
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Kingdomlocke] Entropy
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[center][size=6][b]DAY SIX[/b] [img][/img][/center] [columns][item=bronze fabric scrap][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Festival![/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Roll: 4. Fennel gains a life.[/i][nextcol][item=fluted bat spoon][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Backstabbing.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Ozzy has died. Sorry, kiddo :([/i][/columns] [right][columns][item=Pilco segments][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]I quit.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Rolled Buck, but he doesn't have a job to quit lol[/i][nextcol][item=bamboo shrimp][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]30-40 Coli rounds.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Party: Buck, Mischief, and Kahu.[nextcol][/columns][/right] [columns][item=brilliant length][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Festival (again?)[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Roll: 3. Raise all <5 dragons to level 5.[/i][/columns] [size=2]Dragons to reach level 5 today: Mischief, Buck, Rabble, Rook, Kahu, Sentinel, and Eryl. Jobs rolled in order are: Artist, Gardener, Nesting-helper, Librarian, Knight, Teacher, and Familiar Caretaker. Phew![/size] (the new dragons from yesterday are also here I swear) Welcome, Sentinel and Eryl! Sunstone's daily survival roll: 3. He lives. ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=century][size=4] A sad sight, a kingdom in mourning. Sentinel shifts on their feet, standing silently beside dragons they have never spoken to at the pyre where the body of a dragon taken too soon reaches its final rest. A pyre burial is an especially solemn thing around these parts. It may be commonplace back where Sentinel's from - but in this kingdom's practices, a funeral pyre is only used for the body of a hatchling. The child is burned, so their spirit may escape into the air rather than the earth, and be born again, offered a second chance. Sentinel had just been passing by when they spotted the fire, and they had to come pay their respects. A delicate thing, life is, and Sentinel mourns the loss of any life, even that which they never crossed paths with. Beside them, Eryl, their lifelong partner, does the same. And all around them, an unfamiliar kingdom. A gentle-eyed blue and pink Pearlcatcher leans in close to a black dragon dotted with the occasional brilliant blue gemstone growing right out of his hide. A stone-grey dragon with a vibrant azure tailtip and a dark dragon with her eyes shut against the harsh fire claiming their young clanmate. And the queen, her expression unreadable as she watches the flames dance. But... That dead hatchling wasn't the only one. There's another, crouched between the talons of the blue and pink dragon. He gazes curiously at Sentinel, his eyes wide and expression so heartbreakingly broken. Sentinel doesn't know what to do but nod. This hatchling is the brother of the dead, they know just by looking at the second pearl the kid has in his arms. The pearl of the departed child. A difficult thing, losing family so early. Sentinel sighs. They will stay, to support this hatchling however they can. Eryl will surely agree. It's only right. ----- [center]Less writing today because I'm working on finally writing out the bios and getting songs for all these new dragons!!! Sentinel and Eryl are [i]so[/i] pretty, and I have some fun ideas floating around for them. We'll see how it goes. And poor Sunstone, he's not about to have a very good time. Sorry buddy :( Pinglist: @Humdrum @Pikabolt @Hyenalope @Jaspernoir @inc0rpor3al @pancakeswithabs [url=]Previous[/url] || [url=]Next[/url]


Bronze Fabric Scrap Festival!
Roll: 4. Fennel gains a life.
Fluted Bat Spoon Backstabbing.
Ozzy has died. Sorry, kiddo :(
Pilco Segments I quit.
Rolled Buck, but he doesn't have
a job to quit lol
Bamboo Shrimp 30-40 Coli rounds.
Party: Buck, Mischief, and Kahu.
Brilliant Length Festival (again?)
Roll: 3. Raise all <5 dragons to level 5.

Dragons to reach level 5 today: Mischief, Buck, Rabble, Rook, Kahu, Sentinel, and Eryl. Jobs rolled in order are: Artist, Gardener, Nesting-helper, Librarian, Knight, Teacher, and Familiar Caretaker. Phew!

(the new dragons from yesterday are also here I swear) Welcome, Sentinel and Eryl!
Sunstone's daily survival roll: 3. He lives.


