what are your current breeding projects or dream dragons (waiting on a g1 to hatch totally counts)? you don't have to be actively working on it, but show it off here! you can share scries, outfits, lore, or the progress that you've made on your search, such as breeding pairs. alternatively (or additionally) share a dream dragon that you have recently completed!
my priority dream dragon is this combination, which sadly doesn't exist (yet)!

'Delta' (placeholder): abyss / tarnish / hickory
ripple / striation / koi
light glowing eyes
I want this dragon so badly. he's a bit of a tribute to a video game that I really like (cookies for you if you can guess it), but also the fact that I really love hickory koi and the corroded, oxidized look that it offers dragons; it reminds me of copper that's been weathered by the elements and is forming a patina. (truthfully, I would have liked if this effect had been on tarnish koi, as it seems more fitting.)
currently, I have one breeding pair (Abyssal and Umbral, who have a chance of producing an abyss / tarnish / hickory and will be able to breed in 9 days. unfortunately, they cannot produce a wildclaw, but I have a wildclaw scroll in my vault that I will use if they produce the right dragon. the koi and glowing eyes add another 1400g onto the price tag...yay.
my second dream dragon is this:

obsidian / oilslick / abyss
fade / trail / glimmer
pearlcatcher female
I am much closer to having this dragon, because I actually have a dragon with the correct colors:

I bought her as an imperial with piebald / paint / koi; now, all she needs is her trail secondary gene. she is currently serving as my wishlist dragon (though I really wish that I could get those glimmer gems back, ouch).
her original look:

my final dream dragon is this one:
stone / stone / slate
savannah / current (or safari) / veined
skydancer. cool outfit as pictured
I acquired this dragon earlier today! meet Freedomfaller, or the Statue of Freedom:

I plan on making her one of my coliseum fighters.
my final breeding project has been going on way too long. my breeders, Myfi and Rampony, were bought to make a dragon with an umber primary and spring butterfly secondary. like this:

the most recent set of hatchlings gave me ivory, ginger, and sand tertiaries. no spring. they've produced some interesting hatchlings, just not anything that I was looking for, unfortunately!
I like threads like this way too much; they give me an excuse to like so many dragons, lol.
my priority dream dragon is this combination, which sadly doesn't exist (yet)!

'Delta' (placeholder): abyss / tarnish / hickory
ripple / striation / koi
light glowing eyes
I want this dragon so badly. he's a bit of a tribute to a video game that I really like (cookies for you if you can guess it), but also the fact that I really love hickory koi and the corroded, oxidized look that it offers dragons; it reminds me of copper that's been weathered by the elements and is forming a patina. (truthfully, I would have liked if this effect had been on tarnish koi, as it seems more fitting.)
currently, I have one breeding pair (Abyssal and Umbral, who have a chance of producing an abyss / tarnish / hickory and will be able to breed in 9 days. unfortunately, they cannot produce a wildclaw, but I have a wildclaw scroll in my vault that I will use if they produce the right dragon. the koi and glowing eyes add another 1400g onto the price tag...yay.

my second dream dragon is this:

obsidian / oilslick / abyss
fade / trail / glimmer
pearlcatcher female
I am much closer to having this dragon, because I actually have a dragon with the correct colors:

I bought her as an imperial with piebald / paint / koi; now, all she needs is her trail secondary gene. she is currently serving as my wishlist dragon (though I really wish that I could get those glimmer gems back, ouch).
her original look:


my final dream dragon is this one:

savannah / current (or safari) / veined
skydancer. cool outfit as pictured
I acquired this dragon earlier today! meet Freedomfaller, or the Statue of Freedom:

I plan on making her one of my coliseum fighters.

my final breeding project has been going on way too long. my breeders, Myfi and Rampony, were bought to make a dragon with an umber primary and spring butterfly secondary. like this:

the most recent set of hatchlings gave me ivory, ginger, and sand tertiaries. no spring. they've produced some interesting hatchlings, just not anything that I was looking for, unfortunately!
I like threads like this way too much; they give me an excuse to like so many dragons, lol.