

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Sunset Daycare RP *open*
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@DragonWarrior333 (Vieeto has a very long list of 'I'm going to kill them if they don't make up' with Arron on them)

Vieeto did a long sighed when she went up against Erminezith's leg, "Erminezitttthhh, some scale scum was mean to me." whined Vieeto. Erminezith groaned, knowing that it wasn't probably true, "Okay, shouldn't you go the other adults? You don't exactly act polite to others," she patted Vieeto's head, "now you go ahead and get it together with the kid because with your reputation you probably caused it." Vieeto groaned then stomped back to Arron.


"Well, back home in Pinelaio most males didn't act like that, it was quite nice," she opened a book and scanned the text in it then after that she closed it and did the same with another book.

(Sorry that's short!)
@DragonWarrior333 (Vieeto has a very long list of 'I'm going to kill them if they don't make up' with Arron on them)

Vieeto did a long sighed when she went up against Erminezith's leg, "Erminezitttthhh, some scale scum was mean to me." whined Vieeto. Erminezith groaned, knowing that it wasn't probably true, "Okay, shouldn't you go the other adults? You don't exactly act polite to others," she patted Vieeto's head, "now you go ahead and get it together with the kid because with your reputation you probably caused it." Vieeto groaned then stomped back to Arron.


"Well, back home in Pinelaio most males didn't act like that, it was quite nice," she opened a book and scanned the text in it then after that she closed it and did the same with another book.

(Sorry that's short!)
@WingedSoup ((He'd probably make up if she gave him the chance XD))

Arron watched the hare leave them behind, sighing. He would probably be blamed for all this, but hopefully the adults would be understanding and realize he had only defended himself and Ginger. He would have been happy to never see that bully again, but instead she turned and stomped back. He looked over her, assuming she had been scolded. "What do you want?" He wasn't going to waste his time trying to be friendly to her when she would probably just ignore it or make fun of him for it.
@WingedSoup ((He'd probably make up if she gave him the chance XD))

Arron watched the hare leave them behind, sighing. He would probably be blamed for all this, but hopefully the adults would be understanding and realize he had only defended himself and Ginger. He would have been happy to never see that bully again, but instead she turned and stomped back. He looked over her, assuming she had been scolded. "What do you want?" He wasn't going to waste his time trying to be friendly to her when she would probably just ignore it or make fun of him for it.
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"Ugh! That lame-a** white ermine didn't help me at all!" she then took the knives, "Also I need my knives and I need rocks." she then put herself in a corner of the room and dragged things to make a fortress. She then went back to the table to make more clay weapons, "Do you think I could make armor out of this?" her mood seemed to change, her tone was monotone and she sounded bored. Without an answer she kept making weapons, "Bored, bored, bored!"

"Ugh! That lame-a** white ermine didn't help me at all!" she then took the knives, "Also I need my knives and I need rocks." she then put herself in a corner of the room and dragged things to make a fortress. She then went back to the table to make more clay weapons, "Do you think I could make armor out of this?" her mood seemed to change, her tone was monotone and she sounded bored. Without an answer she kept making weapons, "Bored, bored, bored!"
(It'sall good my dude)

"Well, aren't you fortunate? Still, Wine can be a very sweet man, just got to him time is all." She looked up towards a decently heavy-looking book on the shelf, and stood up, trying to pull it out.
(It'sall good my dude)

"Well, aren't you fortunate? Still, Wine can be a very sweet man, just got to him time is all." She looked up towards a decently heavy-looking book on the shelf, and stood up, trying to pull it out.
@MerlynTheWolf @Petlover30 @Babysaxon @WingedSoup @DragonWarrior333 @Dragonninja @DangerousGirl

Kriti brightened up a bit, glad to have a helping hand. She grabbed him by the mane and smirked right back. "There's no backing out Huojin. You're stuck with us now!" She pulled him to the front of the room, tugging on his mane. She turned to her class, looking quite pleased. "Guess who's helping with arts and crafts!"
@MerlynTheWolf @Petlover30 @Babysaxon @WingedSoup @DragonWarrior333 @Dragonninja @DangerousGirl

Kriti brightened up a bit, glad to have a helping hand. She grabbed him by the mane and smirked right back. "There's no backing out Huojin. You're stuck with us now!" She pulled him to the front of the room, tugging on his mane. She turned to her class, looking quite pleased. "Guess who's helping with arts and crafts!"
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"I'm sure he is, but I'll make some tea, if we have right materials," she got up and brushed her suit again, "oh and do find me a good history book?"

@Glacora @Dragonwarrior333

"I'm glad because scale scum isn't fun and this other thing won't talk, so how about you join me in making these fun crafts?" Vieeto waved at Kriti, grinning.

