
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | Things that make you mad...
- when people say "I wish I could do that.." like, I don't know what you want me to do? All I can say is go out and do it, don't get discourage 'cause you're just starting, etcetc. I didn't get to where I am by just daydreaming about stuff :t

- when I get egged on about my weight and that I should eat more. Being skinny does not always equal starving yourself just like being a bit chubby doesn't make you unhealthy.

- ONE WORD REPLIES. I hate them with a passion. Please, if you're just going to say "lol" or "ok" or anything of the like, just don't reply back.

- being treated like I don't know any better. Don't need to dummy it down or repeat it 10 000 times, I can understand English perfectly fine, so just talk to me like you would any other adult (which I am because I'm 18 ffff don't treat me like a kiddo).

- FIREWORKS WHEN IT'S NOT THE 4TH YET???? Small ones, I don't care about, but if it's those loud popping ones, please save that for tomorrow night.
- when people say "I wish I could do that.." like, I don't know what you want me to do? All I can say is go out and do it, don't get discourage 'cause you're just starting, etcetc. I didn't get to where I am by just daydreaming about stuff :t

- when I get egged on about my weight and that I should eat more. Being skinny does not always equal starving yourself just like being a bit chubby doesn't make you unhealthy.

- ONE WORD REPLIES. I hate them with a passion. Please, if you're just going to say "lol" or "ok" or anything of the like, just don't reply back.

- being treated like I don't know any better. Don't need to dummy it down or repeat it 10 000 times, I can understand English perfectly fine, so just talk to me like you would any other adult (which I am because I'm 18 ffff don't treat me like a kiddo).

- FIREWORKS WHEN IT'S NOT THE 4TH YET???? Small ones, I don't care about, but if it's those loud popping ones, please save that for tomorrow night.
@vagabond oh my god yeah, the first one bothers me so much, even when it's not directed towards me. i feel like artists in particular get that "I WISH I COULD BE AS TALENTED AS YOU" stuff, and when it's phrased along the lines of "I'M GIVING UP ART FOREVER" or something it's just terrible. i get that people mean those sorts of comments to be compliments but all they really do is guilt-trip people for being talented and make them feel like they somehow owe it to everyone to not share their talent or else they kill other people's drive for art. people sure know how to make artists feel good about themselves.
@vagabond oh my god yeah, the first one bothers me so much, even when it's not directed towards me. i feel like artists in particular get that "I WISH I COULD BE AS TALENTED AS YOU" stuff, and when it's phrased along the lines of "I'M GIVING UP ART FOREVER" or something it's just terrible. i get that people mean those sorts of comments to be compliments but all they really do is guilt-trip people for being talented and make them feel like they somehow owe it to everyone to not share their talent or else they kill other people's drive for art. people sure know how to make artists feel good about themselves.
-ISP disconnections.
-ISP disconnections.
Calm down and help me with this time machine.
-People who ask questions alll theee timmmeee....I mean, there is nothing wrong with asking questions, but when all you do is ask questions then it gets annoying.
-When you're volunteering or working and there are people who don't work. Why are you even there? Go away.
-People who talk about others behind their back, and then are nice to their face.
-Forgetting something upstairs, outside, far away etc. and then having to go back for it.
-Stubbing your toe, or hitting your arm or elbow on a doorway.
-Traffic. Even justified traffic.

I promise I'm not an angry person...
-People who ask questions alll theee timmmeee....I mean, there is nothing wrong with asking questions, but when all you do is ask questions then it gets annoying.
-When you're volunteering or working and there are people who don't work. Why are you even there? Go away.
-People who talk about others behind their back, and then are nice to their face.
-Forgetting something upstairs, outside, far away etc. and then having to go back for it.
-Stubbing your toe, or hitting your arm or elbow on a doorway.
-Traffic. Even justified traffic.

I promise I'm not an angry person...
Ping me if you need me :)
The struggle artists face. It's one of the main reasons why I'm so shy at showing things like my sketchbook with friends as opposed to dumb doodles on schoolwork. I have no problem with sharing on the internet but I just want to avoid that whole.. awkward admiration.

Actually, you know, the whole not wanting to share you sketchbook is a rant of its own. People don't know how to take 'no' for an answer. I have never shared mine, not even to family, 'cause it's like reading a diary. I wish people could see it that way and not get offended when I tell them I'd rather not. ene
The struggle artists face. It's one of the main reasons why I'm so shy at showing things like my sketchbook with friends as opposed to dumb doodles on schoolwork. I have no problem with sharing on the internet but I just want to avoid that whole.. awkward admiration.

