TOPIC | Show me Permababy / Perma bab plans
This is Monster[His colors reminded me of the energy drink] and so far he's my only permabab.
I have plans for another, but I have to breed for the color, gene, and eye combo.
Here's Sunny, one of my fandragons who I permababied!
I'm planning on getting another permababy that actually fits the lore of my own clan more - I'm thinking he's actually supposed to be centuries old, and my clan's traitor accidentally found him in the Tangled Wood when gathering. (I'll be sure to show him here when I finally get him.. and finally save up for the freakin' scroll again..)
Here's Sunny, one of my fandragons who I permababied!

I'm planning on getting another permababy that actually fits the lore of my own clan more - I'm thinking he's actually supposed to be centuries old, and my clan's traitor accidentally found him in the Tangled Wood when gathering. (I'll be sure to show him here when I finally get him.. and finally save up for the freakin' scroll again..)

I'm planning on getting another permababy that actually fits the lore of my own clan more - I'm thinking he's actually supposed to be centuries old, and my clan's traitor accidentally found him in the Tangled Wood when gathering. (I'll be sure to show him here when I finally get him.. and finally save up for the freakin' scroll again..)

Regarding forum games, please only select dragons who have familiars - those are the permanent residents of my lair. Feel free to look through the hibernal den, too

I have [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/den/72217/1440687]an entire den tab[/url] dedicated to dragons that are/will be permababies, and a couple other planned permababies floating around.
Here's a few favorites. All but the first are scries.
Still need to pick a name for this one:
...This sampling has a lot of baby coatls but most of my plans are for baby nocts. ^^;;
I have an entire den tab dedicated to dragons that are/will be permababies, and a couple other planned permababies floating around.
Here's a few favorites. All but the first are scries.




Still need to pick a name for this one:

...This sampling has a lot of baby coatls but most of my plans are for baby nocts. ^^;;
Here's a few favorites. All but the first are scries.




Still need to pick a name for this one:

...This sampling has a lot of baby coatls but most of my plans are for baby nocts. ^^;;
WOW! their stunning - dark sclera is amazing on them ( love to have perma babies like those Xd hard for me to even get the money for one lol)
WOW! their stunning - dark sclera is amazing on them ( love to have perma babies like those Xd hard for me to even get the money for one lol)
WOW! their stunning - dark sclera is amazing on them ( love to have perma babies like those Xd hard for me to even get the money for one lol)
WOW! their stunning - dark sclera is amazing on them ( love to have perma babies like those Xd hard for me to even get the money for one lol)
here is my mischievous boy, Beckett. he eats the bee
and Pancake, I will turn her into a coatl soon. I don’t know if I’ll change her primary, I like basic.
I have [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/lair/372264/1414944]this whole tab[/url] full for my permababs ^^;
This girl's my newest :3
The next two are scries linked to the dragon they're planned for.
This little guy needs Scales, dark sclera, and his scroll.
And this guy needs Poison, Peacock, a Spiral and Youth scroll, and swirl eyes.
I have this whole tab full for my permababs ^^;
This girl's my newest :3

The next two are scries linked to the dragon they're planned for.
This little guy needs Scales, dark sclera, and his scroll.

And this guy needs Poison, Peacock, a Spiral and Youth scroll, and swirl eyes.
This girl's my newest :3

The next two are scries linked to the dragon they're planned for.
This little guy needs Scales, dark sclera, and his scroll.

And this guy needs Poison, Peacock, a Spiral and Youth scroll, and swirl eyes.

not sure........... sort of want to permabab.......
Lisa/Frank isn't technically a baby. They're just a little dragon who likes to act childish, as long as the rest of the clan is going to treat them that way anyway.
Then we have Ayiig and Barid, the superpowered Creepy Children of the clan. Ayiig can see literally anything anywhere if she can focus her many, many eyes just right, and Barid can tell an object's entire history by touching it.

Lisa/Frank isn't technically a baby. They're just a little dragon who likes to act childish, as long as the rest of the clan is going to treat them that way anyway.

Then we have Ayiig and Barid, the superpowered Creepy Children of the clan. Ayiig can see literally anything anywhere if she can focus her many, many eyes just right, and Barid can tell an object's entire history by touching it.
Moriset is technically a perma-baby, but in my lore, hes actually just got dwarfism.
He runs an alchemy shop he calls the Flask.
Moriset is technically a perma-baby, but in my lore, hes actually just got dwarfism.

He runs an alchemy shop he calls the Flask.
Moriset is technically a perma-baby, but in my lore, hes actually just got dwarfism.

He runs an alchemy shop he calls the Flask.