A sad sight, a kingdom in mourning. Sentinel shifts on their feet, standing silently beside dragons they have never spoken to at the pyre where the body of a dragon taken too soon reaches its final rest.

A pyre burial is an especially solemn thing around these parts. It may be commonplace back where Sentinel's from - but in this kingdom's practices, a funeral pyre is only used for the body of a hatchling.

The child is burned, so their spirit may escape into the air rather than the earth, and be born again, offered a second chance.

Sentinel had just been passing by when they spotted the fire, and they had to come pay their respects. A delicate thing, life is, and Sentinel mourns the loss of any life, even that which they never crossed paths with. Beside them, Eryl, their lifelong partner, does the same. And all around them, an unfamiliar kingdom.

A gentle-eyed blue and pink Pearlcatcher leans in close to a black dragon dotted with the occasional brilliant blue gemstone growing right out of his hide. A stone-grey dragon with a vibrant azure tailtip and a dark dragon with her eyes shut against the harsh fire claiming their young clanmate. And the queen, her expression unreadable as she watches the flames dance.


That dead hatchling wasn't the only one. There's another, crouched between the talons of the blue and pink dragon. He gazes curiously at Sentinel, his eyes wide and expression so heartbreakingly broken.

Sentinel doesn't know what to do but nod. This hatchling is the brother of the dead, they know just by looking at the second pearl the kid has in his arms. The pearl of the departed child.

A difficult thing, losing family so early.

Sentinel sighs. They will stay, to support this hatchling however they can. Eryl will surely agree. It's only right.

Less writing today because I'm working on finally writing out the bios and getting songs for all these new dragons!!! Sentinel and Eryl are so pretty, and I have some fun ideas floating around for them. We'll see how it goes.
And poor Sunstone, he's not about to have a very good time. Sorry buddy :(

Pinglist: @Humdrum @Pikabolt @Hyenalope @Jaspernoir @inc0rpor3al @pancakeswithabs

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A Dragon Halfway There - A Pinkerlocke
99.png "Seems like the little spirit has gone and forgotten their head again...they will be back. Eventually. Maybe."

