

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Mist had done what she could to the giant beast, sinking her teeth into the shadowed fur and digging into it with her claws. It swiped at her, but she writhed away from its paws, biting again only in time for it to swipe again, its paw colliding with her face and sending her skidding away from it with a powerful smack. She grunted in pain as she collided with the ground, feeling the air driven from her lungs.

She lay still for a moment, watching as the real panther took advantage of the opening she'd created. Mist took this time to recover, shaking her head and feeling the blood dripping from the scratch she'd received from the panther. Thankfully, it hadn't managed to dig into her too far, so she should survive just fine. Maybe even with a cool new bunch of scars. The thought of this made her let out a small laugh.

She watched as the panther's shadow darted off into the depths of the forest and started to groom her wounds, gauging her movements to make sure she wasn't wounded anywhere else. She was sore, from where she'd collided with the ground... and probably going to be sore for a while. Other than that, she felt fine.. a bit dizzy, but that was nothing that couldn't be fixed by resting. She was lucky her wounds hadn't been worse. She'd calculated a bit wrong on this one, probably shouldn't do that again. Too risky. Next time she should bring some backup. Though if she had done that, things might have been worse considering the mirror shadows had appeared. Well at least she'd prepared for the inevitability of being wounded. She just had to find her stash of herbs later.

Staring at the Panther, her eyes lingered on a few cuts he'd received from his shadow. She kept space between herself and the much larger animal, ready to bolt if he decided he wanted to eat her. She'd never consider facing off against him alone, not even if she wasn't bleeding. "Nice moves." She commented, eyes staring directly at him.
Mist had done what she could to the giant beast, sinking her teeth into the shadowed fur and digging into it with her claws. It swiped at her, but she writhed away from its paws, biting again only in time for it to swipe again, its paw colliding with her face and sending her skidding away from it with a powerful smack. She grunted in pain as she collided with the ground, feeling the air driven from her lungs.

She lay still for a moment, watching as the real panther took advantage of the opening she'd created. Mist took this time to recover, shaking her head and feeling the blood dripping from the scratch she'd received from the panther. Thankfully, it hadn't managed to dig into her too far, so she should survive just fine. Maybe even with a cool new bunch of scars. The thought of this made her let out a small laugh.

She watched as the panther's shadow darted off into the depths of the forest and started to groom her wounds, gauging her movements to make sure she wasn't wounded anywhere else. She was sore, from where she'd collided with the ground... and probably going to be sore for a while. Other than that, she felt fine.. a bit dizzy, but that was nothing that couldn't be fixed by resting. She was lucky her wounds hadn't been worse. She'd calculated a bit wrong on this one, probably shouldn't do that again. Too risky. Next time she should bring some backup. Though if she had done that, things might have been worse considering the mirror shadows had appeared. Well at least she'd prepared for the inevitability of being wounded. She just had to find her stash of herbs later.

Staring at the Panther, her eyes lingered on a few cuts he'd received from his shadow. She kept space between herself and the much larger animal, ready to bolt if he decided he wanted to eat her. She'd never consider facing off against him alone, not even if she wasn't bleeding. "Nice moves." She commented, eyes staring directly at him.
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@Eldarowability @Cupcakekitty2

Mercury gave a few more slashes at her mirror Shadow until black dust was seeping from its ribs. She leaped on top of her mirror and inched close and whispered with hatred, "We're done here." The silvery wolf walked off, waiting for her enemy's reply. Deep down inside, Mercury felt a bit shaky and fearful but she showed off victory on the outside. She will never back down from her Shadow. The problem was was that the Shadow knew her. Maybe even more than she knew about herself.

Shadow Mercury spat blood at her and growled, "We'll never be done. Not until I tear you limb by limb while plead to me to save your worthless life." She galloped away and retreated back to the dark woods.

"In your dreams." Mercury called out after her.

