He was #1.
TOPIC | Starfall Dressing Contest
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@corncornelia My entry for today!
@corncornelia [center][size=4][emoji=purple gem 2 size=1][i]Cosmology[/i][emoji=planet size=1]
Day 2! aka, I really like wildclaws and cosmology tools apparently...
[nextcol][item=Accent: Crimson Space]
Day 2! aka, I really like wildclaws and cosmology tools apparently...
Day 2! aka, I really like wildclaws and cosmology tools apparently...
Day 2
Day 2 - Cosmology
[outfit=937132] [img]http://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/dressing-room/scry?sdid=176353&skin=0&apparel=27766,13240,31070,30027,20844,30829&xt=dressing.png[/img]
Day 2 entry!
@corncornelia My second entry! <3
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/dressing-room/scry?sdid=176690&skin=0&apparel=6059,23125,26941,27766,3621,3620,3622,3691,3679,24047,24048,24050,24052,24049,3634,1753,20844,20843,15715,25048&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=937233]
this one is based just on the colors of the starseeker house, which are roughly black, indigo/navy, fuchsia, yellow, and pale yellow! <3
@corncornelia My second entry! <3
this one is based just on the colors of the starseeker house, which are roughly black, indigo/navy, fuchsia, yellow, and pale yellow! <3
Starseeker [2]
this one is based just on the colors of the starseeker house, which are roughly black, indigo/navy, fuchsia, yellow, and pale yellow! <3
@corncornelia can I be added to the daily ping, please?
Also, I'm cutting it a little close with today's entry, I hope I get it done in time, if not, oh well. I'm kinda sad i missed yesterday's, but things are kind of hectic, as I'm out of town at my parent's place. It should calm down after Wednesday when I get home. Entry will be in my next post.
Also, I'm cutting it a little close with today's entry, I hope I get it done in time, if not, oh well. I'm kinda sad i missed yesterday's, but things are kind of hectic, as I'm out of town at my parent's place. It should calm down after Wednesday when I get home. Entry will be in my next post.
@corncornelia can I be added to the daily ping, please?
Also, I'm cutting it a little close with today's entry, I hope I get it done in time, if not, oh well. I'm kinda sad i missed yesterday's, but things are kind of hectic, as I'm out of town at my parent's place. It should calm down after Wednesday when I get home. Entry will be in my next post.
Also, I'm cutting it a little close with today's entry, I hope I get it done in time, if not, oh well. I'm kinda sad i missed yesterday's, but things are kind of hectic, as I'm out of town at my parent's place. It should calm down after Wednesday when I get home. Entry will be in my next post.
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=10&bodygene=28&breed=17&element=9&eyetype=7&gender=1&tert=69&tertgene=26&winggene=35&wings=148&auth=2b94e4fcb7f127dfd638a4cfc5e465e4d34ce57b&dummyext=prev.png[/img] [morphology=176820]
[img]http://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/dressing-room/scry?sdid=176820&skin=31759&apparel=&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=937297]
...I just HAD to choose Gaoler for some reason (I forgot they can't wear clothes until I was done making the scry, derp)...so I kinda bent the rules a little bit, as she's wearing the new skincent...but it still shows the dragon underneath, so hopefully that will work? I'm running out of time to re-think this, so...if it doesn't work, feel free to disregard it.
...I just HAD to choose Gaoler for some reason (I forgot they can't wear clothes until I was done making the scry, derp)...so I kinda bent the rules a little bit, as she's wearing the new skincent...but it still shows the dragon underneath, so hopefully that will work? I'm running out of time to re-think this, so...if it doesn't work, feel free to disregard it.
Day 2: Starseer Mascot
Day 2: Starseer Mascot
...I just HAD to choose Gaoler for some reason (I forgot they can't wear clothes until I was done making the scry, derp)...so I kinda bent the rules a little bit, as she's wearing the new skincent...but it still shows the dragon underneath, so hopefully that will work? I'm running out of time to re-think this, so...if it doesn't work, feel free to disregard it.
Hope I'm in time for this as Day 3's challenge isn't up yet!
Also please could you add me to the daily pinglist?
Outfit: [outfit=937453] Scry: [morphology=177213]
Hope I'm in time for this as Day 3's challenge isn't up yet!
Also please could you add me to the daily pinglist?
Hope I'm in time for this as Day 3's challenge isn't up yet!
Also please could you add me to the daily pinglist?
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@corncornelia Missed Monday's prompt, but the Day 2 prompt is still up so maybe I can still enter? Either way, here's my entry for Starseeker's Mascot!
@corncornelia Missed Monday's prompt, but the Day 2 prompt is still up so maybe I can still enter? Either way, here's my entry for Starseeker's Mascot!
Day 2 no skin
Day 2: Starseeker mascot
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