A Dragon Halfway There - A Pinkerlocke
[center][size=6][b]DAY SEVEN[/b] [img][/img][/center] [columns][item=ant acid][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Death bond.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Sunstone and Fennel. THS IS SO FUNNY TO ME HEKLP[/i][nextcol][item=redwood log][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Backstabbing.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Kahu loses a life :([/i][/columns] [right][columns][item=fir branch][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Large quest![/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Party: Fennel, Buck, and Sentinel. All three are now level 6.[/i][nextcol][item=mistral glove][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Quest![/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Party: Kahu and Rabble. Both are now level 6.[nextcol][/columns][/right] [columns][item=dreameater tusk][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Studied the blade.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Roll: 1. (LOL) Welcome, Fortune![/i][/columns] ----- [size=4][font=century] Four days, it’s been, since Sentinel and Eryl arrived at the Eyrie. The kingdom has really grown on Sentinel, despite the unfortunate circumstances of their arrival. The ravine only gets direct sun for two or so hours a day, so their new home is perfectly cooled even with the blistering heat just outside the fissure in the ground. Their home is that which used to house a now-deceased dragon named Durren: they’ve re-built the outside to better suit their taste, and Eryl has been working at the interior to make it a friendlier place for her research and plants, and for Sentinel’s extensive collection of different minerals and rocks. All in all, it seems like things might not be too bad here. The queen seems like an alright fit, too. Sentinel has their own thoughts on royalty, but they think they can tolerate this leadership. So far, Fennel has been kind to them and Eryl, if a little insistent on the hierarchy in place. She’s got two eggs of her own on the way as well, and perhaps caring for children will soften her edges a little. As of now, the only children of the Eyrie are Sunstone, the brother of the late Ozzy, and Fortune - this little hatchling Sentinel found while out gathering insects with Rook and Rabble, two dragons who are quickly becoming their favourites in the kingdom. Besides, Eryl, of course. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=century]Fortune is an interesting case. Sentinel stumbled upon her while they were scoping out a termite mound, spotting her with those wide eyes watching Sentinel in their work. She looks… Alarmingly similar to them, enough so that Rabble was suspicious that she may actually be their biological child, which Sentinel, of course, energetically denied. …But Fortune noticed the resemblance as well, and she was intrigued by Sentinel, who finally caved and taught her how to get the most out of huge mounds like the one they found. Sentinel, of course, did this assuming Fortune’s parents would notice her absence and come take her off their talons soon, but… They never did. And Fortune just kept following, kept asking questions, and, well. You can’t just leave a hatchling out in the blistering sun like that, can you? So now Fortune snoozes on Sentinel and Eryl’s bed, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her mane sticking out in all directions. And from the look in Fortune’s eyes, Sentinel thinks they know how this will go. Fortune’s parents are not going to return. Well, best not to disturb the kid while she sleeps, and Sentinel has a few questions to ask of Rook. He’s taken the position of the kingdom’s librarian, and has told Sentinel he may be able to use some ancient-looking runestones to allow Sentinel to better channel their fire magic. Which is interesting, of course, but Sentinel also just wants to visit the strange purple dragon. He’s proven to be one of the most pleasant dragons of the kingdom, and always has something pleasant to say or a good story to tell. So, off Sentinel goes, beating their wings to ride the natural thermals rising from the ravine floor and make their way toward the hive-like construction of Rook’s series of little rooms. While most of the homes in the Eyrie rest upon ledges in the rock, Rook’s hangs off a sheer rock face, held to it by some strange design he says he learned from a fae clan he lived with as a hatchling. It’s much like a wasp hive, in its swirling tornado of a design and the silky-paperlike drapes over all of the entrances and forming bridges between outdoor balconies where Rook does most of his research. A strange house. Sentinel enjoys it very much. “Rook!” They call, spotting the feather-patterned dragon organizing his scrolls and tablets for the umpteenth time out on one of his balconies. “Aye, Sentinel! How’s the kid?” “Fast asleep. She’s a good one. Her parents though, I’d like to have a word with.” “Still no word from them?” “Nothing at all.” Sentinel flicks their ears, annoyed just at the thought of the dragons who, according to Fortune, told her to wait for their return in the desert, alone, and then never came back for her. Hmph. Sentinel and Eryl can be Fortune’s parents, if those dragons don’t want the position. “Well, I’m always glad to see her, and she seems to really love you and your mate!” Sentinel nods. “I hope she does. Eryl and I - well, we’re not… [i]mates,[/i] exactly? Dunno, it’s complicated. We’re together for life, that’s for sure. Just… Neither of us know if it’s romantically or not. Y’know?” Rook grins. “I get that. I’ve never been one for romance, myself. My books and my friends are just fine for me.” He places a stone tablet back on one of his many shelves. “Well! I’ve got some super fun new findings for you, friend! This way.” Sentinel follows Rook into his dragon-sized wasp nest; a warmly-lit place, little lanterns filled with fireflies hanging from several of the overhangs created by Rook’s uneven architectural practices. He beckons Sentinel to a small stone desk, where he’s spread different pages of research all across it. Rook swipes aside some scrolls labeled [i]”death bonds,”[/i] something he’s been reading about extensively ever since the strange magic wormed its way into the Eyrie in the form of an unending link between Sunstone and the Queen. [i]That[/i] was a rough day. Unrelated pages out of the way, Rook grins and holds up a diagram explaining the relationship between runes and magic. Sentinel can understand exactly none of it, they’re not even sure they recognize half the words on the scroll. Rook seems to sense this, and takes the opportunity to gush about the magic in words Sentinel better comprehends. “So, okay - I wanna start this by saying these runes are [i]hard[/i] to find. They naturally occur, and dragonmade ones are even rarer, they’re kind of… Not everywhere. We have two of them, both corresponding to the fire element, meaning you are… The only one I can give magic to at the moment. But!!! If you guys are able to find more, I could help the kingdom grow so strong with these!” Rook takes a deep breath, having [i]completely[/i] forgotten to breathe. Sentinel smiles a bit. They love listening to Rook lose his mind over these things. “They tap into your natural magic, allowing you to better access something that’s already there. Something that usually takes years and years of training. You, as a child of the Flamecaller, have this innate ability to [i]literally summon FIRE.[/i] It’s SO COOL. So, with this runestone right here-” He brandishes a reflective mineral with a metallic glow that seems to flicker and dance in the light from Rook’s fireflies; Sentinel can just barely make out the elemental symbol of the Fire flight in the cracks of the stone. “You will be able to summon flames at your command, for combat or just to start bonfires, hah.” “Sounds cool! And scary. Sounds very scary,” Sentinel considers the idea of calling fire from air… Yeah, that’s some stuff they’re not quite accustomed to. Rook grins. “You had me at [i]cool![/i] So… Do you want me to try it? Of course, I’m not a professional, it might not work, but I’m [i]pretty sure[/i] doing this wrong only leaves you without the desired magic and doesn’t, like, kill you.” “Pretty sure, hm? Well, I trust you, Rook. Do your worst,” Sentinel chuckles as they see Rook’s face light up even more. “Greatgreatgreatgreat! I’ll go get everything, let’s [i]go![/i] This is gonna be so fun - er, the Queen will be so pleased to have a mage!” Sentinel rolls their eyes. Yeah, they think they’re going to like it here. ----- [center]Rook's found a passion, at least... Trying to catch up on missed rolls from show week/finals, sorry for the double ping today! (Also if any of y'all don't want pings anymore please feel free to let me know I promise I wont be offended lol) Pinglist: @Humdrum @Pikabolt @Hyenalope @Jaspernoir @inc0rpor3al @pancakeswithabs [url=]Previous[/url] || [url=]Next[/url]


