/28: The prize pool has been extended! Thanks to generous donations from a friend, @DDDragoni, I'm now pleased to offer up prizes 5-7. If you've submitted the form prior to today's date, you do not need to resubmit. Everyone is elligible for these new prizes as well! (You can see the apparel on [url=]Azhi[/url].)[/color]
Via's 10th Anniversary Giveaway!

Hello everyone! I joined FR on June 3rd, 2014. In honor of my 10th anniversary on Flight Rising, I thought I'd host a giveaway and talk about what FR means to me after all these years.

  • Giveaway ends on June 3rd, 2024 at 10:00 server time!
  • One entry per user
  • Please fill out this Google form with your information!
  • (Optional) Give this thread a bump so more people can see it! I'd love it if you told a story of a fun memory you had because of/on FR!
  1. 1000g (1 winner)
  2. 500g (1 winner)
  3. 250g (2 winners)
  4. Nocturne Egg (2 winners)
  5. Diver Armband
  6. Celebration Sage Apparel Set
  7. Skin: Jollyfisher (Coatl M)
Winners will be drawn randomly.
Winners may do whatever they wish to do with their prizes!

I'll update this post with the winners when the giveaway is complete!

UPDATE 4/28: The prize pool has been extended! Thanks to generous donations from a friend, @DDDragoni, I'm now pleased to offer up prizes 5-7. If you've submitted the form prior to today's date, you do not need to resubmit. Everyone is elligible for these new prizes as well!
(You can see the apparel on Azhi.)
[center][size=6][font=Garamond][b]What do I plan on doing for my 10th Anniversary?[/b][/font][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Over the years, I've taken to hatching dragons on important dates. For this momentus day, I'm going to be hatching eggs and nests for each flight I've been in! [LIST] [*]Wind [*]Light [*]Ice [*]Earth [/LIST] If you hatch any Wind, Light, Ice, or Earth dragons (G1 or not) born on June 3rd, 2024, I'd love to see them!
What do I plan on doing for my 10th Anniversary?
Over the years, I've taken to hatching dragons on important dates. For this momentus day, I'm going to be hatching eggs and nests for each flight I've been in!
  • Wind
  • Light
  • Ice
  • Earth
If you hatch any Wind, Light, Ice, or Earth dragons (G1 or not) born on June 3rd, 2024, I'd love to see them!
[center][size=6][font=Garamond][b]My FR History[/b][/font][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] 10 years is no small length of time! As the whole point of this giveaway is about history, I thought I'd go back through my own FR history and call out all the most-important things that happened to me each year (totally not required that you read this, I just thought it would be a fun thing to do ^^). I inserted dragon icons for those dragons that are important to the event; all the other links are to tumblr posts. TL:DR: I love my pixel dragons and I'm so thankful for everything that became a part of my life because of FR. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's get started! [size=4][b][u]2014[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]I had been seeing pictures of FR dragons around (I remember one of the first ones I saw was of a Skydancer), and a friend told me that he had an account! He told me about an upcoming registration window, so all I had to do was wait... [*][url=]I joined during the June 3rd registration window.[/url] [*]I started out in Wind. My custom progen Raenice was Platinum/Carmine/? and my random progen Ferguson was Swamp/Tomato/Jade. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]Oct 9th: This is the date of [url=]my first post[/url] on my FR Tumblr, so I'm going to assume this is when I started this blog. [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2015[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]At some point I moved to Light and my clan was named Clan Sharphorn. [*]I graduated high school and went off to college. I wasn't yet into hatching G1s on anniversary dates so I have no dragon for this date. [*]On September 26, the day we got the Crystal Pools, I started a lore thread with two dragons named Serra and Aaron, completely unrelated to Sharphorn, in which these two grave robbers in Dragonhome kidnapped a harpy prince for ransom. