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TOPIC | Things that make you mad...
Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, things like that. People who state ignorant comments about someone's race, gender, or sexual orientation without knowing anything about it.

People who talk like they know all about something when they haven't done their research on it at all.

People who don't respect others' boundaries at all and will keep doing something even though they were told no.

Those who use an emoticon at the end of every sentence or in the most inappropriate situations. Emoticons are fun and okay to use, and I like to use them too sometimes, but if you add the same one at the end of every single sentence, and I know of someone who uses the XD face at the end of everything, it just makes me have a harder time taking you seriously.

Animal abusers, people who think wrecking nature is no big deal, wanting to destroy something for greedy and personal gain.

I used to think being good at grammar was very important but I don't care anymore, if you use chatspeak here and there it doesn't make you stupid. I dislike that I was once like that, thinking that grammar is everything.

Oh and people who will spoil something for you, even when you tell them not to! This person I knew once spoiled the epilogue of Harry Potter for me when I told her that I didn't read it yet. She just didn't listen!

So yeah, just the usual mean stuff people do here mostly. There's a lot more stuff that makes me mad but that's all for now.
Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, things like that. People who state ignorant comments about someone's race, gender, or sexual orientation without knowing anything about it.

People who talk like they know all about something when they haven't done their research on it at all.

People who don't respect others' boundaries at all and will keep doing something even though they were told no.

Those who use an emoticon at the end of every sentence or in the most inappropriate situations. Emoticons are fun and okay to use, and I like to use them too sometimes, but if you add the same one at the end of every single sentence, and I know of someone who uses the XD face at the end of everything, it just makes me have a harder time taking you seriously.

Animal abusers, people who think wrecking nature is no big deal, wanting to destroy something for greedy and personal gain.

I used to think being good at grammar was very important but I don't care anymore, if you use chatspeak here and there it doesn't make you stupid. I dislike that I was once like that, thinking that grammar is everything.

Oh and people who will spoil something for you, even when you tell them not to! This person I knew once spoiled the epilogue of Harry Potter for me when I told her that I didn't read it yet. She just didn't listen!

So yeah, just the usual mean stuff people do here mostly. There's a lot more stuff that makes me mad but that's all for now.
The word '******' in general angers me a great deal. And that is simply because I feel it should have been thrown out of the spoken/written language. Mostly because my small minded hometown slapped that 'title' on anyone with even an iota of a sign of difference from what they saw as normal.

Bullies in school who are allowed to torment the '********' kids because they're "just playing" but when the KID targeted finally en't the bully getting suspended for fighting. Thanks to this crap I had to leave the school system in my home town but successfully got through school and graduated highschool elsewhere.

Imma stop at two or you lot will see wall o text from me...
The word '******' in general angers me a great deal. And that is simply because I feel it should have been thrown out of the spoken/written language. Mostly because my small minded hometown slapped that 'title' on anyone with even an iota of a sign of difference from what they saw as normal.

Bullies in school who are allowed to torment the '********' kids because they're "just playing" but when the KID targeted finally en't the bully getting suspended for fighting. Thanks to this crap I had to leave the school system in my home town but successfully got through school and graduated highschool elsewhere.

Imma stop at two or you lot will see wall o text from me...
-Misanthropes. Not the ones who keep it to themselves, but the "RARGBLARGH I HATE EVERYONE AND I'MMA LET YOU KNOW IT" type. You know the kind I'm talking about. Dude, we get it, you don't like people. You got your point across, now stop being a jerk about it.

-Children who don't know how to shut up. Trying to enjoy a fireworks show? Can't, there's kids screeching behind me. Hoping to sleep in on a Saturday? Can't, the brats next door are making such a ruckus that I woke up.
-Misanthropes. Not the ones who keep it to themselves, but the "RARGBLARGH I HATE EVERYONE AND I'MMA LET YOU KNOW IT" type. You know the kind I'm talking about. Dude, we get it, you don't like people. You got your point across, now stop being a jerk about it.

-Children who don't know how to shut up. Trying to enjoy a fireworks show? Can't, there's kids screeching behind me. Hoping to sleep in on a Saturday? Can't, the brats next door are making such a ruckus that I woke up.
harmony ♥ 26 ♥ she/they
Transphobia, homophobia, and sexism and other general just.... similar things always rile me up and make me sad inside.
Just... try to keep an open mind or try to understand how the other side feels, geeeez.