Ant Acid Death bond.
Sunstone and Fennel. THS IS SO FUNNY TO ME HEKLP
Redwood Log Backstabbing.
Kahu loses a life :(
Fir Branch Large quest!
Party: Fennel, Buck, and Sentinel. All three are now level 6.
Mistral Glove Quest!
Party: Kahu and Rabble. Both are now level 6.
Dreameater Tusk Studied the blade.
Roll: 1. (LOL) Welcome, Fortune!

Four days, it’s been, since Sentinel and Eryl arrived at the Eyrie. The kingdom has really grown on Sentinel, despite the unfortunate circumstances of their arrival. The ravine only gets direct sun for two or so hours a day, so their new home is perfectly cooled even with the blistering heat just outside the fissure in the ground. Their home is that which used to house a now-deceased dragon named Durren: they’ve re-built the outside to better suit their taste, and Eryl has been working at the interior to make it a friendlier place for her research and plants, and for Sentinel’s extensive collection of different minerals and rocks. All in all, it seems like things might not be too bad here.

The queen seems like an alright fit, too. Sentinel has their own thoughts on royalty, but they think they can tolerate this leadership. So far, Fennel has been kind to them and Eryl, if a little insistent on the hierarchy in place. She’s got two eggs of her own on the way as well, and perhaps caring for children will soften her edges a little.

As of now, the only children of the Eyrie are Sunstone, the brother of the late Ozzy, and Fortune - this little hatchling Sentinel found while out gathering insects with Rook and Rabble, two dragons who are quickly becoming their favourites in the kingdom. Besides, Eryl, of course.


Fortune is an interesting case. Sentinel stumbled upon her while they were scoping out a termite mound, spotting her with those wide eyes watching Sentinel in their work. She looks… Alarmingly similar to them, enough so that Rabble was suspicious that she may actually be their biological child, which Sentinel, of course, energetically denied.

…But Fortune noticed the resemblance as well, and she was intrigued by Sentinel, who finally caved and taught her how to get the most out of huge mounds like the one they found.

Sentinel, of course, did this assuming Fortune’s parents would notice her absence and come take her off their talons soon, but…

They never did.

And Fortune just kept following, kept asking questions, and, well.

You can’t just leave a hatchling out in the blistering sun like that, can you?

So now Fortune snoozes on Sentinel and Eryl’s bed, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her mane sticking out in all directions.

And from the look in Fortune’s eyes, Sentinel thinks they know how this will go.