@Eldarowability @Cupcakekitty2

Mercury gave a few more slashes at her mirror Shadow until black dust was seeping from its ribs. She leaped on top of her mirror and inched close and whispered with hatred, "We're done here." The silvery wolf walked off, waiting for her enemy's reply. Deep down inside, Mercury felt a bit shaky and fearful but she showed off victory on the outside. She will never back down from her Shadow. The problem was was that the Shadow knew her. Maybe even more than she knew about herself.

Shadow Mercury spat blood at her and growled, "We'll never be done. Not until I tear you limb by limb while plead to me to save your worthless life." She galloped away and retreated back to the dark woods.

"In your dreams." Mercury called out after her.

Name: Thistle Animal: Opossum Gender: Female Age: Young Personality: Curious, hesitant, mouthy and ambitious. Loves to get her paws dirty. Image (opt.): [img][/img] Other: She hides a lot of hesitation that is associated with her species; she dislikes when one assumes her to be a skittish type.
Name: Thistle
Animal: Opossum
Gender: Female
Age: Young
Personality: Curious, hesitant, mouthy and ambitious. Loves to get her paws dirty.
Image (opt.): zx9rwm.jpg
Other: She hides a lot of hesitation that is associated with her species; she dislikes when one assumes her to be a skittish type.
@dragonportals added
@dragonportals added
Sorry guys i don’t think I can keep up with this Rp, I’m a little to busy for it.

If anyone wants to play Magnes you’re welcome too.
Sorry guys i don’t think I can keep up with this Rp, I’m a little to busy for it.

If anyone wants to play Magnes you’re welcome too.
A screeching cacophony cut through the night.

The brush on the hilltop gave way to an old, moss covered log that stuck out from the soft ground; a small opossum rolled backwards out of the only point of entry- standing up on her hind paws to catch her own breath.
"That's all you've got?" Thistle lowered herself into a defensive posture as her own shady doppelganger pulled itself free of the hollow, wooden cave.
"If it was, you'd be seeing a lot less!" the shadow opossum loped towards the actual creature, its mouth ready to snap down on whatever it could.

"Ugh, save it!" the small, grey marsupial braced for the attacker's strike- her back paw shifting ever so slightly to allow an evasive maneuver that would keep those teeth at bay. Thistle swept her tail out and Shadow Thistle ate a face full of dirt, the creature sat, coughing over the ingested soil. It grasped at the ground in frustration as it tried to pick itself back up.

"Like I said, save it. I have more important things to do than worry about you again." the true opossum hissed at the impostor, kicking it over on its side.

"This isn't over-" it choked.
"Yeah so you've mentioned."

Thistle barely had time to pick up the branch she'd been eyeing up as a weapon, before the shadow had taken off into the darkness. The small opossum's nose twitched in disappointment, but she figured the day would come where she'd get to really beat that evil thing into the ground... she just merely had to wait.

Her ears twitched, listening for other animals dealing with a similar situation. She could smell others up on the hill, and the darkness had certainly heightened the risk.
A screeching cacophony cut through the night.

The brush on the hilltop gave way to an old, moss covered log that stuck out from the soft ground; a small opossum rolled backwards out of the only point of entry- standing up on her hind paws to catch her own breath.
"That's all you've got?" Thistle lowered herself into a defensive posture as her own shady doppelganger pulled itself free of the hollow, wooden cave.
"If it was, you'd be seeing a lot less!" the shadow opossum loped towards the actual creature, its mouth ready to snap down on whatever it could.

"Ugh, save it!" the small, grey marsupial braced for the attacker's strike- her back paw shifting ever so slightly to allow an evasive maneuver that would keep those teeth at bay. Thistle swept her tail out and Shadow Thistle ate a face full of dirt, the creature sat, coughing over the ingested soil. It grasped at the ground in frustration as it tried to pick itself back up.

"Like I said, save it. I have more important things to do than worry about you again." the true opossum hissed at the impostor, kicking it over on its side.

"This isn't over-" it choked.
"Yeah so you've mentioned."