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]In addition to having a normal land-bound clan AND 2 warring pirate ship crews, [url=]I ALSO had a pirate crew made up only of permababies[/url]. Their ship was named the Dauntless Kestrel (I still have 5 of the original crew, including a level 25 tundra baby named Bruce) (I MISS Sir Dustruffles. WHY did I get rid of him???) [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2016[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]At some point I moved to Ice. [*]I hosted many giveaways on tumblr throughout the years, but the king of them all was [url=]this 1000 Tumblr Followers giveaway[/url] in which I used my tumblr fame to prank my friend. So many FR people participated in this and made this idea truly special. Me and my friends who were also in on the prank, as well as the friend who got pranked, remember it to this day. [*]I'm having a hard time finding exact dates on my tumblr blogs but I believe this was the time when my lore culminated in the "deaths" of my dragons in Clan Sharphorn. [*][url=]In the lore[/url], Galestrike, sworn enemy of my dragon Flint, brought an Emperor to destroy the whole clan. Galestrike's mate, an Imperial named Neris, died during the battle and became a part of the Emperor. Clan Sharphorn put up a fierce battle, but in the end they knew they could not win; Via used her powerful Arcane energy to create a force of such explosive magnitude that it killed the Emperor, but it also anihilated the dragons of Clan Sharphorn with it. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]The dragons of Clan Sharphorn were not actually dead; rather they existed as elemental spirits in the territory of their assigned elements. Some surviving members of the clan who were not at home when the Emperor attacked vowed to resurrect them. This included Gaemon, The Sentinel (who was already a disembodied spirit), and a few descendents of the "spirit" clan members. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]I moved to Earth and started Clan Orodoar; I've been in Earth ever since. [*]I believe around this time is when I took a hiatus from FR. (I only have like 5 festival goblins and I have a couple comments on my FR profile mourning Clan Sharphorn's demise.) [*]December 1st: I met the love of my life on Overwatch. [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2017[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]I used Serra & Aaron's lore chapters as a basis for a short story I had to write in college. [*]I moved from community college to university to study Art (primarily painting). [*]At the end of 2017, I found the illustrated novel [i]Above the Timberline[/i] by Greg Manchess and decided I wanted to make something similar. I took Serra and Aaron's story and revamped it again into my unique IP, because I knew that story had potential. [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2018[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]March 2018, I came back to FR. My lore since then has been very chill. Clan Orodoar is basically just a small town in Dragonhome. No enemies, no wars, no grand plots of destruction. Just some dragons living life, raising families. I think my focus on FR stories became so chill because I started to work a lot more on my story for my illustrated novel. [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2019[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]I hatched a near-triple G1; sold him and bought a dragon to commemorate this so I could never forget the original... Kinda regret selling him :( [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]I graduated university! Commemorated with this dragon (This is the first dragon that I can find in my lair that fulfills the role of "date tracking"): [url=][img][/img][/url] [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2020[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]I believe I stopped actively using tumblr around this time. The blog has 2113 pages of content. [*]I moved out of the state I lived in my whole life and moved to a new one, both for job opportunities and to be with my boyfriend at the time. [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2021[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]I bought