Fortune’s parents are not going to return.

Well, best not to disturb the kid while she sleeps, and Sentinel has a few questions to ask of Rook. He’s taken the position of the kingdom’s librarian, and has told Sentinel he may be able to use some ancient-looking runestones to allow Sentinel to better channel their fire magic.

Which is interesting, of course, but Sentinel also just wants to visit the strange purple dragon. He’s proven to be one of the most pleasant dragons of the kingdom, and always has something pleasant to say or a good story to tell. So, off Sentinel goes, beating their wings to ride the natural thermals rising from the ravine floor and make their way toward the hive-like construction of Rook’s series of little rooms.

While most of the homes in the Eyrie rest upon ledges in the rock, Rook’s hangs off a sheer rock face, held to it by some strange design he says he learned from a fae clan he lived with as a hatchling. It’s much like a wasp hive, in its swirling tornado of a design and the silky-paperlike drapes over all of the entrances and forming bridges between outdoor balconies where Rook does most of his research.

A strange house. Sentinel enjoys it very much.

“Rook!” They call, spotting the feather-patterned dragon organizing his scrolls and tablets for the umpteenth time out on one of his balconies.

“Aye, Sentinel! How’s the kid?”

“Fast asleep. She’s a good one. Her parents though, I’d like to have a word with.”

“Still no word from them?”

“Nothing at all.” Sentinel flicks their ears, annoyed just at the thought of the dragons who, according to Fortune, told her to wait for their return in the desert, alone, and then never came back for her.

Hmph. Sentinel and Eryl can be Fortune’s parents, if those dragons don’t want the position.

“Well, I’m always glad to see her, and she seems to really love you and your mate!”

Sentinel nods. “I hope she does. Eryl and I - well, we’re not… mates, exactly? Dunno, it’s complicated. We’re together for life, that’s for sure. Just… Neither of us know if it’s romantically or not. Y’know?”

Rook grins. “I get that. I’ve never been one for romance, myself. My books and my friends are just fine for me.” He places a stone tablet back on one of his many shelves. “Well! I’ve got some super fun new findings for you, friend! This way.”

Sentinel follows Rook into his dragon-sized wasp nest; a warmly-lit place, little lanterns filled with fireflies hanging from several of the overhangs created by Rook’s uneven architectural practices. He beckons Sentinel to a small stone desk, where he’s spread different pages of research all across it.

Rook swipes aside some scrolls labeled ”death bonds,” something he’s been reading about extensively ever since the strange magic wormed its way into the Eyrie in the form of an unending link between Sunstone and the Queen. That was a rough day.

Unrelated pages out of the way, Rook grins and holds up a diagram explaining the relationship between runes and magic. Sentinel can understand exactly none of it, they’re not even sure they recognize half the words on the scroll. Rook seems to sense this, and takes the opportunity to gush about the magic in words Sentinel better comprehends.

“So, okay - I wanna start this by saying these runes are hard to find. They naturally occur, and dragonmade ones are even rarer, they’re kind of… Not everywhere. We have two of them, both corresponding to the fire element, meaning you are… The only one I can give magic to at the moment. But!!! If you guys are able to find more, I could help the kingdom grow so strong with these!” Rook takes a deep breath, having completely forgotten to breathe.

Sentinel smiles a bit. They love listening to Rook lose his mind over these things.

“They tap into your natural magic, allowing you to better access something that’s already there. Something that usually takes years and years of training. You, as a child of the Flamecaller, have this innate ability to literally summon FIRE. It’s SO COOL. So, with this runestone right here-” He brandishes a reflective mineral with a metallic glow that seems to flicker and dance in the light from Rook’s fireflies; Sentinel can just barely make out the elemental symbol of the Fire flight in the cracks of the stone. “You will be able to summon flames at your command, for combat or just to start bonfires, hah.”

“Sounds cool! And scary. Sounds very scary,” Sentinel considers the idea of calling fire from air… Yeah, that’s some stuff they’re not quite accustomed to.

Rook grins. “You had me at cool! So… Do you want me to try it? Of course, I’m not a professional, it might not work, but I’m pretty sure doing this wrong only leaves you without the desired magic and doesn’t, like, kill you.”

