

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | PKMN X-over: Wrath of Necrozma (OOC)
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@lucianbelle Hank Scorpio did nothing wrong. Name: Kaden Age: 27 Gender: Male Series of origin: Fire Emblem Fates Pokémon team: Vulpix (Selkie, F)- Lv7 Bio: Kaden is a young Kitsune originally from the mountains of Hoshido. He was the leader of his tribe, a position he inherited from his father. Coming from a world where Corrin chose the path of Revelation, he took part in the Vallite War, but returned to his hamlet unaffected after the fighting was over. When he was dragged into Ultra Space, he was attacked by a Xurkitree, but was saved by the Ultra Recon Squad. Since he always repays his debts, he works with them in order to "return the favour". While narcissistic and playful, he can be very serious when he needs to be. Extra skills: As a Nine-Tailed Kitsune, he can transform into a powerful fox-like form for combat. Other info: His birthday is the twelfth of July. Image: [img][/img] (Credit to ZueKRZ on DeviantArt for the image- I couldn't find an official one that worked on the forum.)
Hank Scorpio did nothing wrong.
Name: Kaden
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Series of origin: Fire Emblem Fates
Pokémon team: Vulpix (Selkie, F)- Lv7
Bio: Kaden is a young Kitsune originally from the mountains of Hoshido. He was the leader of his tribe, a position he inherited from his father. Coming from a world where Corrin chose the path of Revelation, he took part in the Vallite War, but returned to his hamlet unaffected after the fighting was over.

When he was dragged into Ultra Space, he was attacked by a Xurkitree, but was saved by the Ultra Recon Squad. Since he always repays his debts, he works with them in order to "return the favour". While narcissistic and playful, he can be very serious when he needs to be.
Extra skills: As a Nine-Tailed Kitsune, he can transform into a powerful fox-like form for combat.
Other info: His birthday is the twelfth of July.
Image: sgryrr_by_zuekrz-d9zhwoh.png
(Credit to ZueKRZ on DeviantArt for the image- I couldn't find an official one that worked on the forum.)
owo? [s]mind if i juuuuust dropinfirespiritandsnowsugarkthx[/s] [code]Tigerstar did nothing wrong.[/code] [b]Name:[/b] Fire Spirit Cookie [b]Age:[/b] i honestly do not know [b]Gender + Pronouns:[/b] Male, he/him [b]Series of origin:[/b] Cookie Run [b]Pokémon team:[/b] Vulpix - lv. 7, male, related to Snow Sugar's Vulpix-Alola [b]Extra skills:[/b] [LIST] [*] has the Red Dragon's Bead, which allows him to use fire magic among other things, such as a 'fire spirit' form, hence his name [*] lose the bead and he's a sitting duck lol [/LIST] [b]Other info:[/b] [LIST] [*] i read the part about canon characters staying as their species and HOO BOY THIS IS GONNA BE A WILD RIDE [*] "yeah don't eat me kthx" [*] really spooked by the concept of being eaten, to the point of if you mention it your face is now charcoal [/LIST] [b]Image (for those unfamiliar with the series!):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Snow Sugar Cookie [b]Age:[/b] i estimate it to be around 11 [b]Gender + Pronouns:[/b] nonbinary, any and all pronouns, they aren't picky [b]Series of origin:[/b] Cookie Run [b]Pokémon team:[/b] Vulpix-Alola, lv. 7, female, related to Fire Spirit's Vulpix [b]Extra skills:[/b] [LIST] [*] can summon snow and other tundra related things [*] power grows if it's snowing, the more intense of a snowfall it is, the more powerful they get [/LIST] [b]Other info:[/b] [LIST] [*] [i]painfully[/i] insensitive and unaware because they've been alone for almost their entire life [*] most likely to yeet self into a trash can to save themselves [*] same policy with Fire Spirit on being eaten except replace the charcoal with solid ice [/LIST] [b]Image (for those unfamiliar with the series!):[/b] [img][/img] *inhale* [b][i]TIGERSTAR IS A BEAUTIFUL MAN-CHILD AND DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG[/i][/b]

mind if i juuuuust dropinfirespiritandsnowsugarkthx

Tigerstar did nothing wrong.
Name: Fire Spirit Cookie
Age: i honestly do not know
Gender + Pronouns: Male, he/him
Series of origin: Cookie Run
Pokémon team:
Vulpix - lv. 7, male, related to Snow Sugar's Vulpix-Alola
Extra skills:
  • has the Red Dragon's Bead, which allows him to use fire magic among other things, such as a 'fire spirit' form, hence his name
  • lose the bead and he's a sitting duck lol
Other info:
  • i read the part about canon characters staying as their species and HOO BOY THIS IS GONNA BE A WILD RIDE
  • "yeah don't eat me kthx"
  • really spooked by the concept of being eaten, to the point of if you mention it your face is now charcoal
Image (for those unfamiliar with the series!):

