

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Sunset Daycare RP *open*
@WingedSoup (That sounds about right XD)

Arron was even more confused. This child was weird. He almost wanted her to fall asleep already. "Thanks? And no, I'm pretty certain she isn't." He couldn't hold back a chuckle. He wondered what those hand motions meant. He subtly moved the table away from her after she slammed it, not wanting the clay projects to be ruined. "That's not always true." She was making no sense.

Then, she shifted so sharply that Arron wondered if this was all an act. His guard, which was just beginning to lower, shot back up again. "Yes, they're gone. One of the supervisors took it away from you. They said weapons aren't allowed." He explained, hoping she would put away her new ones.
@WingedSoup (That sounds about right XD)

Arron was even more confused. This child was weird. He almost wanted her to fall asleep already. "Thanks? And no, I'm pretty certain she isn't." He couldn't hold back a chuckle. He wondered what those hand motions meant. He subtly moved the table away from her after she slammed it, not wanting the clay projects to be ruined. "That's not always true." She was making no sense.

Then, she shifted so sharply that Arron wondered if this was all an act. His guard, which was just beginning to lower, shot back up again. "Yes, they're gone. One of the supervisors took it away from you. They said weapons aren't allowed." He explained, hoping she would put away her new ones.
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"Well, chump-a-rino, Vieeto got no limits." Vieeto then again, made finger guns, "Yo, dude, buddy, have trust in Vieeto," she chuckled and again, patted Arron's back. She continued to make her "weapons" and laughed once in a while. She had her eyelids lowered and she did a smile, the hare looked calm while making her crafts, "I like sharp things, they remind me SnowNeck and PowderFrost."


"Well, chump-a-rino, Vieeto got no limits." Vieeto then again, made finger guns, "Yo, dude, buddy, have trust in Vieeto," she chuckled and again, patted Arron's back. She continued to make her "weapons" and laughed once in a while. She had her eyelids lowered and she did a smile, the hare looked calm while making her crafts, "I like sharp things, they remind me SnowNeck and PowderFrost."

(Its a good time to move activities! *Realizing that I could've changed it long ago*)
:~: Allie :~:
"I'm gonna go check on the kids in the Art room, I think its time they moved on to a new activity." Allie said. Once she got to the art room, she noticed Vieeto was looking tired. Really tired. "Looks like you guys may need a nap." Allie said to herself giggling, "Who wants to hear a story?"

:~: Ginger :~:
Ginger left the bathroom with slightly red eyes. She was no longer shaking or crying. She started back to the Art room and found her mother standing at the door. "Mama!" She hugged her leg. "Hello Ginger," She petted her daughter on the head. "Are you ready for nap time?" She asked. "No!" She replied reluctantly.
(Its a good time to move activities! *Realizing that I could've changed it long ago*)
:~: Allie :~:
"I'm gonna go check on the kids in the Art room, I think its time they moved on to a new activity." Allie said. Once she got to the art room, she noticed Vieeto was looking tired. Really tired. "Looks like you guys may need a nap." Allie said to herself giggling, "Who wants to hear a story?"

:~: Ginger :~:
Ginger left the bathroom with slightly red eyes. She was no longer shaking or crying. She started back to the Art room and found her mother standing at the door. "Mama!" She hugged her leg. "Hello Ginger," She petted her daughter on the head. "Are you ready for nap time?" She asked. "No!" She replied reluctantly.

Arron looked up at Allie, giving Ginger a small wave. He wanted to do anything he could to make her feel a bit better. Then, he turned his attention fully to Allie, tail lashing in excitement. He knew this was a trick to get them ready for nap time (it had happened to him before back at the lair), but stories were still fun! He nodded eagerly at the daycare owner. "I do!" He beamed, getting up off his pillow.

Arron looked up at Allie, giving Ginger a small wave. He wanted to do anything he could to make her feel a bit better. Then, he turned his attention fully to Allie, tail lashing in excitement. He knew this was a trick to get them ready for nap time (it had happened to him before back at the lair), but stories were still fun! He nodded eagerly at the daycare owner. "I do!" He beamed, getting up off his pillow.
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@Petlover30 @Dragonwarrior30 @MerlyntheWolf @Glacora @Ultima @DangerousGirl @Eldarowability @Dragonninja

"Ohhhh, heck yeah, stories and s***." Vieeto waddled over to Erminezith's leg, putting her arms around Erminezith's leg. She still had drooped eyelids and slowly smiled. Erminezith looked confused since when did Vieeto smile when there was no harm?

Erminezith did arm gestures, saying, this way. Erminezith then went in herself and sat on a chair, "They're lovely stories to pick out, but have you heard about King Jackal and Alqat Aldhy Yasriq?"
@Petlover30 @Dragonwarrior30 @MerlyntheWolf @Glacora @Ultima @DangerousGirl @Eldarowability @Dragonninja

"Ohhhh, heck yeah, stories and s***." Vieeto waddled over to Erminezith's leg, putting her arms around Erminezith's leg. She still had drooped eyelids and slowly smiled. Erminezith looked confused since when did Vieeto smile when there was no harm?

Erminezith did arm gestures, saying, this way. Erminezith then went in herself and sat on a chair, "They're lovely stories to pick out, but have you heard about King Jackal and Alqat Aldhy Yasriq?"

Kriti watched Ginger go worriedly. She hated seeing the poor girl so upset, but she didn't know what she could do to make her feel better. That was more Huojin's thing anyway. With the kids mostly out of the room, she started picking up their projects and carrying them to the back room. She carefully put them in the kiln, excited to see the kids faces when they get them back. She returned to the front and looked at Huojin, smiling.