“Pretty sure, hm? Well, I trust you, Rook. Do your worst,” Sentinel chuckles as they see Rook’s face light up even more.

“Greatgreatgreatgreat! I’ll go get everything, let’s go! This is gonna be so fun - er, the Queen will be so pleased to have a mage!”

Sentinel rolls their eyes. Yeah, they think they’re going to like it here.

Rook's found a passion, at least...
Trying to catch up on missed rolls from show week/finals, sorry for the double ping today! (Also if any of y'all don't want pings anymore please feel free to let me know I promise I wont be offended lol)

Pinglist: @Humdrum @Pikabolt @Hyenalope @Jaspernoir @inc0rpor3al @pancakeswithabs

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A Dragon Halfway There - A Pinkerlocke
[center][size=6][b]DAY EIGHT[/b] [img][/img][/center] [columns][item=Black wolf pelt][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Hunting trip.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Party: Fennel, Kahu, and Sentinel. Fennel gains a life b/c boulder bolt is found.[/i][nextcol][item=bubbly buddy][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Bloody duel.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Buck and Sentinel. Buck is killed.[/i][/columns] [right][columns][item=spectre loop][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Plague![/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Khrynia and Eryl fall ill and do not awaken.[/i][nextcol][item=volt wiring][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Freeloader.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Welcome, Tracker. Sorry about all the dead dragons[nextcol][/columns][/right] [columns][item=Ornamental sash][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Sacrifice.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Roll: 4. Onslaught of disasters. Rabble and Rook do not make it.[/i][nextcol][item=sticky webbing][nextcol][size=4][color=brown][b]Backstabbing.[/size][/b][/color] [i][size=2]Duel w/ Fennel and Mischief. Mischief dies.[/i][/columns] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=century][i]Red. Red, red, red. It hurts. Where’s Rabble? The entire world is heaving and shuddering. The entire world is hurting. Why is the ravine so red? It chases him, follows him, where is he going? Where is Rabble? The ravine can see him, can see his fear. It hurts so, so much. Please, stop. Run. No, fly. FLY. Wing scrapes against rock. It hurts. Red. Please, where is my Rabble? I need him to be here. …I hope he is okay. I can still hear it. Like blood rushing in your ears, like wind through the canyons, like the ocean. It’s angry. And it hurts. Rabble. [/i] ----- [center]HOOOOO BOY TODAY WAS ROUGH. MAN lost half of the kingdom whoops! Pinglist: @Humdrum @Pikabolt @Hyenalope @Jaspernoir @inc0rpor3al @pancakeswithabs [url=]Previous[/url] || Next


Black Wolf Pelt Hunting trip.
Party: Fennel, Kahu, and Sentinel. Fennel
gains a life b/c boulder bolt is found.
Bubbly Buddy Bloody duel.
Buck and Sentinel. Buck is killed.
Spectre Loop Plague!
Khrynia and Eryl fall ill and do not awaken.
Volt Wiring Freeloader.
Welcome, Tracker. Sorry about all the dead dragons
Ornamental Sash Sacrifice.
Roll: 4. Onslaught of disasters. Rabble and Rook do not make it.
Sticky Webbing Backstabbing.
Duel w/ Fennel and Mischief. Mischief dies.


Red. Red, red, red.

It hurts.

Where’s Rabble?

The entire world is heaving and shuddering. The entire world is hurting.

Why is the ravine so red?

It chases him, follows him, where is he going?

Where is Rabble?

The ravine can see him, can see his fear.

It hurts so, so much.

Please, stop.

Run. No, fly. FLY.

Wing scrapes against rock.

It hurts.


Please, where is my Rabble?

I need him to be here.

…I hope he is okay.

I can still hear it.

Like blood rushing in your ears, like wind through the canyons, like the ocean.

It’s angry.

And it hurts.


lost half of the kingdom whoops!

Pinglist: @Humdrum @Pikabolt @Hyenalope @Jaspernoir @inc0rpor3al @pancakeswithabs

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A Dragon Halfway There - A Pinkerlocke
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