

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Sample Suggestions
title: Sell or trade original dragons
body: I think it would be cool if you could trade your original dragons. If you can exalt them, why not sell or trade them. A lot of times, the coolest dragons that people have are the ones they created, so I am intreseted in buying them, but am unable to.
title: Sell or trade original dragons
body: I think it would be cool if you could trade your original dragons. If you can exalt them, why not sell or trade them. A lot of times, the coolest dragons that people have are the ones they created, so I am intreseted in buying them, but am unable to.
Title: Search dragons by color in the AH
Body: Sometimes I have to dig through pages and pages of dragons just to find something like a banana primary. It'd be easier for me to just select what I want to look at and see if anyone is selling.
Title: Search dragons by color in the AH
Body: Sometimes I have to dig through pages and pages of dragons just to find something like a banana primary. It'd be easier for me to just select what I want to look at and see if anyone is selling.
Title: Buying/Selling/Trading Gems and Treasure

Body: I can buy gems but I can never hold onto my treasure for more than 20k. Perhaps being able to sell gems to the site and get treasure or even paying cash for a certain amount of treasure, like how most gems are accrued. Maybe even a way to buy gems with treasure, which might be nice for those who are too young to have a bank account.
Title: Buying/Selling/Trading Gems and Treasure

Body: I can buy gems but I can never hold onto my treasure for more than 20k. Perhaps being able to sell gems to the site and get treasure or even paying cash for a certain amount of treasure, like how most gems are accrued. Maybe even a way to buy gems with treasure, which might be nice for those who are too young to have a bank account.
be able to change ability stones
be able to change ability stones
Title: Feed the hungry with love!

Body: There should be a way to bond all the familiar at one time. Like a page that should all you have for familiar and the dragons that are looking after them. It's a lot of wasted time going to every dragon after you have a few do this and most time you don't have time to go thought them all!

oh @handbomb pls update with all the info you where look into have updated or looked in to. If you are talking about what eye color and flight you are they want to keep this as this make us diff from any other dragon game that why they did it if no pls update with the rest of the info.

Title: Feed the hungry with love!

Body: There should be a way to bond all the familiar at one time. Like a page that should all you have for familiar and the dragons that are looking after them. It's a lot of wasted time going to every dragon after you have a few do this and most time you don't have time to go thought them all!

oh @handbomb pls update with all the info you where look into have updated or looked in to. If you are talking about what eye color and flight you are they want to keep this as this make us diff from any other dragon game that why they did it if no pls update with the rest of the info.

Title: What color are you going to be?

Body: I think there should be a color purview added on when breeding I still want the out come to be anything in the color range but every one is checking before they breed. Pls just add on this would make everyone's life better!
Title: What color are you going to be?

Body: I think there should be a color purview added on when breeding I still want the out come to be anything in the color range but every one is checking before they breed. Pls just add on this would make everyone's life better!
Been compiling a rather lengthy list the past month or so...

Title: Buff/debuff durations in Coliseum are visible
Body: Buffs/debuffs will display the actual number of rounds it's active before vanishing

Title: Familiar foods and/or toys
Body: Using these on familiars can raise a little extra bonding (with a specific limit of course... maybe allowing one or two items a day?)

Title: Complete Ninja and Samurai outfits/packages
Body: 'Nuff said. =)

Title: Fix rated battle grounds for more fair fights
Body: I'm not exactly sure how PvP fights are matched up, but IMO, the vast majority of PvP fights that I've seen seem pretty lopsided.

Title: One click button to bond with all familiars in your possession
Body: Saves time... saves ALOT of time if you have a huge familiar collection, helps to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome... =P

Title: Battlestones for minor element resistance - perhaps from 5% up to 25% less dmg/debuff resistance vs 1 element. Battlestones that increase by a small percentage a higher status effect success (ie. 5% better chance to inflict poison, blindness, ect). In moderation of course... perhaps up to a max of 50%? 75%?
Body: (Perhaps some time after the current bugged battlestones are fixed...)
Some might see these as overpowered, but in moderation I think it would be pretty nifty and could add more battle strategy and overall enjoyment.
Been compiling a rather lengthy list the past month or so...

Title: Buff/debuff durations in Coliseum are visible
Body: Buffs/debuffs will display the actual number of rounds it's active before vanishing

Title: Familiar foods and/or toys
Body: Using these on familiars can raise a little extra bonding (with a specific limit of course... maybe allowing one or two items a day?)

Title: Complete Ninja and Samurai outfits/packages
Body: 'Nuff said. =)

Title: Fix rated battle grounds for more fair fights
Body: I'm not exactly sure how PvP fights are matched up, but IMO, the vast majority of PvP fights that I've seen seem pretty lopsided.