Thistle barely had time to pick up the branch she'd been eyeing up as a weapon, before the shadow had taken off into the darkness. The small opossum's nose twitched in disappointment, but she figured the day would come where she'd get to really beat that evil thing into the ground... she just merely had to wait.

Her ears twitched, listening for other animals dealing with a similar situation. She could smell others up on the hill, and the darkness had certainly heightened the risk.
@dragonportals (are you subbed?)

Mercury noticed that Thistle's shadow was vulnerable to attack so she decided that it would be best to help. She walked up to Thistle and nodded. Leaping upon the small shadow; she clamped her jaws on the Shadow's neck.
@dragonportals (are you subbed?)

Mercury noticed that Thistle's shadow was vulnerable to attack so she decided that it would be best to help. She walked up to Thistle and nodded. Leaping upon the small shadow; she clamped her jaws on the Shadow's neck.
Fang stared at her mirror shadow in horror. She had never seen something so terrifying before. Fang was scared but she was determined to stay and fight for the land of Illanore. Fang crouched down, ready to pounce. She was about to attack but her mirror shadow was a second too fast and swung a paw at Fang, claws un sheathed. Fang jumped away to avoid a direct hit but her mussel was grazed by the Shadow's claws. Fang hissed at the Shadow.
"Well no need to re rude now." The Shadow taunted.
Irritated, Fang hissed again, and pounced onto the Shadow, digging her claws into it's back. The Shadow yelped in pain and shook Fang off of it's back. Fang landed on her paws a little bit away. The Shadow had a cut from it's left eye down to it's cheek.
Fang stared at her mirror shadow in horror. She had never seen something so terrifying before. Fang was scared but she was determined to stay and fight for the land of Illanore. Fang crouched down, ready to pounce. She was about to attack but her mirror shadow was a second too fast and swung a paw at Fang, claws un sheathed. Fang jumped away to avoid a direct hit but her mussel was grazed by the Shadow's claws. Fang hissed at the Shadow.
"Well no need to re rude now." The Shadow taunted.
Irritated, Fang hissed again, and pounced onto the Shadow, digging her claws into it's back. The Shadow yelped in pain and shook Fang off of it's back. Fang landed on her paws a little bit away. The Shadow had a cut from it's left eye down to it's cheek.
(I'm subbed so no more pings for me, please.)
(I'm subbed so no more pings for me, please.)
@Draconequis @/ Cupcake @/ Everyone
(I was waiting for others to Ping because I guess this is all of us? Sorry for holding us up!)

"That was your Shadow!" Ling calls up to the Lyrebird. "The Ying to your Yang, a replica of yourself from the darkness." The fox begins to wash his face. "Worry not, tonight I mean you now harm!" And after calling up this he scans the field. All about the Shadows were fleeing, it seemed the Night was Won. An ear flicks back...or well mostly won.

Spotting the final fight between two lynx cub he Rushes in to aid. A full grown Lynx would be trouble but this was a CUB and barely larger them himself.

He Charges the shadow cat while she is Distracted and Bowls her over. "LEAVE! CAN YOU NOT SEE YOUR NIGHT IS LOST!"
Ling Puffs himself up and lifts his chin then gestures to the Hoard of spirits closing in on this Final Shadow.
@Draconequis @/ Cupcake @/ Everyone
(I was waiting for others to Ping because I guess this is all of us? Sorry for holding us up!)

"That was your Shadow!" Ling calls up to the Lyrebird. "The Ying to your Yang, a replica of yourself from the darkness." The fox begins to wash his face. "Worry not, tonight I mean you now harm!" And after calling up this he scans the field. All about the Shadows were fleeing, it seemed the Night was Won. An ear flicks back...or well mostly won.

Spotting the final fight between two lynx cub he Rushes in to aid. A full grown Lynx would be trouble but this was a CUB and barely larger them himself.

He Charges the shadow cat while she is Distracted and Bowls her over. "LEAVE! CAN YOU NOT SEE YOUR NIGHT IS LOST!"
Ling Puffs himself up and lifts his chin then gestures to the Hoard of spirits closing in on this Final Shadow.
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