and moved into my first house! Commemorated with this dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2022[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]The boyfriend proposed! Commemorated with this dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] [/LIST][size=4][b][u]2023[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]February 2023, I scried a Beige/Gloom/Sky Undertide gal, and promptly discovered that this color combination didn't even exist on the site yet. Thus began my 7-month-long breeding project, finally culminating in Freya in September 2023. She's the first dragon that got me obsessed with obtaining rare-color-combination dragons. [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]I got married! Commemorated with a couple different dragons: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]I started playing DND with my husband and a couple close friends! It's one of the best things that I've ever done, and to commemorate all that our characters go through, I created our PCs and a couple notable NPCs as dragons! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/LIST] [size=4][b][u]2024[/u][/b][/size] [LIST] [*]In DND, we killed the white dragon that was terrorizing the area! Commemorated with this dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] [*]I've gotten more into "Stock the Pond," gained 2 new pairs and started a discord server for that community! (If anyone with their own STP pairs would like to join, see this link: [url=]X[/url]) [/LIST] [u][b]And now here, at my 10th anniversary, where do I stand?[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]Clan Orodoar is still a chill place. [*]My Sharphorn dragons stay in my Den. At this time, I don't forsee myself ressurrecting them, but I technically never ended that lore thread where Gaemon & Co. were trying to find their spirits and bring them back. I'm content in saying that's still an effort those dragons are trying to make, it's just not one I'm focusing on right now. [*]I'm still working on my illustrated novel, hoping to have a real first draft by the beginning of June. The story, the characters, the idea, all have evolved so much from where it started. But the stories I made here on FR are the basis for much of it. [*]I'm so grateful for the community and friends I had in those early days. FR helped me through some rough patches. I really don't think I would be where I'm at without all of it. [/LIST] [u][b]Where do I hope to go?[/b][/u] [LIST] [*][s]I hope to get a lot done on the first of my illustrated novels this year. I've written out goals for myself to try and acheive![/s] Met the goal for my first draft a week before the deadline! Now to take a planned month off, and come back refreshed in August for the first edit. [*]I'm going to keep collecting rare-color dragons. [*]Sometimes I think about going to a different flight, but I love all these potato chips in Earth way too much to leave. [*][s]Since I'm not on tumblr anymore, and it looks like many of my old friends are inactive, I'd really like to make some new dragon friends [emoji=familiar heart size=1] I've joined a discord server for FR, but I'd love to get to know a couple people more personally :)[/s] Since starting the Stock the Sea discord server, I've definitely made more friends! [*]Clan Orodoar is going to remain a peaceful bastion, a respite from the real world. I've grown attached to these pixel lizards and I don't see myself leaving them anytime soon! [*][s]I hope to submit a skin/accent for either this Greenskeeper or the coming Brightshine! Here's hoping my digital art skills have improved enough...[/s] My submission for Greenskeeper did not win. Time to look at Brightshine! [/LIST] [center][size=6][font=Garamond][b]Here's to 10 more years of Flight Rising![/b][/font][/size][/center]
My FR History
10 years is no small length of time! As the whole point of this giveaway is about history, I thought I'd go back through my own FR history and call out all the most-important things that happened to me each year (totally not required that you read this, I just thought it would be a fun thing to do ^^). I inserted dragon icons for those dragons that are important to the event; all the other links are to tumblr posts.

