
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Pick Your Poison
@Lykantos 3 please!

1. 20g
2. 2 Gen 1 dergs that haven't been gened or bred
3. 4 random familiars
4. 3 Fodder dergs
5. 35 kt
@Lykantos 3 please!

1. 20g
2. 2 Gen 1 dergs that haven't been gened or bred
3. 4 random familiars
4. 3 Fodder dergs
5. 35 kt
@clownetowne Poison 5 please!

Poison 1:A sketched bust of a dragon of your choice
Poison 2: Mystery accent
Poison 3: Random Tundra (in hibden)
Poison 4: Random Spiral (also in hibden)
Poison 5: Signature art of a dragon of your choice
@clownetowne Poison 5 please!

Poison 1:A sketched bust of a dragon of your choice
Poison 2: Mystery accent
Poison 3: Random Tundra (in hibden)
Poison 4: Random Spiral (also in hibden)
Poison 5: Signature art of a dragon of your choice
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@Sirrocco, I'll take poison 2 thank you! :) [b]♥ Poison 1 ♥ [item=Vista: Scorched Forest] ♥ Poison 2 ♥ 15 x [item=rusted treasure chest] ♥ Poison 3 ♥ Your choice between [skin=32418] or [skin=32415] ♥ Poison 4 ♥ [item=ambush] ♥ Poison 5 ♥ One stack of food (your choice plant/insect/seafood/meat) [/b]
@Sirrocco, I'll take poison 2 thank you! :)

♥ Poison 1 ♥ Vista: Scorched Forest

♥ Poison 2 ♥ 15 x Rusted Treasure Chest

♥ Poison 3 ♥ Your choice between or

♥ Poison 4 ♥ Ambush
♥ Poison 5 ♥ One stack of food (your choice plant/insect/seafood/meat)

@CrashingCyclone Claiming 2
1: Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity
2: Dark Might Fragment
3: A hatchling from one of my nests of your choice when it hatches
4: Earthen Might Fragment
5: some random apparel (3 pieces or more)
@CrashingCyclone Claiming 2
1: Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity
2: Dark Might Fragment
3: A hatchling from one of my nests of your choice when it hatches
4: Earthen Might Fragment
5: some random apparel (3 pieces or more)
5 please!

Pick your Poison!

1. Random familiars
2. Random Apparel
3. Two chests
4. A dragon with a familiar that matches-ish
5. A complete an utter surprise! ;D
5 please!

Pick your Poison!

1. Random familiars
2. Random Apparel
3. Two chests
4. A dragon with a familiar that matches-ish
5. A complete an utter surprise! ;D
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@Sinjin I'd love poison 5 please!

1. A mystery g1
2. A random skin or accent from my vault
3. A surprise!
4. A handful of baldwin mats
5. Some random apparel and familiars!
@Sinjin I'd love poison 5 please!

1. A mystery g1
2. A random skin or accent from my vault
3. A surprise!
4. A handful of baldwin mats
5. Some random apparel and familiars!
Poison 2 please!

1. 2x Voyage of the Tenacity
2. A triple gened XXX dragon
3. 3 random battle stones
4. I'll level 2 dragons to lv 10
5. A random skin/accent
Poison 2 please!

1. 2x Voyage of the Tenacity
2. A triple gened XXX dragon
3. 3 random battle stones
4. I'll level 2 dragons to lv 10
5. A random skin/accent
The most recent post has been deleted, so I'll step in - No need to send me anything.

Poison 1: 20kT
Poison 2: A stack of food, your choice of type
Poison 3: 15 random Baldwin materials
Poison 4: A Flower Nymph
Poison 5: A Starsighted or Star Garden chest
The most recent post has been deleted, so I'll step in - No need to send me anything.

Poison 1: 20kT
Poison 2: A stack of food, your choice of type
Poison 3: 15 random Baldwin materials
Poison 4: A Flower Nymph
Poison 5: A Starsighted or Star Garden chest