
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | MP Hunting: Silks/Current [slots open]
I've gotten fairly decent at hunting off the marketplace, so I'm offering my services to those who are looking for new items and don't want to pay an exorbitant fee. Slots for things will be on a first come, first serve basis, and it may take me some time to get the items you're looking for depending on what stocks when and how much. [quote="Ripple/Current Slots"][b][center]2 current genes available - 170k each[/center][/b] 1. 2. 3.[/quote] [quote="Silks slots"] 1. conduitoftime [Golden Wing Silks] 2. Ickyrus [blue leg silks; blue set][/quote] [quote="Tail bow slots"]1. rainwaltz [pink preferred] 2. [/quote] [quote="Flair Scarves"]1. [/quote] [quote="Other"]1. 2. 3.[/quote] Prices for my services are a meagre 5000 Treasure, plus the cost of whatever item you have me hunting for! I appreciate (and love!) tips, though they're completely unnecessary. c: [b]How this works:[/b] 1. Payment not needed up front! Just tell me what you're looking for, and I'll head off to the marketplace. 2. When I capture the item, I'll ping you to the thread. 3. You send payment, I send item, et voila! [center][b]Status: [color=green]Online![/color][/b][/center]
I've gotten fairly decent at hunting off the marketplace, so I'm offering my services to those who are looking for new items and don't want to pay an exorbitant fee. Slots for things will be on a first come, first serve basis, and it may take me some time to get the items you're looking for depending on what stocks when and how much.
Ripple/Current Slots wrote:
2 current genes available - 170k each

Silks slots wrote:
1. conduitoftime [Golden Wing Silks]
2. Ickyrus [blue leg silks; blue set]
Tail bow slots wrote:
1. rainwaltz [pink preferred]
Flair Scarves wrote:
Other wrote:

Prices for my services are a meagre 5000 Treasure, plus the cost of whatever item you have me hunting for! I appreciate (and love!) tips, though they're completely unnecessary. c:

How this works:
1. Payment not needed up front! Just tell me what you're looking for, and I'll head off to the marketplace.
2. When I capture the item, I'll ping you to the thread.
3. You send payment, I send item, et voila!

Status: Online!
Ping List:

1. rainwaltz (gold arm silks)
2. Seltsam (gossamer arm silks)
3. Anguish (various gold silks)
4. lollobrigida (tail bangles any colour)
Ping List:

1. rainwaltz (gold arm silks)
2. Seltsam (gossamer arm silks)
3. Anguish (various gold silks)
4. lollobrigida (tail bangles any colour)
I have one on hand now if someone wants it
I have one on hand now if someone wants it
@bink5bink5 absolutely! send me a message and i'll pass it your way :D
@bink5bink5 absolutely! send me a message and i'll pass it your way :D
got another
got another