
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | MP Hunting: Silks/Current [slots open]
@rainwaltz I have both a sparkly blue and a black tail bow on hand, actually! I'll see what I can do about pink, yellow, and red, but would you like either of those two?
@rainwaltz I have both a sparkly blue and a black tail bow on hand, actually! I'll see what I can do about pink, yellow, and red, but would you like either of those two?
@Orestes Ooooooo, yes!! Would it be 5k extra per bow, though, or 5k fee for the lot?

Made an edit to my previous post, not sure if you caught it: I have flair scarves that I can part with at MP price should anyone request them. Always glad to help people help others. ♥
@Orestes Ooooooo, yes!! Would it be 5k extra per bow, though, or 5k fee for the lot?

Made an edit to my previous post, not sure if you caught it: I have flair scarves that I can part with at MP price should anyone request them. Always glad to help people help others. ♥
@rainwaltz since bows cost so little I'm cool with 5k for both, and then the covering cost of the bows (11000T for the sparkly blue and 4000T for the black) since I picked them up while searching for other things (that weren't stocking >:C )
@rainwaltz since bows cost so little I'm cool with 5k for both, and then the covering cost of the bows (11000T for the sparkly blue and 4000T for the black) since I picked them up while searching for other things (that weren't stocking >:C )
@rainwaltz and as for the flair scarves that's great! Do you want a shout out on my front page? c:and actually if you have a spare red and gold one i'll take it, i'd like to give one of my pairs a match set and i've got one but no luck with the other!
@rainwaltz and as for the flair scarves that's great! Do you want a shout out on my front page? c:and actually if you have a spare red and gold one i'll take it, i'd like to give one of my pairs a match set and i've got one but no luck with the other!

how much for ripple

how much for ripple
@Orestes Nah, I really love my scarf collection (26 of them so far!) so I'll prefer only to part with them if a particular one is eluding you. XD Sending the T over~~
@Orestes Nah, I really love my scarf collection (26 of them so far!) so I'll prefer only to part with them if a particular one is eluding you. XD Sending the T over~~

Are you willing to trade your ripple scroll for a banana iri / banana shim/ basic lemon female coatl?

If not how much are you asking?

Are you willing to trade your ripple scroll for a banana iri / banana shim/ basic lemon female coatl?

If not how much are you asking?
@satje it'd be 255000T with the finders fee!

@rainwaltz holy smokes! xDD I have a full set minus the coli one, I am hoping to get my second red and gold flair scarf some time tonight so my pair can have them haha
@satje it'd be 255000T with the finders fee!

@rainwaltz holy smokes! xDD I have a full set minus the coli one, I am hoping to get my second red and gold flair scarf some time tonight so my pair can have them haha


@seltsam I already have three triple banana coatls thank you! and ahh I actually sold my ripple scroll a little earlier, but they're pretty easy to get from the mp for me now if you don't mind waiting until they restock (haven't seen them this hour yet, so they'll probably show up in the next or the one after), and it would be 255,000T!
@seltsam I already have three triple banana coatls thank you! and ahh I actually sold my ripple scroll a little earlier, but they're pretty easy to get from the mp for me now if you don't mind waiting until they restock (haven't seen them this hour yet, so they'll probably show up in the next or the one after), and it would be 255,000T!