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TOPIC | Sleepwalkers?
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I don't think I've seen a thread about this subject, so why not?

So who's a sleepwalker? Do you wake up somewhere you didn't go to sleep? Suddenly find yourself being woken up by people in a room. Or wake up trying to figure out how to open a door? Anything of any sort!

And sleeptalkers! What kind of conversations have you been in? Ever lost a bet, and be completely confused upon waking?

When I was a kid, I sleepwalked 3 times. The normal kid stuff. Going outside, getting into the shower, and running into a chair flipping it over.

But recently I've started up again. No idea why. I'm just hoarding drinks in my room. I got up to six last night. XD
I don't think I've seen a thread about this subject, so why not?

So who's a sleepwalker? Do you wake up somewhere you didn't go to sleep? Suddenly find yourself being woken up by people in a room. Or wake up trying to figure out how to open a door? Anything of any sort!

And sleeptalkers! What kind of conversations have you been in? Ever lost a bet, and be completely confused upon waking?

When I was a kid, I sleepwalked 3 times. The normal kid stuff. Going outside, getting into the shower, and running into a chair flipping it over.

But recently I've started up again. No idea why. I'm just hoarding drinks in my room. I got up to six last night. XD
I have my own website for things I've made!
I sleeptalk, which is also classified as a sleeping disorder.

I used to have all of these crazy beliefs about sleepwalkers until I took my psych class and learned that they actually look like normal people.

I wish I could talk to you about sleepwalking and i almost feel guilty for not being able to contribute more to your post but if it mass you feel better, I sleepwalk sometimes which for psychologists is just as interesting.
I sleeptalk, which is also classified as a sleeping disorder.

I used to have all of these crazy beliefs about sleepwalkers until I took my psych class and learned that they actually look like normal people.

I wish I could talk to you about sleepwalking and i almost feel guilty for not being able to contribute more to your post but if it mass you feel better, I sleepwalk sometimes which for psychologists is just as interesting.

Oh no, it's fine. I should've put sleep talking up there too. Since I sorta do it too. I'll have normal conversations with people while I'm completely out.

Oh no, it's fine. I should've put sleep talking up there too. Since I sorta do it too. I'll have normal conversations with people while I'm completely out.
I have my own website for things I've made!
I used to sleep walk all the time. Constanly going to bed in my room and waking up downstairs, that was the most common thing. But there were other less simple instances haha. Really glad I eventually stopped though.
I used to sleep walk all the time. Constanly going to bed in my room and waking up downstairs, that was the most common thing. But there were other less simple instances haha. Really glad I eventually stopped though.

I am impressed with anybody that can make it up and down stairs while sleepwalking. I have problems with them during the day! XD

I am impressed with anybody that can make it up and down stairs while sleepwalking. I have problems with them during the day! XD
I have my own website for things I've made!
I used to be an active sleepwalker when I was younger. It only stopped a few years ago when I finally got my sleeping patterns back in shape.

I would find myself on the couch or in another bed in the household some mornings.
My sister has conversed with me while I sleptwalk and apparently I got pretty emotional over dumplings. I kept asking where the dumplings were and started crying when she said there were none. I just went back to sleep after that supposedly. Although its odd because I can faintly remember what happens when I wake up. My sister and brother also have tendencies to sleepwalk when we lack sufficient sleep. My brother's wife tells us stories about how he has conversations with his coat hanger. :P My sister sleeptalks about fishing.. a lot. She wakes me up some nights as I share a bed with her. We all think it may be linked with genetics, but we're not sure. (Our Mum has it too)

My dad reminds me about this incident all the time! It happened when I was about 3 or 4. But one night I was just pacing up and down the house (our house was quite long) and just saying "toilet" and my sister and dad woke up and tried to direct me to the bathroom. But I walked out and continued to pace up and down the house and then I stopped and just created a puddle in the middle of the house. :') I remember waking up the next morning with different pants!
I used to be an active sleepwalker when I was younger. It only stopped a few years ago when I finally got my sleeping patterns back in shape.

I would find myself on the couch or in another bed in the household some mornings.
My sister has conversed with me while I sleptwalk and apparently I got pretty emotional over dumplings. I kept asking where the dumplings were and started crying when she said there were none. I just went back to sleep after that supposedly. Although its odd because I can faintly remember what happens when I wake up. My sister and brother also have tendencies to sleepwalk when we lack sufficient sleep. My brother's wife tells us stories about how he has conversations with his coat hanger. :P My sister sleeptalks about fishing.. a lot. She wakes me up some nights as I share a bed with her. We all think it may be linked with genetics, but we're not sure. (Our Mum has it too)

My dad reminds me about this incident all the time! It happened when I was about 3 or 4. But one night I was just pacing up and down the house (our house was quite long) and just saying "toilet" and my sister and dad woke up and tried to direct me to the bathroom. But I walked out and continued to pace up and down the house and then I stopped and just created a puddle in the middle of the house. :') I remember waking up the next morning with different pants!
I sleepwalk a whole load and have done so pretty much all my life. Usually I just do normal things like wandering around my room but I've shown myself to be capable of going up and down the stairs, getting myself water, and even undoing locks in my sleep. ^-^' And yet somehow I've almost always managed to find my way back to my bed (sometimes with my mum's help) and can usually only tell when I've sleepwalked through some randomly appearing bruises and my mom's word.

Along with sleepwalking I've also been known to just be a little strange about sleep in general. I sleeptalk too, have dreams/nightmares really often, and had night terrors for a really long time when I was little, though I haven't had one in a while now.
I sleepwalk a whole load and have done so pretty much all my life. Usually I just do normal things like wandering around my room but I've shown myself to be capable of going up and down the stairs, getting myself water, and even undoing locks in my sleep. ^-^' And yet somehow I've almost always managed to find my way back to my bed (sometimes with my mum's help) and can usually only tell when I've sleepwalked through some randomly appearing bruises and my mom's word.