Title: One click button to bond with all familiars in your possession
Body: Saves time... saves ALOT of time if you have a huge familiar collection, helps to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome... =P

Title: Battlestones for minor element resistance - perhaps from 5% up to 25% less dmg/debuff resistance vs 1 element. Battlestones that increase by a small percentage a higher status effect success (ie. 5% better chance to inflict poison, blindness, ect). In moderation of course... perhaps up to a max of 50%? 75%?
Body: (Perhaps some time after the current bugged battlestones are fixed...)
Some might see these as overpowered, but in moderation I think it would be pretty nifty and could add more battle strategy and overall enjoyment.
[quote name="DragonSaviour" date="2013-07-02 09:16:03"]@Animepegasus oh thats already implemented haha Title: i think a bank would be nice Body: like to store your stuff in with a little password just in case. so if youre going on vacation for a while and some fool gets on your account somehow itll be safe in there. [/quote] Pretty much that^^^^ Banking would help me save my gold, I could put it in and pretty much forget about it without being tempter to buy something I really don't need. [b]Title: [/b]Easier Familiar Bonding [b]Body: [/b]It gets rather time consuming having to go to every dragons page just to bond with it's 'pet'. Even more so if you have a slow computer or have a lot of dragons, maybe have something like a mass bond thing on each main page? [b]Title:[/b] Being Able To Create More Original Dragons [b]Body:[/b] I would love to be able to create more original dragons, like a mate for my first or because you didn't like it for what ever reason, perhaps the second round could have the other breeds, or even new breeds. Maybe have it cost a certain amount of gems or even gold, and have the various breeds cost more based on rarity? Like for example the first four being, say 100 gems, and the rarer ones being 1,000 or 2,000 something. [b]Title: [/b]Food Donation [b]Body:[/b] See a hungry dragon that's not your own? Why not be able to feed them? perhaps even get some neat loot out of it too? Like random treasure, gold, items or even familiars? I think it would be a cool way to help a friend who's going to be away for a little while and don't want to lose their energy bonuses. [b]Title:[/b] Found Gene Eggs [b]Body:[/b] The title says it all, an egg that explicitly shows the type of gene a dragon's going to have. I think this would be a neat way to add more genes into the pool so to speak. These eggs would probably be rarer then the others, but carry a specific gene such as eye spots or tiger. it could perhaps even be an achievement.
DragonSaviour wrote on 2013-07-02 09:16:03:
@Animepegasus oh thats already implemented haha
Title: i think a bank would be nice
Body: like to store your stuff in with a little password just in case. so if youre going on vacation for a while and some fool gets on your account somehow itll be safe in there.

Pretty much that^^^^ Banking would help me save my gold, I could put it in and pretty much forget about it without being tempter to buy something I really don't need.

Title: Easier Familiar Bonding

Body: It gets rather time consuming having to go to every dragons page just to bond with it's 'pet'. Even more so if you have a slow computer or have a lot of dragons, maybe have something like a mass bond thing on each main page?

Title: Being Able To Create More Original Dragons

Body: I would love to be able to create more original dragons, like a mate for my first or because you didn't like it for what ever reason, perhaps the second round could have the other breeds, or even new breeds. Maybe have it cost a certain amount of gems or even gold, and have the various breeds cost more based on rarity? Like for example the first four being, say 100 gems, and the rarer ones being 1,000 or 2,000 something.

Title: Food Donation

Body: See a hungry dragon that's not your own? Why not be able to feed them? perhaps even get some neat loot out of it too? Like random treasure, gold, items or even familiars? I think it would be a cool way to help a friend who's going to be away for a little while and don't want to lose their energy bonuses.

Title: Found Gene Eggs

Body: The title says it all, an egg that explicitly shows the type of gene a dragon's going to have. I think this would be a neat way to add more genes into the pool so to speak. These eggs would probably be rarer then the others, but carry a specific gene such as eye spots or tiger. it could perhaps even be an achievement.
Title: Breeding between players

Body: I think that it would be cool if you could breed your Dragons to another players. People could pay a stud fee of 15000. So if someone wanted to breed their dragon to one of their friends dragons and the friend also wanted the pair to breed but neither wants to give up their dragon they could go to a mutual and neutral Nesting Grounds and if they both want the breeding then they would both pay half the fee for breeding and split the hatchlings or divide them up however they want. In this way the breeding limits would be active but say someone wanted to breed their male to someone else's female but that person didn't want to be a part of the breeding they could just allow the breeding and the other person would pay the entire breeding cost, get the entire nest but the female wouldn't have to have the breeding cooler put on her for that breeding or at least only have the cooler on for however many days it takes for the nest to hatch. I think it could also work that way with females except if someone wants to breed their female to someone else's male who doesn't want any part of the brood then the female would have the regular breeding cooler just like the male would have only cooler for the amount of time it takes to hatch the nest.
Title: Breeding between players

Body: I think that it would be cool if you could breed your Dragons to another players. People could pay a stud fee of 15000. So if someone wanted to breed their dragon to one of their friends dragons and the friend also wanted the pair to breed but neither wants to give up their dragon they could go to a mutual and neutral Nesting Grounds and if they both want the breeding then they would both pay half the fee for breeding and split the hatchlings or divide them up however they want. In this way the breeding limits would be active but say someone wanted to breed their male to someone else's female but that person didn't want to be a part of the breeding they could just allow the breeding and the other person would pay the entire breeding cost, get the entire nest but the female wouldn't have to have the breeding cooler put on her for that breeding or at least only have the cooler on for however many days it takes for the nest to hatch. I think it could also work that way with females except if someone wants to breed their female to someone else's male who doesn't want any part of the brood then the female would have the regular breeding cooler just like the male would have only cooler for the amount of time it takes to hatch the nest.
@Thrage so, my graphic design class for collage challenged us to do do something creative, so I decided to make a dragon breed based off of flight risings way of setting things up, I was wondering if when I am done with this project if you guys might want to look at my designs.
@Thrage so, my graphic design class for collage challenged us to do do something creative, so I decided to make a dragon breed based off of flight risings way of setting things up, I was wondering if when I am done with this project if you guys might want to look at my designs.