happyasaclam There’s only one mirror dragon left out of the three so I’ll send the last one over to you!
happyasaclam There’s only one mirror dragon left out of the three so I’ll send the last one over to you!
This sweet boy still needs a home. <3 He will be available for adoption in a few days since he is attending to a nest. :)
This sweet boy still needs a home. <3 He will be available for adoption in a few days since he is attending to a nest. :)

[quote name="ReddyRed" date="2019-07-15 07:56:21" ]
These guys are all on the auction house if you want them before anyone snatches them under your eyes.
These two need homes!
These two need homes!

May I have this boy?
May I have this boy?

day101012 sure! sent!
Meiia could I get OFourNine please?
SpiralGalaxy If you'd accept a trade, I'd be glad to take him!
Meiia If Orengi and Holly are available, could I take them?
SpiralGalaxy If you'd accept a trade, I'd be glad to take him!
Meiia If Orengi and Holly are available, could I take them?
They sure are! I'll send them your way now!
They sure are! I'll send them your way now!
You can have him for free but he is currently on a nest right now so I can send him to you when he is off his nest if you are willing to wait a few days. :)
You can have him for free but he is currently on a nest right now so I can send him to you when he is off his nest if you are willing to wait a few days. :)