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My throat is so dry and scratchy.. I hope I'm not getting sick or something.
Because I have a trip in a few days and I'm NOT missing it.
Because I have a trip in a few days and I'm NOT missing it.
I keep forgetting that I have too many outfits in the dressing room and how many are unhinged
Fricking "ENTER THE TREES" and "I shouldn't be here"-

I keep forgetting that I have too many outfits in the dressing room and how many are unhinged
Fricking "ENTER THE TREES" and "I shouldn't be here"-
my brain cant pick a song to get stuck in my head so its like im getting 3 different radio signals overlapping at once
Andor my beloved
Andor my beloved
"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"
Pixel Adopts --- Wishlist/Gene tracker
Pixel Adopts --- Wishlist/Gene tracker
Days of Sunlight WHEEEE time to see how quickly my brain gets totally overstimulated like it always does during events
Feat. me also having to deal with a certain someone immediately obsessively clinging to me the second I sign on when I just want to check the event out
I think I am just getting used to it at this point
By the time I actually get a day to myself on Sky again I will probably have absolutely no idea what to do with my life
Feat. me also having to deal with a certain someone immediately obsessively clinging to me the second I sign on when I just want to check the event out
I think I am just getting used to it at this point
By the time I actually get a day to myself on Sky again I will probably have absolutely no idea what to do with my life
Days of Sunlight WHEEEE time to see how quickly my brain gets totally overstimulated like it always does during events
Feat. me also having to deal with a certain someone immediately obsessively clinging to me the second I sign on when I just want to check the event out
I think I am just getting used to it at this point
By the time I actually get a day to myself on Sky again I will probably have absolutely no idea what to do with my life
Feat. me also having to deal with a certain someone immediately obsessively clinging to me the second I sign on when I just want to check the event out
I think I am just getting used to it at this point
By the time I actually get a day to myself on Sky again I will probably have absolutely no idea what to do with my life

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