If it doesn't hurt you, then don't go out of your way to try and hurt them, geeeez.
Transphobia, homophobia, and sexism and other general just.... similar things always rile me up and make me sad inside.
Just... try to keep an open mind or try to understand how the other side feels, geeeez.

If it doesn't hurt you, then don't go out of your way to try and hurt them, geeeez.
The fact that my boyfriend is currently mad at me for being frustrated that he wants to go to the gym at 5am when I work at 7 am and then telling me he'll have lots of hot girls to go with since I dont want to go that early...and then yelling at me for being irritated that he said that and refusing to tell me good night like we always do before bed....

The fact that my boyfriend is currently mad at me for being frustrated that he wants to go to the gym at 5am when I work at 7 am and then telling me he'll have lots of hot girls to go with since I dont want to go that early...and then yelling at me for being irritated that he said that and refusing to tell me good night like we always do before bed....


I hate people who eat with their mouths open or talk while they have food in their mouths. Thanks, I don't need to see that.

I hate people who take things too seriously. I get it, there are serious matters in the world. You know what isn't? The internet.

I currently hate some of my summer school kids who are so upset that they're in summer school and yet still put forth no effort to improve themselves. Hey pal, it ain't my fault you failed a class, and I'm not going to pass you unless you earn it. Maybe I'll see you again in night school. (Week 2 starts on Monday, I still have 6 kids who haven't shown up at all). Just thinking I should clarify, while the kids annoy me, I don't hate them, I hate their attitudes.


I hate people who eat with their mouths open or talk while they have food in their mouths. Thanks, I don't need to see that.

I hate people who take things too seriously. I get it, there are serious matters in the world. You know what isn't? The internet.

I currently hate some of my summer school kids who are so upset that they're in summer school and yet still put forth no effort to improve themselves. Hey pal, it ain't my fault you failed a class, and I'm not going to pass you unless you earn it. Maybe I'll see you again in night school. (Week 2 starts on Monday, I still have 6 kids who haven't shown up at all). Just thinking I should clarify, while the kids annoy me, I don't hate them, I hate their attitudes.


Oh I seriously hate when people step on the back of my shoes while walking
Oh I seriously hate when people step on the back of my shoes while walking
I'm gonna tick Harmony with this one, but humankind as a whole, but I'll leave it at that; I have my reasons. :c

I dislike having so many prior engagements that you don't have any time to do what you had planned on doing that day in the first place. Its frustrating. xD

Liars and cheats. Especially when they're in a romantic relationship. OH, and when people act like relationships are disposable. :(

I'm gonna tick Harmony with this one, but humankind as a whole, but I'll leave it at that; I have my reasons. :c

I dislike having so many prior engagements that you don't have any time to do what you had planned on doing that day in the first place. Its frustrating. xD

Liars and cheats. Especially when they're in a romantic relationship. OH, and when people act like relationships are disposable. :(

People who ruin their hearing by blasting music or television, and then who try to do the same to everyone else as they eventually increase the volume to insane levels. Even worse when those people get mad at YOU for asking them to turn it down. Seriously sis, PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP TURN THE TV DOWN.

Edit: And people who throw the bag with my store credit into the trash and wrap it up in thrown away food. Thank you for that. I was going to use that money to buy a few books, since I have so little money myself, and you just threw it down the drain. 'I'm sorry' does not cut it. I'm furious, and this is the last straw from a horrible weekend.
People who ruin their hearing by blasting music or television, and then who try to do the same to everyone else as they eventually increase the volume to insane levels. Even worse when those people get mad at YOU for asking them to turn it down. Seriously sis, PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP TURN THE TV DOWN.

Edit: And people who throw the bag with my store credit into the trash and wrap it up in thrown away food. Thank you for that. I was going to use that money to buy a few books, since I have so little money myself, and you just threw it down the drain. 'I'm sorry' does not cut it. I'm furious, and this is the last straw from a horrible weekend.
When people don't believe that I, Gundam Tanaka, am the Supreme Ice Overlord of Destruction.
When people don't believe that I, Gundam Tanaka, am the Supreme Ice Overlord of Destruction.