Silwyna @
This is the first chance I have had today to check the NW Thread and I was so pleased. The little girl who garnered so much attention today can be traced back to my green line work. I worked it from two angles, I had my VK line, but she comes out of the other line that I was working at the same time with the same goal in mind. Only the fact that she was all deep green gave it away, because her forebearers where an Imperial and a Pearlcatcher. She is 4 or 5 generations down the line. It is really good to see the line is still going strong. I hadn't checked in awhile
Silwyna @
This is the first chance I have had today to check the NW Thread and I was so pleased. The little girl who garnered so much attention today can be traced back to my green line work. I worked it from two angles, I had my VK line, but she comes out of the other line that I was working at the same time with the same goal in mind. Only the fact that she was all deep green gave it away, because her forebearers where an Imperial and a Pearlcatcher. She is 4 or 5 generations down the line. It is really good to see the line is still going strong. I hadn't checked in awhile
@ViaCurro @Tadie @Sylvanlady @RingMaster @Liquereal
@2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @Akal @Alastriona1 @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Attolia @Axiomatix @bakugannvgims @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @Charo @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @CosmicFalcon @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @DealtaDeath @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @dreadlord @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Ekkinox @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @FaronaValkyrie @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @Grail @Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @Hawlucha @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @Impception @Indranil @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @Kveldulfr @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meiia @Meowruff @mercurialwings @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @missaliceblue @MissFortune17 @Mohya @Mondschatten @Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @Nephilinn @NickyJade156 @Nilheim @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish@NSRachel @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Rashakiro @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rosekitten @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @sacredpools @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @SariStar @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @SkylaDownfall12 @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @Volur @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @Apothecaria
I have my first nest from an Abyss look that I have been working toward. I hope you find these fine young Banescales worthy and recruit them to your respective lairs. As always, please provide a name for their travel papers.
Recruited by QuirkyKoala Lair
Recruited by KitsuneEbi Lair
Silwyna Thanks for rolling the die for us! May you hatch many more primals in the future.
Silwyna Thanks for rolling the die for us! May you hatch many more primals in the future.
Sylvanlady Wowee!! May I adopt the third boy, Abyss abyss lemon?
I'll provide a name in a second I'd like to name him Necromunda
Sylvanlady Wowee!! May I adopt the third boy, Abyss abyss lemon?
I'll provide a name in a second I'd like to name him Necromunda
It would be a pleasure. I will have him at the crossroads shortly.
It would be a pleasure. I will have him at the crossroads shortly.
That’s interesting, I didn’t know that you created two green NW lines. Her grandfather is a Spiral, her father is a “lucky hatch” who inherited starmap instead of lionfish. Maybe luck runs in the family^^
I also used this line to create a dark green gaoler NW, he is nesting for the first time now, the family line continues [emoji=gaoler laughing size=1]
That’s interesting, I didn’t know that you created two green NW lines. Her grandfather is a Spiral, her father is a “lucky hatch” who inherited starmap instead of lionfish. Maybe luck runs in the family^^
I also used this line to create a dark green gaoler NW, he is nesting for the first time now, the family line continues

That's fantastic. Thanks so much for letting me know. I am always hoping to keep the lines going. I am always up for news on the generations.
That's fantastic. Thanks so much for letting me know. I am always hoping to keep the lines going. I am always up for news on the generations.
I believe I have a Gen 7 Night Warrior who just recently became eligible for registration? @ZenithNadir @mercurialwings
I believe I have a Gen 7 Night Warrior who just recently became eligible for registration? @
ZenithNadir @

@ZenithNadir @mercurialwings @beanutbutter @Nebulacloud @KitsuneEbi @SSakuras
Generation 8 Night Warrior Mililani, daughter of @ViaCurro's Gilla is leveled and ready to be registered!
ZenithNadir @
mercurialwings @
beanutbutter @
Nebulacloud @
KitsuneEbi @
Generation 8 Night Warrior Mililani, daughter of @
ViaCurro's Gilla is leveled and ready to be registered!

I didn't realize that you had a secondary green line to the VK line. Now I have a warrior from both lines! ^^ They're such a beautiful line in this warrior family
I didn't realize that you had a secondary green line to the VK line. Now I have a warrior from both lines! ^^ They're such a beautiful line in this warrior family