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Hello, I play Dappervolk, Wajas, and Neopets. I'm also meatghost on all of those. I've been playing pet games since my I was really young. We're talkin' just a wee lass. I held off on playing FR for a long time because I thought it was a different dragon breeding game that I got bored by super quick.

I like it so far. I always get intimidated by games that have so much stuff to learn at first. tbh, I don't know what to do now, but I'll just explore and figure it out.

I'm 25 and into the punk and goth music scenes, gaming (trying to get into FGC rn), tabletops, politics, ethics, slam poetry, literature (ranging from essays to absurdist fiction to genre fiction), and I speak three languages fluently (English, German, and Italian). So I'd like to talk to people with similar interests.
Hello, I play Dappervolk, Wajas, and Neopets. I'm also meatghost on all of those. I've been playing pet games since my I was really young. We're talkin' just a wee lass. I held off on playing FR for a long time because I thought it was a different dragon breeding game that I got bored by super quick.

I like it so far. I always get intimidated by games that have so much stuff to learn at first. tbh, I don't know what to do now, but I'll just explore and figure it out.

I'm 25 and into the punk and goth music scenes, gaming (trying to get into FGC rn), tabletops, politics, ethics, slam poetry, literature (ranging from essays to absurdist fiction to genre fiction), and I speak three languages fluently (English, German, and Italian). So I'd like to talk to people with similar interests.
Hi! Welcome to FlightRising!
I play Neopets as well, but I'm not as active on there as I once was due to not being able to follow all the updates they did. I'm a bit lost now I'm afraid lol.

If you ever have any questions about FR, please don't hesitate to ask, I'm always willing to help out if I can!

What sort of video games do you play? I'm a huge gamer myself. I play survival, horror, and MMORPGs mostly. Though I'm always open to trying new games!

It's really impressive that you can speak multiple languages fluently. I struggled in school with learning languages, it's never been my forte. I've always wanted to learn one, but I suppose it's not to be! Any particularly reason for English, German, and Italian? Were you raised learning them, or did you learn them in school?

What sort of news sources do you follow for politics, if you don't mind me asking?

Do you have any favorite books/poems?
Hi! Welcome to FlightRising!
I play Neopets as well, but I'm not as active on there as I once was due to not being able to follow all the updates they did. I'm a bit lost now I'm afraid lol.

If you ever have any questions about FR, please don't hesitate to ask, I'm always willing to help out if I can!

What sort of video games do you play? I'm a huge gamer myself. I play survival, horror, and MMORPGs mostly. Though I'm always open to trying new games!

It's really impressive that you can speak multiple languages fluently. I struggled in school with learning languages, it's never been my forte. I've always wanted to learn one, but I suppose it's not to be! Any particularly reason for English, German, and Italian? Were you raised learning them, or did you learn them in school?

What sort of news sources do you follow for politics, if you don't mind me asking?

Do you have any favorite books/poems?
Thank you!

Yeah, I'm definitely not as active on np as I used to be. I go on there about once a week to very slowly save up for a darigan paintbrush for my korbat. It kinda lost it's charm after all the updates and I guess I've found better petsites with better communities.

I used to play a lot of survival horror (Silent Hill 2 is one of my top 5 games), but I haven't had any newer games in the genre peak my interest. The only MMORPG I play is WoW. I like cute platformers, retrogaming, RPGs (never really got into JRPGs), visual novels, and I'm trying to get into the fighting game community. I'm already pretty decent at Skullgirls and Sailor Moon, but I liked Tekken as a kid, so I'm trying to get into Tekken 5 and 7.

I'm American with a family from Italy, so I grew up bilingual. And then I picked German in middle school, because it my favourite band was/is German. I really liked the language and culture so it just became my major in college.

I'm an anarcho-communist and total liberationist (fancy for I'm a vegan and also and human liberation), so I mostly follow anarchistnews. I've tried a few zines, but I haven't found a good enough one to follow. I also watch a few streamers of other leftist ideologies like democratic socialists and marxists. Twitter is alright, but I fact check everything.