Actually, you know, the whole not wanting to share you sketchbook is a rant of its own. People don't know how to take 'no' for an answer. I have never shared mine, not even to family, 'cause it's like reading a diary. I wish people could see it that way and not get offended when I tell them I'd rather not. ene
Lets see:

-Ignorance. I heard someone say the other day, that some people don't want peace. Like North Korea. I bet you also think all Muslims are terrorists. It's not North Korea who doesn't want peace. It's North Korea's leader. It's not the population as a whole that doesn't want peace. I'm sure they do, or at least most of them do.

-People who use you for their own personal gain. Are you not going to give me anything in return? Unless you're my friend, no, you aren't getting something without giving me something in return.

-"Friends" who hang out with you when its mandatory, but never invite you anywhere despite having invited the other people in your group. If you're doing this, then just explain that you don't want to be their friend. It's worse having fake friends than no friends at all.

-People who give crap to you, then get surprised and/or angry when you return it. Like seriously. I'm supposed to take crap from you, but when it comes to giving some to you, its just such an atrocity.

-Parents who expect you to do all the housework, get a job, feed the family, while they do nothing but sit around the house watching TV. The whole point of moving out when you're 18 is because that's when you're supposed to be ready to live on your own and take care of yourself. Instead, kids are supposed to not only handle themselves, but their parents as well, when they're not even capable of taking care of themselves first.

-People with disabilities who use it as a get out of jail free card. No, I have nothing at all against people with disabilities in general. Just those who use it to get away with things. There's a mentally ******** kid at my school who literally is a threat to people's safety. He once threw a desk across the room at a teacher because he wasn't allowed to read his comic book while the teacher was teaching. He got away with it, without even getting in trouble. He seriously does these things because he knows he can get away with it. He even admits to it.
Lets see:

-Ignorance. I heard someone say the other day, that some people don't want peace. Like North Korea. I bet you also think all Muslims are terrorists. It's not North Korea who doesn't want peace. It's North Korea's leader. It's not the population as a whole that doesn't want peace. I'm sure they do, or at least most of them do.

-People who use you for their own personal gain. Are you not going to give me anything in return? Unless you're my friend, no, you aren't getting something without giving me something in return.

-"Friends" who hang out with you when its mandatory, but never invite you anywhere despite having invited the other people in your group. If you're doing this, then just explain that you don't want to be their friend. It's worse having fake friends than no friends at all.

-People who give crap to you, then get surprised and/or angry when you return it. Like seriously. I'm supposed to take crap from you, but when it comes to giving some to you, its just such an atrocity.

-Parents who expect you to do all the housework, get a job, feed the family, while they do nothing but sit around the house watching TV. The whole point of moving out when you're 18 is because that's when you're supposed to be ready to live on your own and take care of yourself. Instead, kids are supposed to not only handle themselves, but their parents as well, when they're not even capable of taking care of themselves first.

-People with disabilities who use it as a get out of jail free card. No, I have nothing at all against people with disabilities in general. Just those who use it to get away with things. There's a mentally ******** kid at my school who literally is a threat to people's safety. He once threw a desk across the room at a teacher because he wasn't allowed to read his comic book while the teacher was teaching. He got away with it, without even getting in trouble. He seriously does these things because he knows he can get away with it. He even admits to it.
Most recently, I was showing my mom some pictures of a guy from a band that I am very passionate about, and I said, "Aww, look at his sweet face," to which she replies, "NO man is sweet..."

It upset me because I hear it all the time from women — how horrible men are, how men this, men that, and I'm tired of it. Men aren't nearly as bad as some women try to make them out to be, and I guess what upset me most was the fact that it was my mom that had made such an ignorant generalization. I love guys, I love their nature, I love how bold and funny they are, they're amazing things, so it really just got on my nerves.

And what's worse is that there are people out there who really do believe in these broad generalizations, and I won't even get into how stupid it is to say that every single "insert gender/race/religion" is a certain way. I just really dislike misandrists. I dislike anyone who's sexist or racist or anything along those lines.

Other things, though, would include people talking to me with sun glasses on, people not shutting my door on the way out, people interrupting me, and uh, there are more, but I can't think of them now and this post is long enough. ;_____;
Most recently, I was showing my mom some pictures of a guy from a band that I am very passionate about, and I said, "Aww, look at his sweet face," to which she replies, "NO man is sweet..."