She strutted over to him, bits of clay falling off of her gloves and dress. She once again looked up at him, feeling short in his presence. "Thanks for helping Huojin. I'm not good with situations like that. So, are you going to join them for story time now?" Kriti had a pet project she wanted to work on, so she wouldn't be joining them for stories this time. She had put it off enough as is.

Kriti watched Ginger go worriedly. She hated seeing the poor girl so upset, but she didn't know what she could do to make her feel better. That was more Huojin's thing anyway. With the kids mostly out of the room, she started picking up their projects and carrying them to the back room. She carefully put them in the kiln, excited to see the kids faces when they get them back. She returned to the front and looked at Huojin, smiling.


She strutted over to him, bits of clay falling off of her gloves and dress. She once again looked up at him, feeling short in his presence. "Thanks for helping Huojin. I'm not good with situations like that. So, are you going to join them for story time now?" Kriti had a pet project she wanted to work on, so she wouldn't be joining them for stories this time. She had put it off enough as is.
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((Alright so I accidentally posted the first post in the wrong forum. My bad))
((So this is grown up **** so I'm Negua's mother as well for a moment, she's not a present character so I won't make a CS))

Negua followed her mother, as they had been traveling for about an hour. She didn't quite understand where she was going, yet wherever her mother went, she would follow. Her mother walked slowly so Negua could keep up. Her tail was relaxed, and thus Negua's was as well. They finally arrived at the place. Negua had never been here before. "Matim, where are we?" "Quiet, Negua, I need to sign you up." She spoke patiently. She went into human form as she walked towards Ajini with a smile. "Goodday, I'm here to bring my little pup. She looked behind her, as Negua had changed into human form a well, holding her mother's hand. Negua looked up with big eyes.

((Alright so I accidentally posted the first post in the wrong forum. My bad))
((So this is grown up **** so I'm Negua's mother as well for a moment, she's not a present character so I won't make a CS))

Negua followed her mother, as they had been traveling for about an hour. She didn't quite understand where she was going, yet wherever her mother went, she would follow. Her mother walked slowly so Negua could keep up. Her tail was relaxed, and thus Negua's was as well. They finally arrived at the place. Negua had never been here before. "Matim, where are we?" "Quiet, Negua, I need to sign you up." She spoke patiently. She went into human form as she walked towards Ajini with a smile. "Goodday, I'm here to bring my little pup. She looked behind her, as Negua had changed into human form a well, holding her mother's hand. Negua looked up with big eyes.
Huojin | Councilor | Kriti (@Glacora)

Huojin watched Vieeto go before responding to Kriti. Unsurprisingly still smiling, what a weirdo guy. "Think I will. Although they all seem excited for this", he chuckles at the end. "Can you handle clean up from arts and crafts though?"

Eitojin | Security | Open to Interaction

Looked up hearing the tots migrating for another activity. Turning his head to see where they were. Perhaps it was time to move over and keep watch. Soon enough another child was being added to the decent sized group they had already. Eitojin rolled his eyes slightly but moved closer to where folks were having story time after excusing himself from those he'd been with.

Enku & Raku | Children/Siblings | Open to Interaction
(They’re always together unless specified otherwise)

Enku nearly tripped several times zipping over to Allie, this time not dragging her brother along. So he was able to walk over rather peacefully. Admitedly giggling a bit at the other before asking "You alright?", to Enku. She nodded before looking at Allie "We do!".
Huojin | Councilor | Kriti (@Glacora)

Huojin watched Vieeto go before responding to Kriti. Unsurprisingly still smiling, what a weirdo guy. "Think I will. Although they all seem excited for this", he chuckles at the end. "Can you handle clean up from arts and crafts though?"

Eitojin | Security | Open to Interaction

Looked up hearing the tots migrating for another activity. Turning his head to see where they were. Perhaps it was time to move over and keep watch. Soon enough another child was being added to the decent sized group they had already. Eitojin rolled his eyes slightly but moved closer to where folks were having story time after excusing himself from those he'd been with.

Enku & Raku | Children/Siblings | Open to Interaction
(They’re always together unless specified otherwise)

Enku nearly tripped several times zipping over to Allie, this time not dragging her brother along. So he was able to walk over rather peacefully. Admitedly giggling a bit at the other before asking "You alright?", to Enku. She nodded before looking at Allie "We do!".

"Hello, hello! Are you Negua?" she asked the little one. "It's very nice to meet you." Her voice was low, and almost (but not entirely) inhuman. She turned her attention back to the woman before her. "And you're here to sign her up? Wonderful. I assume she hasn't been here before, so I'll need you to fill this out. She pushed a clipboard along the sign-in counter with surprisingly dexterous paws.

"Hello, hello! Are you Negua?" she asked the little one. "It's very nice to meet you." Her voice was low, and almost (but not entirely) inhuman. She turned her attention back to the woman before her. "And you're here to sign her up? Wonderful. I assume she hasn't been here before, so I'll need you to fill this out. She pushed a clipboard along the sign-in counter with surprisingly dexterous paws.
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Kriti laughs like a pig at the question. She has to wipe a tear from her eye as she tries to regain her breath. “Can I... can I ha-” She bursts into laughter again, snorting all the while. She finds the question far too funny. It takes a minute, but she eventually calms down. “It’s my job silly! Of course I can handle clean up!” She starts to pick up the bottles of paint and paint brushes she put on their desks. “As for you, you better hurry. If you don’t you’ll miss the story!”

Kriti laughs like a pig at the question. She has to wipe a tear from her eye as she tries to regain her breath. “Can I... can I ha-” She bursts into laughter again, snorting all the while. She finds the question far too funny. It takes a minute, but she eventually calms down. “It’s my job silly! Of course I can handle clean up!” She starts to pick up the bottles of paint and paint brushes she put on their desks. “As for you, you better hurry. If you don’t you’ll miss the story!”
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