TL:DR: I love my pixel dragons and I'm so thankful for everything that became a part of my life because of FR.

Let's get started!

  • I had been seeing pictures of FR dragons around (I remember one of the first ones I saw was of a Skydancer), and a friend told me that he had an account! He told me about an upcoming registration window, so all I had to do was wait...
  • I joined during the June 3rd registration window.
  • I started out in Wind. My custom progen Raenice was Platinum/Carmine/? and my random progen Ferguson was Swamp/Tomato/Jade.
    3879936.png 3879937.png
  • Oct 9th: This is the date of my first post on my FR Tumblr, so I'm going to assume this is when I started this blog.
  • At some point I moved to Light and my clan was named Clan Sharphorn.
  • I graduated high school and went off to college. I wasn't yet into hatching G1s on anniversary dates so I have no dragon for this date.
  • On September 26, the day we got the Crystal Pools, I started a lore thread with two dragons named Serra and Aaron, completely unrelated to Sharphorn, in which these two grave robbers in Dragonhome kidnapped a harpy prince for ransom.
    14732781.png 16194986.png
  • In addition to having a normal land-bound clan AND 2 warring pirate ship crews, I ALSO had a pirate crew made up only of permababies. Their ship was named the Dauntless Kestrel (I still have 5 of the original crew, including a level 25 tundra baby named Bruce) (I MISS Sir Dustruffles. WHY did I get rid of him???)
  • At some point I moved to Ice.
  • I hosted many giveaways on tumblr throughout the years, but the king of them all was this 1000 Tumblr Followers giveaway in which I used my tumblr fame to prank my friend. So many FR people participated in this and made this idea truly special. Me and my friends who were also in on the prank, as well as the friend who got pranked, remember it to this day.
  • I'm having a hard time finding exact dates on my tumblr blogs but I believe this was the time when my lore culminated in the "deaths" of my dragons in Clan Sharphorn.
  • In the lore, Galestrike, sworn enemy of my dragon Flint, brought an Emperor to destroy the whole clan. Galestrike's mate, an Imperial named Neris, died during the battle and became a part of the Emperor. Clan Sharphorn put up a fierce battle, but in the end they knew they could not win; Via used her powerful Arcane energy to create a force of such explosive magnitude that it killed the Emperor, but it also anihilated the dragons of Clan Sharphorn with it.
    12559028.png 11656651.png 14016392.png 9506339.png
  • The dragons of Clan Sharphorn were not actually dead; rather they existed as elemental spirits in the territory of their assigned elements. Some surviving members of the clan who were not at home when the Emperor attacked vowed to resurrect them. This included Gaemon, The Sentinel (who was already a disembodied spirit), and a few descendents of the "spirit" clan members.
    2858337.png 6840924.png
  • I moved to Earth and started Clan Orodoar; I've been in Earth ever since.
  • I believe around this time is when I took a hiatus from FR. (I only have like 5 festival goblins and I have a couple comments on my FR profile mourning Clan Sharphorn's demise.)
  • December 1st: I met the love of my life on Overwatch.
  • I used Serra & Aaron's lore chapters as a basis for a short story I had to write in college.
  • I moved from community college to university to study Art (primarily painting).
  • At the end of 2017, I found the illustrated novel Above the Timberline by Greg Manchess and decided I wanted to make something similar. I took Serra and Aaron's story and revamped it again into my unique IP, because I knew that story had potential.
  • March 2018, I came back to FR. My lore since then has been very chill. Clan Orodoar is basically just a small town in Dragonhome. No enemies, no wars, no grand plots of destruction. Just some dragons living life, raising families. I think my focus on FR stories became so chill because I started to work a lot more on my story for my illustrated novel.
  • I hatched a near-triple G1; sold him and bought a dragon to commemorate this so I could never forget the original... Kinda regret selling him :(
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  • I graduated university! Commemorated with this dragon (This is the first dragon that I can find in my lair that fulfills the role of "date tracking"):
  • I believe I stopped actively using tumblr around this time. The blog has 2113 pages of content.
  • I moved out of the state I lived in my whole life and moved to a new one, both for job opportunities and to be with my boyfriend at the time.
  • I bought and moved into my first house! Commemorated with this dragon:
  • The boyfriend proposed! Commemorated with this dragon:
  • February 2023, I scried a Beige/Gloom/Sky Undertide gal, and promptly discovered that this color combination didn't even exist on the site yet. Thus began my 7-month-long breeding project, finally culminating in Freya in September 2023. She's the first dragon that got me obsessed with obtaining rare-color-combination dragons.
  • I got married! Commemorated with a couple different dragons:
    83721913.png 83722049.png
  • I started playing DND with my husband and a couple close friends! It's one of the best things that I've ever done, and to commemorate all that our characters go through, I created our PCs and a couple notable NPCs as dragons!
    85886628.png 65745508.png 90976040.png 91481345.png 91319774.png
  • In DND, we killed the white dragon that was terrorizing the area! Commemorated with this dragon:
  • I've gotten more into "Stock the Pond," gained 2 new pairs and started a discord server for that community! (If anyone with their own STP pairs would like to join, see this link: X)

And now here, at my 10th anniversary, where do I stand?
  • Clan Orodoar is still a chill place.
  • My Sharphorn dragons stay in my Den. At this time, I don't forsee myself ressurrecting them, but I technically never ended that lore thread where Gaemon & Co. were trying to find their spirits and bring them back. I'm content in saying that's still an effort those dragons are trying to make, it's just not one I'm focusing on right now.
  • I'm still working on my illustrated novel, hoping to have a real first draft by the beginning of June. The story, the characters, the idea, all have evolved so much from where it started. But the stories I made here on FR are the basis for much of it.
  • I'm so grateful for the community and friends I had in those early days. FR helped me through some rough patches. I really don't think I would be where I'm at without all of it.