It upset me because I hear it all the time from women — how horrible men are, how men this, men that, and I'm tired of it. Men aren't nearly as bad as some women try to make them out to be, and I guess what upset me most was the fact that it was my mom that had made such an ignorant generalization. I love guys, I love their nature, I love how bold and funny they are, they're amazing things, so it really just got on my nerves.

And what's worse is that there are people out there who really do believe in these broad generalizations, and I won't even get into how stupid it is to say that every single "insert gender/race/religion" is a certain way. I just really dislike misandrists. I dislike anyone who's sexist or racist or anything along those lines.

Other things, though, would include people talking to me with sun glasses on, people not shutting my door on the way out, people interrupting me, and uh, there are more, but I can't think of them now and this post is long enough. ;_____;
I really hate liars and cheaters. After dealing with them for a very long time, it's just hard to trust anyone these days and promises don't really mean anything anymore.
I really hate liars and cheaters. After dealing with them for a very long time, it's just hard to trust anyone these days and promises don't really mean anything anymore.
People who rant about 'fake' fans of whatever scene they're in. Firstly, they rarely distinguish between a 'fake' fan and someone new to the fandom. If someone says, for example, that they really like metal, but when you talk to them about it they've only ever heard Metallica, the correct response should be to recommend some more metal to them, not chew them out for being 'fake'. Unless you'd rather actively drive people away from the fandom, I suppose.

Secondly, what possible harm could a 'fake' fan even do? Oh no, someone likes this thing I like but not in the same way I do.

'They're just doing it for the attention'? Yeah, no, you're not that important. How arrogant must you be to think they're doing it for you and not for themselves?

'They only got into it because everyone else was into it' ...And? You see everyone talking about a thing, you try the thing, you like the thing. How is that bad?

It's also odious because being a 'real' fan in these people's eyes is usually linked to capital. Not everyone can afford concert tickets, all of a band's albums, the rare albums, etc. Not everyone has access to a decent record shop that carries more than chart stuff.

I'm talking about music in this example but I see a lot of this in gaming too. People get so inexplicably angry over (people they see as) 'casual' gamers.
People who rant about 'fake' fans of whatever scene they're in. Firstly, they rarely distinguish between a 'fake' fan and someone new to the fandom. If someone says, for example, that they really like metal, but when you talk to them about it they've only ever heard Metallica, the correct response should be to recommend some more metal to them, not chew them out for being 'fake'. Unless you'd rather actively drive people away from the fandom, I suppose.

Secondly, what possible harm could a 'fake' fan even do? Oh no, someone likes this thing I like but not in the same way I do.

'They're just doing it for the attention'? Yeah, no, you're not that important. How arrogant must you be to think they're doing it for you and not for themselves?

'They only got into it because everyone else was into it' ...And? You see everyone talking about a thing, you try the thing, you like the thing. How is that bad?

It's also odious because being a 'real' fan in these people's eyes is usually linked to capital. Not everyone can afford concert tickets, all of a band's albums, the rare albums, etc. Not everyone has access to a decent record shop that carries more than chart stuff.

I'm talking about music in this example but I see a lot of this in gaming too. People get so inexplicably angry over (people they see as) 'casual' gamers.
Please ping me as Inskora, not Inksora.
Yay rant page :D

- I hate it when people are hypocrites, especially those 'popular' people at my school. Every single one of them are perfect, in a way, and they all are physically nicer than me. But whenever it comes to recess, all they talk about is stuff like 'ermahgerd I'm so fat I need to gym' etc, etc. It p*sses me off, especially when I compare myself to them.

- Slightly strange, but I hate it when people flame games or gamers. Now, I'm pretty opposed to FPS's myself, but whenever I hear people saying things like 'gamers are lame' or 'you play pokemon? Nerd' I just get so incredibly angry.

- I hate KPop :D Where I live, it's pretty mainstream, so maybe that's why I don't like it.
Yay rant page :D

- I hate it when people are hypocrites, especially those 'popular' people at my school. Every single one of them are perfect, in a way, and they all are physically nicer than me. But whenever it comes to recess, all they talk about is stuff like 'ermahgerd I'm so fat I need to gym' etc, etc. It p*sses me off, especially when I compare myself to them.

- Slightly strange, but I hate it when people flame games or gamers. Now, I'm pretty opposed to FPS's myself, but whenever I hear people saying things like 'gamers are lame' or 'you play pokemon? Nerd' I just get so incredibly angry.

- I hate KPop :D Where I live, it's pretty mainstream, so maybe that's why I don't like it.