And my favourtie books are probably everything Tolkien, John Dies At the End series by David Wong, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jam by Yahtzee Crowshaw, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. ****, The Shining by Stephen King, and The Stranger by Albert Camus. Favourite poets are Poe (naturally), Lydia Lunch, and Neil Hillborn, I won't bore you with my favourtie non-fiction authors and essayists lol.

Thank you!

Yeah, I'm definitely not as active on np as I used to be. I go on there about once a week to very slowly save up for a darigan paintbrush for my korbat. It kinda lost it's charm after all the updates and I guess I've found better petsites with better communities.

I used to play a lot of survival horror (Silent Hill 2 is one of my top 5 games), but I haven't had any newer games in the genre peak my interest. The only MMORPG I play is WoW. I like cute platformers, retrogaming, RPGs (never really got into JRPGs), visual novels, and I'm trying to get into the fighting game community. I'm already pretty decent at Skullgirls and Sailor Moon, but I liked Tekken as a kid, so I'm trying to get into Tekken 5 and 7.

I'm American with a family from Italy, so I grew up bilingual. And then I picked German in middle school, because it my favourite band was/is German. I really liked the language and culture so it just became my major in college.

I'm an anarcho-communist and total liberationist (fancy for I'm a vegan and also and human liberation), so I mostly follow anarchistnews. I've tried a few zines, but I haven't found a good enough one to follow. I also watch a few streamers of other leftist ideologies like democratic socialists and marxists. Twitter is alright, but I fact check everything.

And my favourtie books are probably everything Tolkien, John Dies At the End series by David Wong, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jam by Yahtzee Crowshaw, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. ****, The Shining by Stephen King, and The Stranger by Albert Camus. Favourite poets are Poe (naturally), Lydia Lunch, and Neil Hillborn, I won't bore you with my favourtie non-fiction authors and essayists lol.

Oh boy, good luck with the paintbrush! I saved up for ages to get the mutant potion for my Acara. Speaking about neopets actually just made me sign in for the sake of doing so. Gotta admit, they do have pretty fun games on there. Though, I can't find any sign of my petpetpet, and I know I had one.

What class/race/faction do you play in WoW?
I can't say I've ever played any platformers or RPGs (or does What Remains of Edith Finch count as one?) I wasn't aware there was a Sailor Moon game though! That sounds awesome! What does it entail?

That's so cool! I used to want to learn Japanese, even went to a camp that was all about learning the language, but that eventually fell through.

I'm afraid I don't know what a zine is, would you mind explaining it to me?
It's good you fact check everything! It drives me crazy when I'm on facebook and see people posting political things that are so inaccurate.

I've definitely heard of Tolkien and Stephen King, but can't say the same for the others. But they all sound very interesting! Are they all fiction?
Oh boy, good luck with the paintbrush! I saved up for ages to get the mutant potion for my Acara. Speaking about neopets actually just made me sign in for the sake of doing so. Gotta admit, they do have pretty fun games on there. Though, I can't find any sign of my petpetpet, and I know I had one.

What class/race/faction do you play in WoW?
I can't say I've ever played any platformers or RPGs (or does What Remains of Edith Finch count as one?) I wasn't aware there was a Sailor Moon game though! That sounds awesome! What does it entail?

That's so cool! I used to want to learn Japanese, even went to a camp that was all about learning the language, but that eventually fell through.

I'm afraid I don't know what a zine is, would you mind explaining it to me?
It's good you fact check everything! It drives me crazy when I'm on facebook and see people posting political things that are so inaccurate.

I've definitely heard of Tolkien and Stephen King, but can't say the same for the others. But they all sound very interesting! Are they all fiction?
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I train new people's dragons for really inexpensive here!
Also check out my hatchery by clicking on the "Snowflake Hatchery" in my signature. :)