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TOPIC | Rustkins [Veilspun Subspecies]
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[center][img][/img][/center] Hello and welcome to this thread where I will be developing the Rustkins subspecies in my free time! I just really wanted a sub with that ancient breed so I made one! Feel free to look around, suggest things or give feedback!

Hello and welcome to this thread where I will be developing the Rustkins subspecies in my free time!
I just really wanted a sub with that ancient breed so I made one!
Feel free to look around, suggest things or give feedback!
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7]Lore:[/size][/center] Rustkins live at the edge of the world, building their lairs close to sea cliffs of Dragonhome for as long as the older breathing Rustkin can remember. Rustkins can easily be recognized by their brownish rust like scales that grow all over their body as soon as they reach dragonhood. Besides popular belief, their rust is not actual rust. These scales will often crumble into little pieces with time and fall off making room to new ones, when Rustkins fly they leave their rust powder behind. Making their swarm either very beautiful to look at or dangerous if the wind blows all of that powder to the wrong direction. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7]Society:[/size][/center] Rustkins are drawn to metals of all kinds and love to craft various items out of it. Using their unique magic habilities to control metal to their will, alongside with more traditional techniques and tools. They live in swarms of various sizes inside of complex underground tunnels, with elders and revered crafters as their leaders. Leaving the tunnels a few times a day to fly, find food and resources. Their swarms are known for putting up iron traps around their territory and make rust powder clouds when the wind is blowing strong enough to keep strangers away. If they see you as a threat no questions will be asked. Because they tend to be very suspicious of others they have very few allies that are not from their own subspecies. Because they love minerals and metals they can work with a good way of winning their affection is to bring them such materials as gifts to start a peaceful interaction. [center][font=cambria][size=7]Behavior:[/size][/center] Rustkins individuals are generally reserved around strangers and will probably fly away if spotted by other unknown dragons or beasts. Keeping their distance until they are sure it's safe to interact. But once they get to know you, Rustkins can reveal to be very outgoing and they actually love to be around those they trust rather than alone. Since it's in their nature to feel safe in a group. If an individual leaves their swarm to be part of another clan they will be [b]very[/b] loyal to their new family.

Rustkins live at the edge of the world, building their lairs close to sea cliffs of Dragonhome for as long as the older breathing Rustkin can remember.
Rustkins can easily be recognized by their brownish rust like scales that grow all over their body as soon as they reach dragonhood. Besides popular belief, their rust is not actual rust.

These scales will often crumble into little pieces with time and fall off making room to new ones, when Rustkins fly they leave their rust powder behind. Making their swarm either very beautiful to look at or dangerous if the wind blows all of that powder to the wrong direction.



Rustkins are drawn to metals of all kinds and love to craft various items out of it. Using their unique magic habilities to control metal to their will, alongside with more traditional techniques and tools.

They live in swarms of various sizes inside of complex underground tunnels, with elders and revered crafters as their leaders. Leaving the tunnels a few times a day to fly, find food and resources.
Their swarms are known for putting up iron traps around their territory and make rust powder clouds when the wind is blowing strong enough to keep strangers away. If they see you as a threat no questions will be asked.
Because they tend to be very suspicious of others they have very few allies that are not from their own subspecies.

Because they love minerals and metals they can work with a good way of winning their affection is to bring them such materials as gifts to start a peaceful interaction.

Rustkins individuals are generally reserved around strangers and will probably fly away if spotted by other unknown dragons or beasts. Keeping their distance until they are sure it's safe to interact.
But once they get to know you, Rustkins can reveal to be very outgoing and they actually love to be around those they trust rather than alone. Since it's in their nature to feel safe in a group.

If an individual leaves their swarm to be part of another clan they will be very loyal to their new family.
[center][font=cambria][size=7]Genetics:[/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Breed[/b]: Veilspun Primary Gene: Sphinxmoth Secondary Gene: Vivid Tertiary Gene: Flecks Primary Color: Stone Secondary Color: Beige - Taupe Tertiary Color: Sable - Umber [b]Eye Colours:[/b] All [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7]Variants?[/size][/center] [center]None for now[/center]


Breed: Veilspun

Primary Gene: Sphinxmoth
Secondary Gene: Vivid
Tertiary Gene: Flecks

Primary Color: Stone
Secondary Color: Beige - Taupe
Tertiary Color: Sable - Umber

Eye Colours: All

None for now
Aesthetic Suggestions:
Aesthetic Suggestions:
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7]Pinglist:[/size][/center] !Sofystikitty

[center][font=cambria][size=7]Affiliates:[/size][/center] [center]My other subspecies:[/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [quote][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/quote]

My other subspecies:



[center][font=cambria][size=7]Registry:[/size][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

67886222.png65331069.png68488553.png 79577253.png 79300219.png
@Hellan Hello! Can I please register the girl I purchased from you a while back please? [url=][img][/img][/url] I've also been working hard and I've just saved up enough to get her partner ready too! I think he meets all the requirements too? He's light though, not earth [url=][img][/img][/url]

Hello! Can I please register the girl I purchased from you a while back please?


I've also been working hard and I've just saved up enough to get her partner ready too! I think he meets all the requirements too? He's light though, not earth
@ShaguraMagala Oooooh sure you can! And yes, even her partner! All eyes are welcomed! It makes me really happy to see someone else creating a pair for these! [emoji=obelisk love size=1]

Oooooh sure you can! And yes, even her partner! All eyes are welcomed!

It makes me really happy to see someone else creating a pair for these!
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