"I'm sure he is, but I'll make some tea, if we have right materials," she got up and brushed her suit again, "oh and do find me a good history book?"

@Glacora @Dragonwarrior333

"I'm glad because scale scum isn't fun and this other thing won't talk, so how about you join me in making these fun crafts?" Vieeto waved at Kriti, grinning.
Huojin | Councilor | Kriti & possibly Vieeto (@Glacora, @WingedSoup)

"Ow..ow", he mumbled, a mixture of amusement and pain. Currently in his human form the other was pulling on his pale white hair now. Eventually he'd try to remove her hand "No need to drag Ms. Kriti! And hello class..and ah it is not nice or polite to call someone scum", he looked to Vieeto if he could hear them. He stood up straight now that he was able hopefully.
Huojin | Councilor | Kriti & possibly Vieeto (@Glacora, @WingedSoup)

"Ow..ow", he mumbled, a mixture of amusement and pain. Currently in his human form the other was pulling on his pale white hair now. Eventually he'd try to remove her hand "No need to drag Ms. Kriti! And hello class..and ah it is not nice or polite to call someone scum", he looked to Vieeto if he could hear them. He stood up straight now that he was able hopefully.
(OH SHOOT!!! I missed this quality time to post something! Its fine, Ginger was petrified anyway :P )
:~: Ginger :~:
Ginger was terrified. Her innocent pieces of clay turned into the most intimidating thing she's ever seen. She looked over to Vieeto's corner still making weapons. Ginger raised her hand she was clearly shaking. "Um, teacher?" Her voice was shaking almost as much as herself, "Can I go to the bathroom?"
@MerlynTheWolf @Glacora
:~: Allie :~:
"History books..." Allie pondered the question, "I do believe those are in the back. I don't put them out because most history is... gruesome..." She commented. Flashbacks of human's history with dragons replayed in her mind. Blood, slaughter, chaos. She quickly snapped out of it and noticed Vieeto had entered the room. Originally, she thought the child actually needed help. As Erminezith pushed her away, she saw her expression change as quick as she came. It wasn't a good sign.
@WingedSoup @Ultima
(OH SHOOT!!! I missed this quality time to post something! Its fine, Ginger was petrified anyway :P )
:~: Ginger :~:
Ginger was terrified. Her innocent pieces of clay turned into the most intimidating thing she's ever seen. She looked over to Vieeto's corner still making weapons. Ginger raised her hand she was clearly shaking. "Um, teacher?" Her voice was shaking almost as much as herself, "Can I go to the bathroom?"
@MerlynTheWolf @Glacora
:~: Allie :~:
"History books..." Allie pondered the question, "I do believe those are in the back. I don't put them out because most history is... gruesome..." She commented. Flashbacks of human's history with dragons replayed in her mind. Blood, slaughter, chaos. She quickly snapped out of it and noticed Vieeto had entered the room. Originally, she thought the child actually needed help. As Erminezith pushed her away, she saw her expression change as quick as she came. It wasn't a good sign.
@WingedSoup @Ultima
"Oh, I will, coming right u-PPP! She heaved the heavy book, panting slightly as she sat down with it, weakly chuckling "M-my, these books a-aren't just light r-reads huh?" She held her chest and panted, clearly winded from the relatively simple action.
"Oh, I will, coming right u-PPP! She heaved the heavy book, panting slightly as she sat down with it, weakly chuckling "M-my, these books a-aren't just light r-reads huh?" She held her chest and panted, clearly winded from the relatively simple action.

Vieeto crossed her arms, "Pssh, it just means dirt nothing bad," she continued to make her clay weapons and still had lots of the clay, "unless, you know, you're not educated."


Vieeto said in her head, ugh why is everyone such a wimp 'cept for that Arron kid, she shook her head in disapproval, "Tsk, tsk, kids these days just haven't lived." she currently made a weapon she was working on having three blades.

"Hah, don't worry I've been through a war when I was super young, I think sis helped with it, something about eating hares and other prey, nothing too big." Erminezith head to the back and sighed, finally a good read from her other work in Pinelaio.

(Though she was very young so she did nothing, Pinelaio is connected with Redwall so war is common??)

Vieeto crossed her arms, "Pssh, it just means dirt nothing bad," she continued to make her clay weapons and still had lots of the clay, "unless, you know, you're not educated."


Vieeto said in her head, ugh why is everyone such a wimp 'cept for that Arron kid, she shook her head in disapproval, "Tsk, tsk, kids these days just haven't lived." she currently made a weapon she was working on having three blades.

"Hah, don't worry I've been through a war when I was super young, I think sis helped with it, something about eating hares and other prey, nothing too big." Erminezith head to the back and sighed, finally a good read from her other work in Pinelaio.

(Though she was very young so she did nothing, Pinelaio is connected with Redwall so war is common??)
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