Hey~! Yeah I’ve got several spots open atm~ I haven’t really been actively pinging anyone lately cause I’ve gotten a little busy with work is all;; but I can definitely do your nocturne! And that’d be the right payment!
Yeah I can put you on the list! I’ll ping you whenever I make the Spiral base!
Hey~! Yeah I’ve got several spots open atm~ I haven’t really been actively pinging anyone lately cause I’ve gotten a little busy with work is all;; but I can definitely do your nocturne! And that’d be the right payment!
Yeah I can put you on the list! I’ll ping you whenever I make the Spiral base!
I'd love to order a couple if you're still accepting orders =)
Can it include her silk veil too?
[b]Payment:[/b] gems
[b]Other:[/b] what would the total price be?
I'd love to order a couple if you're still accepting orders =)

Can it include her silk veil too?
Payment: gems
Other: what would the total price be?
I can definitely get these two done for you~! I've got all the genes and veil already drawn for your imperial, and I've also got all the genes for your nocturne already done as well! So the total would end up being 300 gems. Feel free to send the payment whenever you're ready and I'll get to workin on them~
I can definitely get these two done for you~! I've got all the genes and veil already drawn for your imperial, and I've also got all the genes for your nocturne already done as well! So the total would end up being 300 gems. Feel free to send the payment whenever you're ready and I'll get to workin on them~
[b]Dragon:[/b] Siberra
[b]Payment:[/b] Treasure
Can you draw the Hat or the Accent? (Prefer the Accent xD)
Dragon: Siberra

Payment: Treasure
Can you draw the Hat or the Accent? (Prefer the Accent xD)
I can draw their accent for you! Since I've already got the genes all drawn out, the base price is 150kt. For the added accent, the total could be about 220kt.
I can draw their accent for you! Since I've already got the genes all drawn out, the base price is 150kt. For the added accent, the total could be about 220kt.
[center]@tarunarei - I'm back for another if you aren't too busy! An Imp this time -
[b]Dragon:[/b] Holly ~
[b]Payment:[/b] Gems -- 175g if I'm correct, you still need to create Starmap right?
[b]Other:[/b] -- So I'd like her to be done with her future genes, Starmap, Shimmer, Glimmer. Her BBCode above sends you to her bio but the image is a scry of her future Holiday look. [/center]
tarunarei - I'm back for another if you aren't too busy! An Imp this time -
Dragon: Holly ~

Payment: Gems -- 175g if I'm correct, you still need to create Starmap right?
Other: -- So I'd like her to be done with her future genes, Starmap, Shimmer, Glimmer. Her BBCode above sends you to her bio but the image is a scry of her future Holiday look.
Hey~! I'd totally love to do another dragon for you~ And yes, 175g would be the total cost. I'll make sure it's the genes you've pointed out for her! You can send the payment whenever you're ready~
Hey~! I'd totally love to do another dragon for you~ And yes, 175g would be the total cost. I'll make sure it's the genes you've pointed out for her! You can send the payment whenever you're ready~
Sorry, wasnt at home this Weekend xD
220k Treasure would be fine :)
Sorry, wasnt at home this Weekend xD
220k Treasure would be fine :)
Awesome! Feel free to send the payment whenever you're ready~
Awesome! Feel free to send the payment whenever you're ready~