Along with sleepwalking I've also been known to just be a little strange about sleep in general. I sleeptalk too, have dreams/nightmares really often, and had night terrors for a really long time when I was little, though I haven't had one in a while now.

Not a shared account, a system. We'll be signing off and using plural pronouns sometimes.

they/them (plural) | FR +2
When my medication for insomnia's changed, I find myself in a half-awake half-asleep state where I can tell I'm not fully aware but I don't really remember it until I'm completely awake. If that even makes sense? A few times I've gone about my business putting on make up and then washing it off and crawling back in bed, or I've pulled out my paints and canvases and gone at that (which is expensive to waste so I've hidden them but some of the "art" I did is really weird.) Nothing too serious or frightening.

I don't think I've ever actually sleep-talked unless somebody's called me while I'm asleep and I mumbled incoherently.

The worst part is thinking I'm awake and then going into a nightmare while sleep walking, but that happens rarely. a;owfj I'm very thankful for that rare part.
When my medication for insomnia's changed, I find myself in a half-awake half-asleep state where I can tell I'm not fully aware but I don't really remember it until I'm completely awake. If that even makes sense? A few times I've gone about my business putting on make up and then washing it off and crawling back in bed, or I've pulled out my paints and canvases and gone at that (which is expensive to waste so I've hidden them but some of the "art" I did is really weird.) Nothing too serious or frightening.

I don't think I've ever actually sleep-talked unless somebody's called me while I'm asleep and I mumbled incoherently.

The worst part is thinking I'm awake and then going into a nightmare while sleep walking, but that happens rarely. a;owfj I'm very thankful for that rare part.
I never sleepwalked or talked. I have, if can call it that, a more stationary thing going on call sleep paralysis. Pretty much you 'wake up,' but you can't move. Often times sleep paralysis is mistaken for being haunted by ghosts and such. The experience can leave people in panic attacks, because even though you're awake you can't move or do anything, not even take a deep breath. Many people start having nightmares while in sleep paralysis because they feel like they can't breath. Because they are still half asleep they can see and hear monsters or dead relatives coming after them. Not only that, but you can also feel things touching or attacking you. Which is why it is recommended for people who have sleep paralysis to stay calm, keep their eyes closed (if they could open their eyes. Though many cases they could) and focus on moving their fingers. Scientists say that sleep paralysis is very similar to sleepwalking in brain activities (don't know if this information is out dated).

Unlike most sleepwalking or talking cases, sleep paralysis usually happens when someone sleeps too much. Of course there is always those people who are just prone to sleepwalking, talking, and/or paralysis.

Sorry for this dump.
I never sleepwalked or talked. I have, if can call it that, a more stationary thing going on call sleep paralysis. Pretty much you 'wake up,' but you can't move. Often times sleep paralysis is mistaken for being haunted by ghosts and such. The experience can leave people in panic attacks, because even though you're awake you can't move or do anything, not even take a deep breath. Many people start having nightmares while in sleep paralysis because they feel like they can't breath. Because they are still half asleep they can see and hear monsters or dead relatives coming after them. Not only that, but you can also feel things touching or attacking you. Which is why it is recommended for people who have sleep paralysis to stay calm, keep their eyes closed (if they could open their eyes. Though many cases they could) and focus on moving their fingers. Scientists say that sleep paralysis is very similar to sleepwalking in brain activities (don't know if this information is out dated).

Unlike most sleepwalking or talking cases, sleep paralysis usually happens when someone sleeps too much. Of course there is always those people who are just prone to sleepwalking, talking, and/or paralysis.

Sorry for this dump.
I used to sleepwalk a lot when I was younger (thirteen and under--I haven't technically sleepwalked...sleptwalked? years). My mom would tell me about how I was creeping around the house and would pretend I was just casually taking a stroll and would dash back upstairs to my bedroom.

...I guess I dreamed I was an assassin?

I don't do this anymore (which is good because I'd probably trip down the stairs and hurt myself now that the carpet's gone). Instead, I think I've developed hypnopompia whenever my stress reaches a certain level. I have recurring hallucinations of monsters dropping from my ceiling (I will run all the away across the house before I realize I'm not seeing something real), and--for one week while I was particularly stressed--a shadowy figure vaulting onto my bed and trying to strangle me.

...because, you know, I can't possibly have nice hallucination's. I really should see a sleep expert, but it comes and goes so erratically (I haven't hallucinated in months, for example) that I'm not sure it's worth it. Anyone else have this issue? (Since it's related to sleepwalking in a sense!)
I used to sleepwalk a lot when I was younger (thirteen and under--I haven't technically sleepwalked...sleptwalked? years). My mom would tell me about how I was creeping around the house and would pretend I was just casually taking a stroll and would dash back upstairs to my bedroom.

...I guess I dreamed I was an assassin?

I don't do this anymore (which is good because I'd probably trip down the stairs and hurt myself now that the carpet's gone). Instead, I think I've developed hypnopompia whenever my stress reaches a certain level. I have recurring hallucinations of monsters dropping from my ceiling (I will run all the away across the house before I realize I'm not seeing something real), and--for one week while I was particularly stressed--a shadowy figure vaulting onto my bed and trying to strangle me.

...because, you know, I can't possibly have nice hallucination's. I really should see a sleep expert, but it comes and goes so erratically (I haven't hallucinated in months, for example) that I'm not sure it's worth it. Anyone else have this issue? (Since it's related to sleepwalking in a sense!)
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