
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [wts] low 6 digit pair
[center]only selling as a pair [url=][img][/img][/url] x [url=][img][/img][/url] #133264 | #155859 they have been bred as a pair many times, all offspring are named BIN of 10kg for both, feel free to make offers[/center]
only selling as a pair

133264.png x 155859.png

#133264 | #155859

they have been bred as a pair many times, all offspring are named

BIN of 10kg for both, feel free to make offers
@A13 @Aarune @Accal1a @AceofWolves @aelith @AlexRobins @alixander @Altariel @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @Androys @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @Avariea @azemn @Balaeniceps @Bash @beepboopitsme @Behlair @BeingOfSalt @BenjiBenge @billbezos @Birdsofwax @BlackWinter @Brindlefur @BuildingBridges @cactolith14 @Cadash @Cairan @callerunknown @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @CatInDisguise @Chants @Chrestomanci @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @ColorfulLava @comicsans @Competitor @Cormanthor @Croissants @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @Cylence @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @dayliqht @Debonair @Deltazz @dirology @Dragonglimmer @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @EnglishRose @Ern @Fantelle @Feathery57 @Fenix @FontDictionary @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @Goerbars @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @Hausdaddy @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Icthys @Ink @Isaria @Ithaca @Ithika @IvoryAsh @J0taro @Jawiro @Jaypaw @JD1620 @Joxter @junu @KaichouKai @Kardi @Kasalin @Kiipho @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @Kkarma @KrazKitCat @Krinharth @Kysska @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LoyalStar @LucidDreams @Lydun @Maebirb @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Manifesting @March @marshsiren @Martine @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Meyoline @miles3140 @Mindrop @minim @MLPMDog @Moami @mousieamelia @Nahtanha @nahum @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norion @Odile @okaycee @Olliver @opus @Orcalot @Orgetzu @Oriel @OriginGiratina @Owari26 @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Perrydotto @Phaedra @planttkid @PlatinumDream @Pufferheart @Pulse @PwnySparklez @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @Ribi @Rookery @RoseMagic @RosieHawk @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @SariStar @Scamper @seen @selkiie @sempurvivium @Shaydas @ShinyHunter47 @SilverQuark @SirLeafheart @Skogur @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @soluna @Somnorium @Spark @SparkyLurkdragon @spudzy @SSakuras @Stormflight @stovokor @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @teddy2008 @Texere @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Toska @Tryenne @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Vampier @Vaze @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Vit @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @Watermel0nBob @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Whitefoxtails @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @WolfandCrow @woodwinds @Wych @Xeiana @Yachi @Yae @YellowFlower @zerys @VampierVampier @LokiTheDutchie @MonoMagpie @XxSoFaKixXd @Map1e @Tropickle @file @Havic @Kapro @Voltalis @phoeniixfire @DarkPuffin @Hag @vousrein @vortexbreakdown @Mysa @KoenigVII @Raikaris[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][center][b]I used the 6 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists![/b]
@A13 @Aarune @Accal1a @AceofWolves @aelith @AlexRobins @alixander @Altariel @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @Androys @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @Avariea @azemn @Balaeniceps @Bash @beepboopitsme @Behlair @BeingOfSalt @BenjiBenge @billbezos @Birdsofwax @BlackWinter @Brindlefur @BuildingBridges @cactolith14 @Cadash @Cairan @callerunknown @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @CatInDisguise @Chants @Chrestomanci @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @ColorfulLava @comicsans @Competitor @Cormanthor @Croissants @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @Cylence @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @dayliqht @Debonair @Deltazz @dirology @Dragonglimmer @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @EnglishRose @Ern @Fantelle @Feathery57 @Fenix @FontDictionary @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @Goerbars @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @Hausdaddy @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Icthys @Ink @Isaria @Ithaca @Ithika @IvoryAsh @J0taro @Jawiro @Jaypaw @JD1620 @Joxter @junu @KaichouKai @Kardi @Kasalin @Kiipho @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @Kkarma @KrazKitCat @Krinharth @Kysska @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LoyalStar @LucidDreams @Lydun @Maebirb @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Manifesting @March @marshsiren @Martine @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Meyoline @miles3140 @Mindrop @minim @MLPMDog @Moami @mousieamelia @Nahtanha @nahum @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norion @Odile @okaycee @Olliver @opus @Orcalot @Orgetzu @Oriel @OriginGiratina @Owari26 @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Perrydotto @Phaedra @planttkid @PlatinumDream @Pufferheart @Pulse @PwnySparklez @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @Ribi @Rookery @RoseMagic @RosieHawk @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @SariStar @Scamper @seen @selkiie @sempurvivium @Shaydas @ShinyHunter47 @SilverQuark @SirLeafheart @Skogur @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @soluna @Somnorium @Spark @SparkyLurkdragon @spudzy @SSakuras @Stormflight @stovokor @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @teddy2008 @Texere @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Toska @Tryenne @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Vampier @Vaze @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Vit @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @Watermel0nBob @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Whitefoxtails @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @WolfandCrow @woodwinds @Wych @Xeiana @Yachi @Yae @YellowFlower @zerys @VampierVampier @LokiTheDutchie @MonoMagpie @XxSoFaKixXd @Map1e @Tropickle @file @Havic @Kapro @Voltalis @phoeniixfire @DarkPuffin @Hag @vousrein @vortexbreakdown @Mysa @KoenigVII @Raikaris
I used the 6 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists!
They are lovely. I so wish I had enough even to make a lowball offer. Unfortunately I'm a couple years away from such a purchase. Best of luck!
They are lovely. I so wish I had enough even to make a lowball offer. Unfortunately I'm a couple years away from such a purchase. Best of luck!
don't let me tell you how to live your life, of course, but i think you'll find that these prices are pretty high for bred Wind element 6-digits, even considering that both IDs begin with 1.

9kg apiece would be more in line with Imperial 6-digit pricing.

Wind element 6-digits are the most populous - there are currently 28,119 unexalted tradeable/non-progen Wind 6-digits, versus the least populous element Earth at 5,197 currently unexalted non-progen 6-digits.

current AH prices for 6-digits are a little inflated - the usual floor price has been stable at 3kg for quite some time.

i bought my unbred Wind 6-digit, whose ID also started with 1, for 5kg. plenty of people enjoy keeping breeding pairs together, so that will add interest for sure, but considering market history, i think you would be hard-pressed to get more than 5kg apiece for these two. not to say it's impossible, of course, just my two cents based on what i've witnessed & how i've participated in the market myself.

best of luck selling, and cheers!
don't let me tell you how to live your life, of course, but i think you'll find that these prices are pretty high for bred Wind element 6-digits, even considering that both IDs begin with 1.

9kg apiece would be more in line with Imperial 6-digit pricing.

Wind element 6-digits are the most populous - there are currently 28,119 unexalted tradeable/non-progen Wind 6-digits, versus the least populous element Earth at 5,197 currently unexalted non-progen 6-digits.

current AH prices for 6-digits are a little inflated - the usual floor price has been stable at 3kg for quite some time.

i bought my unbred Wind 6-digit, whose ID also started with 1, for 5kg. plenty of people enjoy keeping breeding pairs together, so that will add interest for sure, but considering market history, i think you would be hard-pressed to get more than 5kg apiece for these two. not to say it's impossible, of course, just my two cents based on what i've witnessed & how i've participated in the market myself.

best of luck selling, and cheers!
@Olliver thanks for the pointers, i've edited my pricing!
@Olliver thanks for the pointers, i've edited my pricing!