Just wanted to let you know I picked up a copy of your accent for this girl a couple of days ago, and im really loving it. So perfect and absolutely pulls together this outfit. It was an instabuy when I ended up on your thread and saw it on the AH. Thanks so much, there arent enough good ridgeback skins!
TOPIC | Slay's Skins || NEW Guard F + Recolor
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Just wanted to let you know I picked up a copy of your accent for this girl a couple of days ago, and im really loving it. So perfect and absolutely pulls together this outfit. It was an instabuy when I ended up on your thread and saw it on the AH. Thanks so much, there arent enough good ridgeback skins!
Just wanted to let you know I picked up a copy of your accent for this girl a couple of days ago, and im really loving it. So perfect and absolutely pulls together this outfit. It was an instabuy when I ended up on your thread and saw it on the AH. Thanks so much, there arent enough good ridgeback skins!
[size=5][b][u]Shroom King[/u][/b][/size]
[b][u]Run One[/u][/b]
1. @finder77
Hey! Shroom King didn't get enough interest to print, so I'm gonna cancel the run
I'll probably submit it for shadow fest tho
Shroom King
Run One 1. @finder77 Hey! Shroom King didn't get enough interest to print, so I'm gonna cancel the run I'll probably submit it for shadow fest tho |
[item=accent: oculus]
[b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy/realm/skins?itemname=oculus&skin_cat=accent&skin_breed=9&skin_gender=1&collapse=1]Purchase link[/url][/b]
[b]Type:[/b] Accent
[b]Price:[/b] 500g
----- [columns]
Run 2
1. Incarnate
2. Hnai
3. NaoNao
4. SpookyPuptarts
5. Luminamorte
6. Necrovatai
7. finder77
8. ThistleProse
9. Eulogy
10. ilimati
[nextcol]Run Three
2. criiptid
3. Cavatica
[quote="General Pinglist"][center][size=5][b][u]General Pinglist[/u][/b][/size]
[i]To add yourself, click [b][url=https://bit.ly/2Wqsmuj]here[/url][/b]! (Mobile friendly)[/i]
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/2480522]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Snapper F, Accent, anatomy alterations, cool colors, creepy/horror, dark, eyes (stylized/symbolic)
[center][size=6][b]Skins In Stock[/b][/size]
[size=1][i]Skins listed on the AH[/i][/size]
[item=accent: trans rights][item=Accent: dame blanche]l[item=accent: fantasia rose][item=accent: fantasia canna][item=accent: fantasia iris][item=accent: zone 01][item=accent: zone 02][item=accent: lumi stan][item=skin: sister diana][item=skin: sister artemis][item=accent: 08. lily of the valley][item=accent: snakerose sd m][item=skin: drakeharvest][item=skin: stephen][item=accent: tick tock][item=skin: breaking dawn][item=accent: die sonne][item=accent: der mond][item=skin: citizens of tomorrow][item=accent: oculus]
Oculus Purchase link Type: Accent Price: 500g
General Pinglist wrote:
Click here for the GASP thread!
Snapper F, Accent, anatomy alterations, cool colors, creepy/horror, dark, eyes (stylized/symbolic)
Snapper F, Accent, anatomy alterations, cool colors, creepy/horror, dark, eyes (stylized/symbolic)
Skins In Stock
Skins listed on the AH
Skins listed on the AH
[center]Love the new skin! I even bought a new gen 1 to match it!
i find it funny because i actually bought the skin earlier and a dragon for it sajdhfkgg
she needs a snapper scroll but she's pretty much good to go!! im thinking she's some creepy bartender lady or something... (she'll look like this eventually)
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