I'm super happy because I NEVER seen a Coatl NPC <3

TOPIC | Love is in the Air 2023

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Forget the event, CANON WHEELCHAIR USER.
The inclusivity in FR's NPCs has me literally sobbing right now because I genuinely appreciate seeing this.
As a kid, I spent a year in a wheelchair/on crutches due to an injury. (Ambulatory now with minimal aid.) There were NO role models for kids like me. The fact that this generation grows up with Suzie, the dragon wheelchair user, is something I'm gonna think about forever with wet eyes and a big, dopey smile.
Because we all deserve to be represented in a game, in a movie, in a tv show.
The inclusivity in FR's NPCs has me literally sobbing right now because I genuinely appreciate seeing this.
As a kid, I spent a year in a wheelchair/on crutches due to an injury. (Ambulatory now with minimal aid.) There were NO role models for kids like me. The fact that this generation grows up with Suzie, the dragon wheelchair user, is something I'm gonna think about forever with wet eyes and a big, dopey smile.
Because we all deserve to be represented in a game, in a movie, in a tv show.
Forget the event, CANON WHEELCHAIR USER.
The inclusivity in FR's NPCs has me literally sobbing right now because I genuinely appreciate seeing this.
As a kid, I spent a year in a wheelchair/on crutches due to an injury. (Ambulatory now with minimal aid.) There were NO role models for kids like me. The fact that this generation grows up with Suzie, the dragon wheelchair user, is something I'm gonna think about forever with wet eyes and a big, dopey smile.
Because we all deserve to be represented in a game, in a movie, in a tv show.
The inclusivity in FR's NPCs has me literally sobbing right now because I genuinely appreciate seeing this.
As a kid, I spent a year in a wheelchair/on crutches due to an injury. (Ambulatory now with minimal aid.) There were NO role models for kids like me. The fact that this generation grows up with Suzie, the dragon wheelchair user, is something I'm gonna think about forever with wet eyes and a big, dopey smile.
Because we all deserve to be represented in a game, in a movie, in a tv show.
@undel, bogsneak female flower bouquets have an art error on the ribbon that lays over the arm to the left of the flowers. as far as I checked, it's there on all colors.
@undel, bogsneak female flower bouquets have an art error on the ribbon that lays over the arm to the left of the flowers. as far as I checked, it's there on all colors.

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