Name: Snow Sugar Cookie
Age: i estimate it to be around 11
Gender + Pronouns: nonbinary, any and all pronouns, they aren't picky
Series of origin: Cookie Run
Pokémon team:
Vulpix-Alola, lv. 7, female, related to Fire Spirit's Vulpix
Extra skills:
  • can summon snow and other tundra related things
  • power grows if it's snowing, the more intense of a snowfall it is, the more powerful they get
Other info:
  • painfully insensitive and unaware because they've been alone for almost their entire life
  • most likely to yeet self into a trash can to save themselves
  • same policy with Fire Spirit on being eaten except replace the charcoal with solid ice
Image (for those unfamiliar with the series!):

[code]Porky Minch did nothing wrong[/code] [b]Name:[/b] Joy [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Gender + Pronouns:[/b] She/Her [b]Physical description:[/b] Brown Skinned, Small, [b]Pokémon team:[/b] K.O. (Bulbasaur) Lv. 10 Royal (Ralts) Lv.7 Marcy (Zubat) Lv. 5 [b]Bio:[/b] Joy's no trans dimensional hero, Arceus forbid! She couldn't imagine being in a world without Pokemon, let alone her own! Rather, she's a Nurse Joy in Training, ready to set out to help out the new heroes and those in need! She wanders around in the darkness, to each patch of light to be the landline between budding sanctuaries, despite her sisters' wishes as they desperately try to restore order within the small clumps of light. Since she can't speak herself, she relies on her companions for most communications. Her Guardian Bulbasaur K.O. that was with her since birth, with vines to spell out words and strange wealth of knowledge of Wormholes... Her Shining Ralts in impending tutu, Royal, who uses his psychic powers to bridge the gap from his Trainer, to whoever she speaks too. And her loyal Zubat, Marcy, who she recently befriended by patching her up. The darkness seemed to have affected the local fauna more then just making them stronger, but Marcy couldn't harm a fly...right? [b]Extra skills:[/b]She carries a first aid kit at all times, and is actually trained in both Human, and Pokemon aid. [b]Other info:[/b] Every time she goes out, Her sisters puts up a bounty for her safe return to any populated sanctuary with a Nurse at the center.
Porky Minch did nothing wrong
Name: Joy
Age: 9
Gender + Pronouns: She/Her
Physical description: Brown Skinned, Small,
Pokémon team:
K.O. (Bulbasaur) Lv. 10
Royal (Ralts) Lv.7
Marcy (Zubat) Lv. 5
Bio: Joy's no trans dimensional hero, Arceus forbid! She couldn't imagine being in a world without Pokemon, let alone her own! Rather, she's a Nurse Joy in Training, ready to set out to help out the new heroes and those in need!
She wanders around in the darkness, to each patch of light to be the landline between budding sanctuaries, despite her sisters' wishes as they desperately try to restore order within the small clumps of light. Since she can't speak herself, she relies on her companions for most communications.
Her Guardian Bulbasaur K.O. that was with her since birth, with vines to spell out words and strange wealth of knowledge of Wormholes...
Her Shining Ralts in impending tutu, Royal, who uses his psychic powers to bridge the gap from his Trainer, to whoever she speaks too.
And her loyal Zubat, Marcy, who she recently befriended by patching her up. The darkness seemed to have affected the local fauna more then just making them stronger, but Marcy couldn't harm a fly...right?
Extra skills:She carries a first aid kit at all times, and is actually trained in both Human, and Pokemon aid.
Other info: Every time she goes out, Her sisters puts up a bounty for her safe return to any populated sanctuary with a Nurse at the center.

Something'd come up, but now that I'm back, you're all accepted and welcome here - Feel free to start posting IC whenever! <3

Something'd come up, but now that I'm back, you're all accepted and welcome here - Feel free to start posting IC whenever! <3
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