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TOPIC | Hatchling not maturing.
My hatchling Pidge has been sitting at hatchling state for a week now, and I've been reading that they only remain as such for 5 days max. Other hatchlings I have had have matured properly, so its just this one.
I'm using a Mac and Chrome is my browser, though I did attempt to see if it was different on a PC with Chrome. (Its not).
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
My hatchling Pidge has been sitting at hatchling state for a week now, and I've been reading that they only remain as such for 5 days max. Other hatchlings I have had have matured properly, so its just this one.
I'm using a Mac and Chrome is my browser, though I did attempt to see if it was different on a PC with Chrome. (Its not).
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Have you tried regenerating the images (the little refresh button by the dragon's names in the lair)? I found that one of mine wouldn't mature until I refreshed it.
Have you tried regenerating the images (the little refresh button by the dragon's names in the lair)? I found that one of mine wouldn't mature until I refreshed it.
That seems to have worked. Very odd. Thank you so much.
That seems to have worked. Very odd. Thank you so much.
I did not know about this fix, I did run into the same problem. I fixed it by adding apparel to my hatchling. Normally you can't do that, but when it's supposed to be mature, you can.

Still, it's a tad annoying, especially when the lair sprite bugs out. My Tundra hatchling which matured today first showed a 'blown up' sprite, which was rather pixellated. The Spiral dragon did not show anything when it was supposed to be mature.
I did not know about this fix, I did run into the same problem. I fixed it by adding apparel to my hatchling. Normally you can't do that, but when it's supposed to be mature, you can.

Still, it's a tad annoying, especially when the lair sprite bugs out. My Tundra hatchling which matured today first showed a 'blown up' sprite, which was rather pixellated. The Spiral dragon did not show anything when it was supposed to be mature.
9 hours ahead of the server time
It's just the image not refreshing, guys, calm down.
It's just the image not refreshing, guys, calm down.
Hi guys. I am having the same problem with one of my hatchlings and I have already tried both fixes in this thread. I am very new to the game but do I need to wait for one more day or should she be maturing?
Hi guys. I am having the same problem with one of my hatchlings and I have already tried both fixes in this thread. I am very new to the game but do I need to wait for one more day or should she be maturing?
@WaterDragon68 Your dragon is still a hatchling. It should be mature tomorrow or the day after :)
@WaterDragon68 Your dragon is still a hatchling. It should be mature tomorrow or the day after :)
Thanks. When people said they grow up in 5 days, I thought that meant they grew up when they were 5 days old. Hence my confusion I guess. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow. :)
Thanks. When people said they grow up in 5 days, I thought that meant they grew up when they were 5 days old. Hence my confusion I guess. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow. :)