Where do I hope to go?
  • I hope to get a lot done on the first of my illustrated novels this year. I've written out goals for myself to try and acheive! Met the goal for my first draft a week before the deadline! Now to take a planned month off, and come back refreshed in August for the first edit.
  • I'm going to keep collecting rare-color dragons.
  • Sometimes I think about going to a different flight, but I love all these potato chips in Earth way too much to leave.
  • Since I'm not on tumblr anymore, and it looks like many of my old friends are inactive, I'd really like to make some new dragon friends I've joined a discord server for FR, but I'd love to get to know a couple people more personally :) Since starting the Stock the Sea discord server, I've definitely made more friends!
  • Clan Orodoar is going to remain a peaceful bastion, a respite from the real world. I've grown attached to these pixel lizards and I don't see myself leaving them anytime soon!
  • I hope to submit a skin/accent for either this Greenskeeper or the coming Brightshine! Here's hoping my digital art skills have improved enough... My submission for Greenskeeper did not win. Time to look at Brightshine!
Here's to 10 more years of Flight Rising!
bump!! really cool to see your history with the site. unfortunately, my first account i made waaaay back was tied to an email i no longer have access to so i never got it back lol. but im very happy with the new lair/account ive made <3
bump!! really cool to see your history with the site. unfortunately, my first account i made waaaay back was tied to an email i no longer have access to so i never got it back lol. but im very happy with the new lair/account ive made <3
9G9wCII.png xjB7OSe.png.
Just submitted the form! Thank you for doing this, happy 10 year anniversary, and here’s a friendly bump! :)
Just submitted the form! Thank you for doing this, happy 10 year anniversary, and here’s a friendly bump! :)
qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
This is such a nice thing to do! I love seeing your history here, thats neat! Thank you for the kindness in celebrating your anni with the community. (Bump~)
This is such a nice thing to do! I love seeing your history here, thats neat! Thank you for the kindness in celebrating your anni with the community. (Bump~)
i filled out the form!!! congrats on 10 years :D

i think my favorite memory on flightrising would be buying my first non-progenitor G1! back when i bought her in 2015, most G1s were still pretty high in value, so i got a very good deal for her at 346g/kt in mixed payment, especially since she was already fully gened. she WAS bred already when i got her though (but i also bred her myself, stupidly at first, then for lore reasons). honestly she will probably forever be my most prized dragon i treasure her so much. id only sell her for like 10 billion gems and even then id be hesitant because she's PERFECT to me.
i filled out the form!!! congrats on 10 years :D

i think my favorite memory on flightrising would be buying my first non-progenitor G1! back when i bought her in 2015, most G1s were still pretty high in value, so i got a very good deal for her at 346g/kt in mixed payment, especially since she was already fully gened. she WAS bred already when i got her though (but i also bred her myself, stupidly at first, then for lore reasons). honestly she will probably forever be my most prized dragon i treasure her so much. id only sell her for like 10 billion gems and even then id be hesitant because she's PERFECT to me.
filled out the form, thank you for hosting! What a cool event, it's so neat to see your timeline of being on Flight Rising.
filled out the form, thank you for hosting! What a cool event, it's so neat to see your timeline of being on Flight Rising.
@YaBo1Rod I'm glad you're got a new clan! Your dragons are all so fierce. I adore Stalker, she's got an excellent vibe.

@Naegikun omg I LOVE Winter! She's beautiful! Congrats to past-you for getting her at such a steal!!
@YaBo1Rod I'm glad you're got a new clan! Your dragons are all so fierce. I adore Stalker, she's got an excellent vibe.

@Naegikun omg I LOVE Winter! She's beautiful! Congrats to past-you for getting her at such a steal!!
congrats on your anniversary!! :0
i'm a relatively newer player to FR, but omg i absolutely love collecting pretty dergs >w< i hope to make it to 10 years like you, lolz <3
congrats on your anniversary!! :0
i'm a relatively newer player to FR, but omg i absolutely love collecting pretty dergs >w< i hope to make it to 10 years like you, lolz <3
l9aXvJn.gif .*+ rae || she/they +*.

feel free to pm me about nest rentals & babysitting!

*. pwyw art
*. wishlist
*. sale tab
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